Module gen_wiki
-This script generates the Pokete wiki
--Expand source code -
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-"""This script generates the Pokete wiki"""
-import os
-from os.path import exists, isdir
-import sys
-import scrap_engine as se
-import release
-from pokete_classes.effects import effects, effect_list
-from pokete_data import pokes, attacks, types, items, maps
-SILENT = False
-QUIET = False
-class Wiki:
- """The class in which wiki generation behaviour is defined"""
- @staticmethod
- def start() -> str:
- """The start and title of the wiki
- Returns
- ---
- The title of the wiki page.
- """
- return f"""v{release.VERSION}
-# Pokete Wiki
-This wiki/documentation is a compilation of all Poketes, attacks, and types present in the Pokete game.
-The wiki can be generated using ```$ ./```.
-Use ```$ ./ help``` to get more information about different wikis.
-You can find different versions of this wiki:
-- A single-page version can be found [here](
-- A multi-page version can be found [here](
- @staticmethod
- def overview(multi_page: bool = False) -> str:
- """A short overview of what the wiki contains.
- Arguments
- ---------
- - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page wiki or not.
- Returns
- -------
- An overview for a multi-page wiki.
- """
- return "Table of contents\n" + \
- "\n".join(
- f"{i + 1}. [{name.capitalize()}]({'' if multi_page else '#'}{name})"
- for i, name in enumerate(["poketes", "attacks", "types", "item",
- "effects"])) + "\n"
- @staticmethod
- def get_name(poke):
- """Returns the name of a Pokete to display in headings"""
- additional = ""
- if "_night" in poke:
- additional = " night"
- elif "_day" in poke:
- additional = " day"
- return pokes[poke]['name'] + additional
- @staticmethod
- def table_of_contents(multi_page: bool = False) -> str:
- """The table of contents of the pokete wiki
- Arguments
- ---------
- - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page wiki or not.
- Returns
- -------
- A Table of contents for a single page wiki.
- """
- out = ''
- # Table of contents
- if not multi_page:
- out += """## Table of contents
-1. [Poketes](#poketes)
- for i, typ in enumerate(sorted(types)):
- out += f""" {i + 1}. [{typ.capitalize()} Poketes](#{typ}-poketes)\n"""
- for j, poke in enumerate([k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if
- pokes[k]["types"][0] == typ]):
- out += f""" {j + 1}. [{Wiki.get_name(poke)}](#{poke.replace("_", "-")})\n"""
- out += "2. [Attacks](#attacks)\n"
- for i, typ in enumerate(sorted(types)):
- out += f""" {i + 1}. [{typ.capitalize()} attacks](#{typ}-attacks)\n"""
- for j, atc in enumerate([k for k in sorted(attacks) if
- attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]):
- out += f""" {j + 1}. [{attacks[atc]["name"]}](#{attacks[atc]["name"]
- .replace(" ", "-").lower()})\n"""
- out += """3. [Types](#types)
-4. [Items](#items)
- for j, item in enumerate(sorted(items)):
- out += f""" {j + 1}. [{items[item]["pretty_name"]}](#{item.replace("_", "-")})\n"""
- out += """5. [Effects](#effects)
- for j, effect in enumerate(effect_list):
- out += f""" {j + 1}. [{effect.c_name.capitalize()}](#{effect.c_name.replace("_", "-")})
- else:
- out += """## Table of contents
-1. [Poketes](./poketes)
- for i, typ in enumerate(sorted(types)):
- out += f""" {i + 1}. [{typ.capitalize()} Poketes](./poketes/{typ})\n"""
- for j, poke in enumerate([k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if
- pokes[k]["types"][0] == typ]):
- out += f""" {j + 1}. [{Wiki.get_name(poke)}](./poketes/{typ}#{poke.replace("_", "-")})\n"""
- out += "2. [Attacks](./attacks)\n"
- for i, typ in enumerate(sorted(types)):
- out += f""" {i + 1}. [{typ.capitalize()} attacks](./attacks/{typ})\n"""
- for j, atc in enumerate([k for k in sorted(attacks) if
- attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]):
- out += f""" {j + 1}. [{attacks[atc]["name"]}](./attack/{typ}#{atc.replace("_", "-")})\n"""
- out += """3. [Types](./types)
-4. [Items](./items)
- for j, item in enumerate(sorted(items)):
- out += f""" {j + 1}. [{items[item]["pretty_name"]}](./items#{item.replace("_", "-")})\n"""
- out += """5. [Effects](./effects)
- for j, effect in enumerate(effect_list):
- out += f""" {j + 1}. [{effect.c_name.capitalize()}](./effects#{effect.c_name.replace("_", "-")})
- return out
- @staticmethod
- def poketes(page_mode='single', pokete_type=None) -> str:
- """The function to add all poketes and their attributes to the wiki.
