There are two parameters. One is "methodtag"
, which represents the method you want to use, which you can get from the "Python console" when "toBurp export", and the other is "argsinfo"
, which represents the parameter value you passed to the method.
The packet returned by the interface is the return value of the method after execution.
encrypt method:public static java.lang.String com.one.sdk.e.b.a(java.lang.String)
export methodtag :tag94323745d0c8a4c174e41081bd50002301
Parameter values need to be Base64 encoded once.
# coding:utf-8
import requests
import base64
import json
def main():
url = ""
methodtag = "tag94323745d0c8a4c174e41081bd50002301"
valuse = 'HTTPDecrypt'
print("values: {}".format(valuse))
argsinfo = base64.b64encode(valuse.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
argsinfo = json.dumps({"0":argsinfo})
data = {"methodtag":base64.b64encode(methodtag.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8"),"argsinfo":argsinfo}
result = requests.post(url=url,data=data)
print("result: {}".format(result.text))
if __name__ == '__main__':
If the method has multiple arguments, keep adding dictionary keys.
argsinfo = {"0":"The value of the first argument","1":"The value of the two argument","n":"The value of the n+1 argument"}
Notice that the order of the values in the dictionary needs to correspond to the order of the formal parameters of the function.
method : a(int,String)
The parameter should be correct -> {"0":666,"1":"String"}
incorrect -> {"0":"String","1":6666}
refer to the provided Burp plug-in code.