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Lesson 4 - User queries

Goal of the lesson

In Lesson 3 we've added historical database and triggered end of day processing which wrote content of in-memory database (rdb - tables trade and quote) to hdb. In this lesson we will add a new component - accessPoint. This new component will load q file with custom queries enabling us to retrieve and process data from rdb and hdb.


It is assumed that Installation page is read, system is deployed and working. Specifically these sections should be looked at in more detail:

Components used

In this lesson we will expand system from Lesson 3 with accessPoint:

  • access.ap - accessPoint is basically a container for business logic, it will:
    • load custom library with predefined queries
    • establish connections to core.hdb and core.rdb components


Resources in the system

Resources in the system

Configuration files


In Lesson 3 it was already shown how components are created: by adding relevant sub-section in the system.cfg. It's no different in this case - including access.ap is simply done by adding few lines (129 - 136).

access.ap component is located in new section [group:access] (line 127) which highlights that this component belongs to different functional part of the created system.


It is up to the system designer to decide on the grouping and names of components used within the system.

--- system.cfg     (Lesson 3)
+++ system.cfg     (Lesson 4)

   47. # List of directories with libraries. 
-  48. libPath = ${EC_SYS_PATH}/bin/ec/components/${EC_COMPONENT_PKG}, ${EC_SYS_PATH}/bin/ec/libraries/
+  48. libPath = ${EC_SYS_PATH}/bin/ec/components/${EC_COMPONENT_PKG}, ${EC_SYS_PATH}/bin/ec/libraries/, ${EC_SYS_PATH}/bin/ec/tutorial/Lesson04/src


+ 127. [group:access]
+ 128.
+ 129.   [[access.ap]]                        # Component named 'access.ap' (EC_COMPONENT_ID) - access point for the users, contains business logic
+ 130.    command = "q accessPoint.q"         # - command line string
+ 131.    libs = demolib/queries              # - loading custom library "demolib/queries.q" with custom queries.
+ 132.    type = q:accessPoint/accessPoint    # - q component of type 'accessPoint' (EC_COMPONENT_TYPE) 
+ 133.                                        #   from package 'accessPoint' (EC_COMPONENT_PKG)      
+ 134.    port = ${basePort} + 50             # - port 
+ 135.    memCap = 5000                       # - q process memory cap in MB (-w q option)
+ 136.    cfg.serverAux = core.rdb, core.hdb  # - list of servers that will be used by the accessPoint queries

Loading libraries using libs field

All custom queries used in this lesson are defined in demolib/queries.q file under tutorial/Lesson04/src/ directory.

Custom libraries are loaded by setting libs field in the component's subsection (line 131). In our case libs field contains one library demolib/queries. System searches for demolib/queries library in all paths defined in libPath (line 48). First file matching following pattern will be loaded:

[ libPath ] + [ libs ] + [ .q ]

In our case, it will search for the following files and load the first one which is available:

 ${EC_SYS_PATH}/bin/ec/tutorial/Lesson04/src/demolib/queries.q    <<<< load first existing "demolib/queries" lib 

File ${EC_SYS_PATH}/bin/ec/tutorial/Lesson04/src/demolib/queries.q will be loaded to the process.


Loading custom libraries with libs field can be used in all components.

Using the system

Check system state

DemoSystem> yak info \*
  uid                pid   port  status      started             stopped            
  access.ap          11280 17050 RUNNING     2014.05.08 07:40:03
  core.gen           11281 17009 RUNNING     2014.05.08 07:40:03                    
  core.hdb           11290 17012 RUNNING     2014.05.08 07:40:04
  core.rdb           11293 17011 RUNNING     2014.05.08 07:40:04                    
  core.tick          11287 17010 RUNNING     2014.05.08 07:40:03

Check connections

We use accessPoint component for querying both rdb and hdb. Therefore, it is vital that both connections are configured and the data is available.

q)/execute on process access.ap, port 17050
server  | timeout | state      | connstr            | handle | ashandle | topen              
--------+ --------+------------+--------------------+--------+----------+-------------------------------
core.hdb| 100     | registered |  ::17012:tu:0x5... |  10i   | -10i     | 2014.06.02D09:24:29.134865000   
core.rdb| 100     | registered |  ::17011:tu:0x5f...|  11i   | -11i     | 2014.06.02D09:24:33.832915000       

Please note state registered which indicates that no connection attempts have been made so far. Other possible states are:

  • open - connection to client is open and ready to use
  • close - connection to client was closed by server (e.g. server disconnected)
  • lost - connection to client was lost (e.g. client was terminated)
  • failed - attempt to connect to client failed (e.g. client is not running)

Check if DemoSystem/data/core.hdb contains hdb data

q)/ execute on process core.hdb, port 17012
q) .hdb.status[] 
tab   | format     | rowsCnt | err |  columns    
quote | PARTITIONED | 3570    |     | `date `sym `time `bid `bidSize `ask `askSize
trade | PARTITIONED | 720     |     | `date `sym `time `price `size

Check if library is properly loaded in access.ap

All custom queries are defined in the ec/tutorial/Lesson04/src/demolib/queries.q file (please compare to the line 48 of system.cfg presented above). Code is written according to Exxeleron q coding conventions. All queries are written in the .example namespace.