- Arguments:
- ----------
- - page_mode (string): Defines for what the output will be used. Can be:
- - single: all poketes listed by their types with single-page links
- - index: Just the index of all pokete types with multi-page links
- - multi: Information about the pokete type definied in pokete_type
- with multi-page links.
- - pokete_type: Only necessary if page_mode is set to 'index': Then
- defines the pokete type to get the information and links of.
- Returns
- -------
- All poketes and their attributes as a markdown string.
- """
- if page_mode == 'single':
- out = """
-## Poketes
-In the following all Poketes with their attributes are displayed.
- for typ in sorted(types):
- out += f"### {typ.capitalize()} Poketes"
- for poke in [k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if
- pokes[k]["types"][0] == typ]:
- print(f' -> Adding {pokes[poke]["name"]}')
- out += Wiki.poke_info(poke)
- return out
- elif page_mode == 'index':
- out = """# Poketes
-In the following all Poketes with their attributes are displayed.
- for typ in sorted(types):
- out += f"- [{typ.capitalize()} Poketes](./{typ})\n"
- out += "\n---\n\n## All poketes sorted by their type:\n"
- for typ in sorted(types):
- out += f"- [{typ.capitalize()} Poketes](./{typ})\n"
- for poke in [k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if
- pokes[k]["types"][0] == typ]:
- out += f""" - [{pokes[poke]["name"].capitalize()}](./{typ}#{poke})\n"""
- return out
- elif page_mode == 'multi':
- if pokete_type is not None:
- out = f"# {pokete_type.capitalize()} Poketes"
- for poke in [k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if
- pokes[k]["types"][0] == pokete_type]:
- if poke == sorted(list(pokes)[1:])[-1]:
- print(f' `-> Adding {pokes[poke]["name"]}')
- else:
- print(f' |-> Adding {pokes[poke]["name"]}')
- out += Wiki.poke_info(poke=poke, multi_page=True)
- return out
- raise AttributeError(
- "Pokete_type can not be none, if mode 'multi' is selected.")
- raise AttributeError("Please select a valid page mode of: 'single',"
- "'index' or 'multi'!")
- @staticmethod
- def poke_info(poke: str, multi_page: bool = False) -> str:
- """Generates information about a specific pokete
- Arguments:
- ---------
- - poke (string): The pokete to get the information of.
- - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page
- wiki or not.
- Returns
- -------
- A markdown string of all the attributes and information of the pokete.
