There are two ways to communicate with Ledger Device. From browser using u2f
and using HID
from nodejs.
Most of the examples are on node.js.
- ./bcoin-getPublicKey.js - Get public key for BIP32 path.
- ./bcoin-getXPUBs.js - Get XPUB and public keys from it.
- ./bcoin-verifyAddress.js - Verify addresses on device screen.
- ./bcoin-p2pkh.js - Sign P2PKH transaction.
- ./bcoin-getP2SH-address.js - Get P2SH address.
- ./bcoin-spendP2SH.js - Sign P2SH transaction.
- ./bcoin-p2wpkh.js - Sign P2WPKH transaction.
- ./u2f/index.js - U2F usage from browser to get XPUB and derive keys.