This repo holds code and configuration to create a lambda based slash commands for Slack. The processing of the commands is done asynchronously.
Slack allows support both sync and async API. For synchronus calls the timeout is 3 seconds. For longer processing periods, async API is the way to go. This repository configured to respond in async manner. It is done by responding with 200 OK
to the initial call and passing the callback url to the handler function.
To deploy this you will need the following
- AWS credentails and access to create Cloudformation stacks, Lambda functions, Api Gateways, IAM policies and S3 buckets
- S3 bucket
- Access in Slack to create your own App
Secrets are passed to the lambda via environment variables. These are set by CloudFormation
via parameters. Add secrets to envars.sample.json
file and rename it to envars.json
- SESSIONISE_KEY: the API id you can generate in under API/Embed section
- TITO_KEY: v3 API key generated in the user profile
- SLACK_KEY: Slack's app signing secret key generated in the App credentails section
Testing behaviour of the lambda can be done locally:
$ sam local invoke -n envars.json -e event_cfp.json
sam local start-api
won't work because currently local API Gateway doesn't support
mapping templates.
First build and package:
$ sam build
$ sam package --s3-bucket <bucket> --output-template-file packaged.yaml
Now deploy with awscli:
$ cloudformation deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name <name> --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameter-overrides $(jq -r '.Function | to_entries | .[] | .key +"="+ .value ' envars.json)
If deployed successfully, you can list outputs with:
$ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name> --query "Stacks[0].Outputs"
Create a new App in Slack. Under the Slash Command section add your commands.
Set Request URL
to point at the OutputValue
of Api OutputKey