- """
- if (evolve_pokete := pokes[poke]["evolve_poke"]) == "":
- evolve_txt = "- Does not evolve\n"
- else:
- evolve_txt = f"""- Evolves to [{Wiki.get_name(evolve_pokete)}]({f'./{pokes[evolve_pokete]["types"][0]}'
- if multi_page else ""}#{evolve_pokete.replace("_", "-")}) at level {pokes[poke]['evolve_lvl']}"""
- md_attacks = "\n + " + "\n + ".join(f"""[{attacks[atc]["name"]}]({
- f'../attacks/{attacks[atc]["types"][0].capitalize()}'
- if multi_page else ""
- }#{attacks[atc]["name"]
- .replace(" ", "-").lower()})"""
- for atc in
- pokes[poke]["attacks"])
- # ico
- ico_map = se.Map(4, 11, background=" ")
- for ico in pokes[poke]["ico"]:
- se.Text(ico["txt"], state="float", ignore=" ").add(ico_map, 0, 0)
- ico = "".join("".join(arr) + "\n" for arr in
- active = {
- True: "Night",
- False: "Day",
- None: "Always",
- }[pokes[poke].get("night_active")]
- md_locations = "\n + ".join(maps[i]["pretty_name"] for i in maps
- if maps[i]["poke_args"] is not None
- and poke in maps[i]["poke_args"]["pokes"]
- or "w_poke_args" in maps[i]
- and poke in maps[i]["w_poke_args"][
- "pokes"])
- return f"""
-##{'' if multi_page else '##'} {Wiki.get_name(poke)}
-- Type: [{pokes[poke]["types"][0].capitalize()}]({'../types' if multi_page
- else '#types'})
-- Health points: {pokes[poke]["hp"]}
-- Attack factor: {pokes[poke]["atc"]}
-- Defense factor: {pokes[poke]["defense"]}
-- Initiative: {pokes[poke]["initiative"]}
-- Missing chance: {pokes[poke]["miss_chance"]}
-- Rarity: {pokes[poke]["rarity"]}
-- Loosing experience: {pokes[poke]["lose_xp"]}
-- Attacks:{md_attacks}
-- Active: {active}
-- Can be found in:
- + {md_locations if md_locations != "" else "Nowhere"}
- @staticmethod
- def attacks(multi_page: bool = False) -> str or list:
- """The function to all attacks to the wiki.
- Arguments
- ---------
- - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page
- wiki or not.
- Returns
- -------
- A markdown string of all attacks with their attributes and informations.
- """
- if multi_page:
- index = """# Attacks
-Those are all attacks present in the game.
- pages = []
- for typ in sorted(types):
- print(f" -> Adding {typ}")
- index += f"\n- [{typ.capitalize()}](./{typ})"
- page = f"# {typ.capitalize()} attacks"
- for atc in [k for k in attacks if
- attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]:
- if multi_page:
- if atc == [k for k in attacks if
- attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ][-1]:
- print(f' `-> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}')
- else:
- print(f' |-> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}')
- else:
- print(f' -> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}')
- page += Wiki.attack_info(atc, True)
- pages.append((f"{typ}.md", page))
- index += "\n\n---\n\n## All attacks sorted by their type:\n"
- for typ in sorted(types):
- index += f"- [{typ.capitalize()} Attacks](./{typ})\n"
- for atc in [k for k in attacks if
- attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]:
- index += f""" - [{attacks[atc]["name"].capitalize()}](./{typ}#{atc.replace('_', '-')})\n"""
- index += '\n'
- pages.insert(0, ("", index))
- return pages
- out = """
-## Attacks
-Those are all attacks present in the game.
- for typ in sorted(types):
- out += f"\n### {typ.capitalize()} attacks"
- for atc in [k for k in attacks if
- attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]:
- if atc == \
- [k for k in attacks if attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ][
- -1]:
- print(f' `-> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}')
- else:
- print(f' |-> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}')
- out += Wiki.attack_info(atc)
- return out
- @staticmethod
- def attack_info(attack: str, multi_page: bool = False) -> str:
- """The function to collect information and attributes of a specific
- attack
- Arguments
- ---------
- - attacks (string): The attack to collect the information of.
- - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page
- wiki or not.
- Returns
- -------
- A markdown string with the information about the attack.
