- [Order] remove unused CartRepository (coreshop#1801)
- [PimcoreBundle] add coreshop:migration:migrate and coreshop:migration:generate (coreshop#1802)
- [FrontendBundle] fix new form namespace (coreshop#1807)
- [Index] make ListingInterface a Pimcore PaginateListingInterface (coreshop#1790)
- [Cart] fix existing cart initialization on customer login (coreshop#1779)
- [CoreBundle] fix saving stores in PaymentProvider (coreshop#1783)
- [Index] make IndexProcess compatible with the interface (coreshop#1782)
- [User] remove md5 password and use password_hash (coreshop#1780)
- [ThemeBundle] refactor theme-context to work with area-bricks (coreshop#1778)
- [ThemeBundle] remove sylius theme-aware-translator, that doesn't work well with Pimcore (coreshop#1777)
- [ResourceBundle] allow easier custom resources (coreshop#1776)
- [Index] remove dbal connection in AbstractListing (coreshop#1769)
- [Store select / multiselect] Support getOptions() via option provider (coreshop#1773)
- [CoreExtensions] refactor how Doctrine Entities are cloned (coreshop#1770)
- [Faker] use fakerphp/faker (coreshop#1768)
- [CoreBundle] remove duplicate paymentTotal and convertedPaymentTotal from class definition (coreshop#1766)
- [OrderBundle] fix admin en translations (coreshop#1764)
- [All] remove installed translations and use symfony translations instead (coreshop#1762)
- PHP8.0 Return Types (coreshop#1288, coreshop#1666)
- Cart eq Order eq Quote - one Object to rule them all (coreshop#1289)
- Strict Types (coreshop#1294)
- make service-aliases deprecated and change all internal uses of it (coreshop#1320)
- change IndexableInterface and pass IndexInterface (coreshop#1326)
- remove php template helpers (coreshop#1323)
- [Panther] Implement ui-tests (coreshop#1335, coreshop#1347)
- introduce class translations (coreshop#1349)
- change cart/order base-currency conversion (coreshop#1324)
- Allow to create a new Customer within the order-creation Process (coreshop#1236)
- introduce currency fraction display provider service (coreshop#1394)
- introduce tax-display service (coreshop#1393)
- integration to dachcom-digital/pimcore-seo (coreshop#1399)
- remove usage of ItemKeyTransformer Service and use DataObject\Service directly (coreshop#1411)
- create default address if customer doesn't have one (coreshop#1435)
- apply confirm and pay transition for orders with value of 0 (coreshop#1434)
- resolve theme only if not in admin (coreshop#1505)
- Pimcore X Compatibility (coreshop#1511, coreshop#1574, coreshop#1599, coreshop#1621)
- migrate to sylius/theme-bundle (coreshop#1513)
- implement new JS Routing and start with first backend tests (coreshop#1420)
- some JMS fixes and payum concurrency test (coreshop#1550)
- cleanup proposal stuff and fix serialization of Doctrine collections (coreshop#1641)
- migrate migrations to Doctrine Migrations Bundle (coreshop#1635)
- Feature/customer list (coreshop#1667)
- Fix merge for index-conditions (coreshop#1673)
- fix voucher modifier with empty voucher code (coreshop#1672)
- [ResourceBundle] fix unserialization of CoreShop entities saved by pimcore auto save (coreshop#1674)
- split customer and user into seperate entities (coreshop#1669)
- add proper events for cart-item add and remove (coreshop#1676)
- Introduce a folder creation service which loads the paths directly from the metadata (coreshop#1677)
- Introduce payum payment bundle (coreshop#1675)
- [Slug] default generate slugs and use instead of static routes for product and category (coreshop#1678, coreshop#1701)
- [FrontendBundle] Macro "price" is not defined in template (coreshop#1684)
- [SEO - ImageExtractor] Add thumbnail definition coreshop_seo (coreshop#1688)
- [Shipping] Ability to hide carrier from checkout (coreshop#1693)
- [Psalm] Introduce Psaml Tests for Components (coreshop#1727)
- Removed security.yaml, since Pimcore 10, you have to define the security config yourself, just copy following to config/packages/security.yaml (coreshop#1599)
coreshop.security.frontend_regex: "^/(?!admin)[^/]++"
id: CoreShop\Bundle\CoreBundle\Security\ObjectUserProvider
anonymous: ~
provider: coreshop_customer
pattern: '%coreshop.security.frontend_regex%'
context: shop
login_path: coreshop_login
check_path: coreshop_login_check
provider: coreshop_customer
failure_path: coreshop_login
default_target_path: coreshop_index
use_forward: false
use_referer: true
secret: "%secret%"
lifetime: 31536000
remember_me_parameter: _remember_me
path: coreshop_logout
target: coreshop_login
invalidate_session: false
success_handler: CoreShop\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\ShopUserLogoutHandler
- { path: "%coreshop.security.frontend_regex%/_partial", role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY, ips: [, ::1] }
- { path: "%coreshop.security.frontend_regex%/_partial", role: ROLE_NO_ACCESS }