Releases: lyonlai/blessed-vue
Releases · lyonlai/blessed-vue
Blessed Vue 2.0.1
Blessed Vue 2.0.0
blessed-vue 1.2.0
- compiled against VueJS 2.3.0
blessed-vue 1.1.0
Added supports blessed-contrib
- blessed-contrib is supported.
- overlapping tags are: line, log and table. by default contrib element is used, how ever if you want to use the blessed counterpart. just put attribute :blessed="true".
blessed-vue is out!
- supports laying out your blessed application in markup language.
- has same sfc(single file component) support via vue-loader or rollup-plugin-vue2
- support styling blessed element via string/array/object.
- screen object is also one of the element, so you put make screen object reactive too.