- """
- eff = None if attacks[attack]["effect"] is None \
- else getattr(effects, attacks[attack]["effect"])
- return f"""\n##{"" if multi_page else "##"} {attacks[attack]["name"]}
-- Type: [{attacks[attack]["types"][0].capitalize()}]({"../types" if multi_page
- else "#types"})
-- Minimum Level: {attacks[attack]["min_lvl"]}
-- Attack factor: {attacks[attack]["factor"]}
-- Missing chance: {attacks[attack]["miss_chance"]}
-- Attack points: {attacks[attack]["ap"]}
-- Effect: {"None" if eff is None else f'[{eff.c_name.capitalize()}]({"../effects" if multi_page else ""}#{eff.c_name.replace("_", "-")})'}
- @staticmethod
- def types(multi_page: bool = False) -> str:
- """The function to add all types to the wiki.
- Arguments
- ---------
- - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page
- wiki or not.
- Returns
- -------
- A markdown string of all available types.
- """
- out = f"""
-#{'' if multi_page else '#'} Types
-Those are all the Pokete/Attack types that are present in the game with all their (in)effectivities against other types.
-|Type|Effective against|Ineffective against|
- for poke_type in types:
- effective, ineffective = ("".join([i.capitalize() + (", "
- if i != types[
- poke_type][j][-1]
- else "")
- for i in types[poke_type][j]])
- for j in ["effective", "ineffective"])
- out += f"|{poke_type.capitalize()}|{effective}|{ineffective}|\n"
- return out + '\n'
- @staticmethod
- def items(multi_page: bool = False) -> str:
- """The function to add all items to the wiki.
- Arguments
- ---------
- - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page
- wiki or not.
- Returns
- -------
- A markdown string that contains information about all items.
- """
- return f"""#{'' if multi_page else '#'} Items
-Those are all items present in the game, that can be traded or found.
-""" + '\n'.join(Wiki.item_info(item=item, multi_page=multi_page)
- for item in sorted(items))
- @staticmethod
- def item_info(item: str, multi_page: bool = False) -> str:
- """The function to collect information and attributes of a specific item
- Arguments
- ---------
- - item (string): The item to collect the information of.
- - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page
- wiki or not.
- Returns
- -------
- A markdown string with the information about the item.
- """
- return f"""##{'' if multi_page else '#'} {items[item]["pretty_name"]}
-- Price: {items[item]["price"]}
-- Can be used in fights: {"Yes" if items[item]["fn"] is not None else "No"}
- @staticmethod
- def effects(multi_page: bool = False) -> str:
- """The function to add all effects to the wiki.
- Arguments
- ---------
- - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page
- wiki or not.
- Returns
- -------
- A markdown string of all the effects in the game.
- """
- if multi_page:
- out = """# Effects
-Those effects can be given to a Pokete through an attack.
- out += str.join("", [effect.ret_md() for effect in
- effect_list]).replace("###", "##")
- else:
- out = """
-## Effects
-Those effects can be given to a Pokete through an attack.
- out += str.join("", [effect.ret_md() for effect in effect_list])
- return out
- @staticmethod
- def single(filename: str = "") -> None:
- """The function to generate a single page wiki.
- This function creates the pokete wiki in a single file and adds the
- following to it:
- - title
- - table of contents
- - all poketes with information on them
- - all attacks with information on them
- - all types with information on them
- - all items with information on them
- - all effects with information on them
- Arguments:
- ---------
- - filename (string): The file to save the wiki to.
- """
- print(":: Generating")
- md_str: str = ""
- for _text, obj in zip(["page start", "table of contents", "poketes",
- "attacks", "types", "items", "effects"],
- [Wiki.start, Wiki.table_of_contents, Wiki.poketes,
- Wiki.attacks, Wiki.types, Wiki.items,
- Wiki.effects]):
- print(f"==> Adding {_text}...")
- md_str += obj()
- # writing to file
- print("==> Writing to")
- with open(filename, mode="w+", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- file.write(md_str)
- @staticmethod
- def multi(folder_name: str = "wiki") -> None:
- """The function to generate the wiki in multiple pages in a folder
- This function creates the pokete wiki in a single file and adds the
- following to it:
- - title
- - table of contents
- - all poketes with information on them
- - all attacks with information on them
- - all types with information on them
- - all items with information on them
- - all effects with information on them
- Arguments:
- ---------
- - folder_name (string): The folder to save the wiki to.