To see the full list of queries from q:

q)/ execute on process access.ap, port 17050
q) \f .example

Check queries available in access.ap


The following section presents some basic q queries and it is dedicated to fresh q users. If you already have experience with q, you can omit it.

In order to execute one of the custom queries, type its name and provide all parameters in square brackets separated by semicolons. More about q functions can be found in Q for Mortals from Jeffry A. Borror.

q)/ execute on process access.ap, port 17050
q) .example.functionalLastPriceNMinutesBar[30i; `instr0]
sym    | minute | price
instr0 | 06:00  |	29.67
instr0 | 06:30  |	12.49
instr0 | 07:00  |	0.28

q) .example.vwap[]
sym     | vwap  
instr0	| 50.04
instr1	| 54.12
instr10	| 47.73


For simplicity quote and trade tables are generated automatically and independently using core.gen component. Therefore, inconsistencies such as price higher/lower than bid/ask may occur.

To see the body of the query, type its name:

q)/ execute on process access.ap, port 17050
q) .example.vwap
"{[] .hnd.h[`core.rdb] "select vwap: size wavg price by sym from trade"}"

Note: For interprocess communication the qsl/handle.q library is used.

Examples of different custom queries.

rdb queries

The number of records in quote table by hour:

q)/ execute on process access.ap, port 17050
hh   | cnt
5    | 120
6    | 3001

Records from quote and trade tables are joined based on the time and sym columns using aj function.


For more details about joints available in q, please visit official Kx reference page.

time         | sym     | price | size | bid   | bidSize | ask   | askSize
05:59:53.937 | instr98 | 78.94 | 25	  | 95.92 | 91	    | 72.69 | 99
05:59:53.937 | instr17 | 42.44 | 18	  | 53.00 | 56	    | 48.86 | 33

Last price by symbol from trade table:

sym   | price   
------+ --------
instr0| 65.24
instr1| 72.48

Last price in 10 minutes bars for first symbol from trade table:

minute| price   
------+ ------
05:45 | 72.67 
06:00 | 80.53


More about grouping using xbar can be found here.

Last price in 30 minutes bars for symbol instr0 from trade table:

q) .example.functionalLastPriceNMinutesBar[30i; `instr0]
sym    | minute | price
instr0 | 06:00  |	29.67
instr0 | 06:30  |	12.49
instr0 | 07:00  |	0.28

Orders for which bid size was greater than average by symbol from quote table:

time         | sym    | bid   | bidSize | ask     | askSize
05:59:48.935 | instr1 | 37.56 | 64      | 97.85   | 34     
05:59:48.935 | instr73| 52.94 | 82      | 94.416  | 61  

Volume-weighted average price by symbol:

q) .example.vwap[]
sym     | vwap  
instr0	| 50.04
instr1	| 54.12
instr10	| 47.73

hdb queries

Volume-weighted average price by symbol and date:

q)/ execute on process access.ap, port 17050
sym    |  date      | vwap    
instr0 | 2014.05.28 | 51.99
instr1 | 2014.05.28 | 51.49

open, high, low, close, volume-weighted average price from hdb trade table aggregated by date, symbol and time bars:

q).example.ohlcVwap[`instr0`instr1;.z.d-2; 08:00:00; 20:00:00; 600]
date       |sym     | time     | open  | high  | low   | close | size | vwap    
-----------+--------+----------|------ +-------+-------+-------+------+------
2014.05.28 | instr0 | 09:00:00 | 70.80 | 70.80 | 70.80 | 70.80 | 83   | 70.80
2014.05.28 | instr0 | 09:10:00 | 15.95 | 86.75 | 11.53 | 11.53 | 420  | 49.15

hdb and rdb queries - qsl/query lib

Until now, we queried rdb and hdb separately. In case of queries which retrieve data from both components there is a possibility to use dedicated library libraries/qsl/query.q. A function is defined there and detailed documentation with examples of use is provided. Below only one example is shown, the same function as above, but with data from both components.

❗ Note:

Explaining the q syntax for queries is outside of the scope of this document. In particular, there's significant difference between using q-sql for in-memory (rdb) and persistent databases (hdb). More details can be obtained from thorough "Q for Mortals" from Jeffry A. Borror (rdb queries and hdb queries ).

open, high, low, close, volume-weighted average price from hdb and rdb trade table aggregated by date, symbol and time bars:

q)/ execute on process access.ap, port 17050
q).example.ohlcVwap2[syms;(.z.d-2;.z.d); 06:00:00; 20:00:00; 600]   
date       |sym     | time     | open  | high  | low   | close | size | vwap    
-----------+--------+----------|------ +-------+-------+-------+------+-------
2014.05.28 | instr0 | 09:00:00 | 70.80 | 70.80 | 70.80 | 70.80 | 83   | 70.80
2014.05.28 | instr0 | 09:10:00 | 15.95 | 86.75 | 11.53 | 11.53 | 420  | 49.15


If you would like to add more custom queries, modify one of the libraries specified in the system.cfg file and restart access.ap process.



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