Allows to communicate with Ledger Hardware Wallets.
[Web] (WebAuthn) – WebAuthn api. check browser support.
There is a "blink" at each time there is a communication with the device due to WebAuthn. WebAuthn is meant for authentification and we use it for communication, ideally prefer WebUSB.
Extends Transport
WebAuthn Transport implementation
import TransportWebAuthn from "@ledgerhq/hw-transport-webauthn";
TransportWebAuthn.create().then(transport => ...)
Exchange with the device using APDU protocol.
Returns Promise<Buffer> a promise of apdu response
A scramble key is a string that xor the data exchanged. It depends on the device app you need to exchange with. For instance it can be "BTC" for the bitcoin app, "B0L0S" for the dashboard.