- """
- print(":: Generating multi-page wiki...")
- print("==> Checking if old wiki exists...")
- for folder in ['', '/poketes', '/attacks']:
- print(f' -> Checking "{folder_name}{folder}": ', end='')
- if exists(folder_name + folder):
- if not isdir(folder_name + folder):
- print("Does not exist. Making...")
- os.mkdir(folder_name + folder)
- else:
- print("Exists. Deleting and making new...")
- else:
- os.mkdir(folder_name + folder)
- print("Does not exist. Making...")
- print("==> Adding page start...")
- print(" -> Adding index...")
- index: str = Wiki.start()
- print(" -> Adding overview...")
- index += Wiki.overview(multi_page=True) + "\n---\n"
- print(" -> Adding table of contents...")
- index += Wiki.table_of_contents(multi_page=True)
- print(f' -> Writing to "{folder_name}/"...')
- with open(f"{folder_name}/", 'w') as file:
- file.write(index)
- print("==> Adding poketes...")
- print(" -> Adding")
- with open(f"{folder_name}/poketes/", 'w') as file:
- file.write(Wiki.poketes(page_mode='index'))
- for typ in types:
- with open(f"{folder_name}/poketes/{typ}.md", 'w') as file:
- file.write(Wiki.poketes(page_mode='multi', pokete_type=typ))
- print("==> Adding attacks...")
- for page in Wiki.attacks(multi_page=True):
- file_name, file_contents = page
- with open(f"{folder_name}/attacks/{file_name}", 'w') as file:
- file.write(file_contents)
- for name in ["types", "items", "effects"]:
- print(f"==> Adding {name}...")
- with open(f"{folder_name}/{name}.md", 'w') as file:
- file.write(getattr(Wiki, name)(multi_page=True))
-def gen_pics():
- """The function to generate a markdown file with some example pictures."""
- print(":: Generating")
- md_str = """# Example pictures
-""" + "\n\n".join(f"![{i}](ss/{i})" for i in sorted(os.listdir("assets/ss")))
- # writing to file
- with open("assets/", "w+") as file:
- file.write(md_str)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- SILENT, QUIET, VERBOSE = False, True, False
- Wiki.single()
- gen_pics()
- else:
- for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
- if arg.lower() in ["silent", "quite", "verbose"]:
- SILENT, QUIET, VERBOSE = False, False, False
- if arg.lower() == "silent":
- SILENT = True
- elif arg.lower() == "quite":
- QUIET = True
- else:
- VERBOSE = True
- elif arg.lower() == "single":
- Wiki.single()
- elif arg.lower() == "multi":
- Wiki.multi("wiki")
- elif arg.lower() == "pics":
- gen_pics()
- else:
- print(f"""
-{sys.argv[0]} OPTION1 (OPTION2 OPTION3 ...)
-silent:\t\tPrints no statements at all
-quite:\t\tPrints only some minimal statements
-verbose:\tPrints everything that it's doing
-single:\t\tGenerated the `` as a single file
-multi:\t\tGenerates a folder `wiki` with the wiki files
-\t\t(Warning: Links are for html pages, not markdown pages!)
-pics:\t\tGenerates the `assets/` file with all sample pictures
-- {sys.argv[0]} silent single verbose multi
-\t`-> Creates silently and the multi-wiki verbosely
-- {sys.argv[0]} quite single multi pics
-\t`-> Creates, the multi-page wiki and quitely
-Copyright (c) lxgr-linux <> 2021""")
- if arg.lower() not in ["-h", "--help", "help"]:
- sys.exit(2)
-def gen_pics() -
The function to generate a markdown file with some example pictures.
