if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
-f <- list.files(pattern=".wav", full.names = TRUE, path = system.file(package="dynaSpec"))
-# default behavior should be a decent start for good recordings; doesn't save anything, just plots
-# to use with paged_spectro or to do other stuff, you need to assign the
-# resulting object, but it will still always plot the first spec
-# let's add axes and boost the signal a smidge
-femaleBarnSwallow <- prep_static_ggspectro(f[1],destFolder="wd",
-onlyPlotSpec = FALSE, bgFlood=TRUE,ampTrans=2)
-# feels like we're missing a little bit of the quieter signals; let's lower
-# the minimum amplitude threshold a bit
-onlyPlotSpec = FALSE, bgFlood=TRUE,ampTrans=2,min_dB=-35)
-#now for a male song
-maleBarnSwallow<-prep_static_ggspectro(f[2],destFolder="wd",onlyPlotSpec = FALSE,
-#Nice, but the trill is fading out; I'm gonna signal boost and lower the min_dB
-maleBarnSwallow<-prep_static_ggspectro(f[2],destFolder="wd",onlyPlotSpec = FALSE,
-#much stronger, now let's combine them (you need the cowplot package)
-# cowplot::plot_grid(femaleBarnSwallow$spec[[1]]+xlim(0,5)+ggtitle("female barn swallow song"),
-# maleBarnSwallow$spec[[1]]+xlim(0,5)+ggtitle("male barn swallow song"),ncol=1,labels="auto")
-# ggsave("M&F_barn_swallow_song_specs.jpeg")
-# see more examples at https://marce10.github.io/dynaSpec/
-} # }