---Expand source code -
-def gen_pics(): - """The function to generate a markdown file with some example pictures.""" - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print(":: Generating") - md_str = """# Example pictures -""" + "\n\n".join(f"![{i}](ss/{i})" for i in sorted(os.listdir("assets/ss"))) - - # writing to file - with open("assets/", "w+") as file: - file.write(md_str)
-class Wiki -
The class in which wiki generation behaviour is defined
---Expand source code -
-class Wiki: - """The class in which wiki generation behaviour is defined""" - - @staticmethod - def start() -> str: - """The start and title of the wiki - - Returns - --- - The title of the wiki page. - """ - return f"""v{release.VERSION} - -# Pokete Wiki -This wiki/documentation is a compilation of all Poketes, attacks, and types present in the Pokete game. -The wiki can be generated using ```$ ./```. - -Use ```$ ./ help``` to get more information about different wikis. - -You can find different versions of this wiki: - -- A single-page version can be found [here]( -- A multi-page version can be found [here]( - -""" - - @staticmethod - def overview(multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """A short overview of what the wiki contains. - - Arguments - --------- - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - An overview for a multi-page wiki. - """ - return "Table of contents\n" + \ - "\n".join( - f"{i + 1}. [{name.capitalize()}]({'' if multi_page else '#'}{name})" - for i, name in enumerate(["poketes", "attacks", "types", "item", - "effects"])) + "\n" - - @staticmethod - def get_name(poke): - """Returns the name of a Pokete to display in headings""" - additional = "" - if "_night" in poke: - additional = " night" - elif "_day" in poke: - additional = " day" - return pokes[poke]['name'] + additional - - @staticmethod - def table_of_contents(multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """The table of contents of the pokete wiki - - Arguments - --------- - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A Table of contents for a single page wiki. - """ - out = '' - - # Table of contents - if not multi_page: - out += """## Table of contents -1. [Poketes](#poketes) -""" - for i, typ in enumerate(sorted(types)): - out += f""" {i + 1}. [{typ.capitalize()} Poketes](#{typ}-poketes)\n""" - for j, poke in enumerate([k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if - pokes[k]["types"][0] == typ]): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{Wiki.get_name(poke)}](#{poke.replace("_", "-")})\n""" - out += "2. [Attacks](#attacks)\n" - for i, typ in enumerate(sorted(types)): - out += f""" {i + 1}. [{typ.capitalize()} attacks](#{typ}-attacks)\n""" - for j, atc in enumerate([k for k in sorted(attacks) if - attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{attacks[atc]["name"]}](#{attacks[atc]["name"] - .replace(" ", "-").lower()})\n""" - out += """3. [Types](#types) -4. [Items](#items) -""" - for j, item in enumerate(sorted(items)): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{items[item]["pretty_name"]}](#{item.replace("_", "-")})\n""" - out += """5. [Effects](#effects) -""" - for j, effect in enumerate(effect_list): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{effect.c_name.capitalize()}](#{effect.c_name.replace("_", "-")}) -""" - - else: - out += """## Table of contents -1. [Poketes](./poketes) -""" - for i, typ in enumerate(sorted(types)): - out += f""" {i + 1}. [{typ.capitalize()} Poketes](./poketes/{typ})\n""" - for j, poke in enumerate([k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if - pokes[k]["types"][0] == typ]): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{Wiki.get_name(poke)}](./poketes/{typ}#{poke.replace("_", "-")})\n""" - out += "2. [Attacks](./attacks)\n" - for i, typ in enumerate(sorted(types)): - out += f""" {i + 1}. [{typ.capitalize()} attacks](./attacks/{typ})\n""" - for j, atc in enumerate([k for k in sorted(attacks) if - attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{attacks[atc]["name"]}](./attack/{typ}#{atc.replace("_", "-")})\n""" - out += """3. [Types](./types) -4. [Items](./items) -""" - for j, item in enumerate(sorted(items)): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{items[item]["pretty_name"]}](./items#{item.replace("_", "-")})\n""" - out += """5. [Effects](./effects) -""" - for j, effect in enumerate(effect_list): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{effect.c_name.capitalize()}](./effects#{effect.c_name.replace("_", "-")}) -""" - return out - - @staticmethod - def poketes(page_mode='single', pokete_type=None) -> str: - """The function to add all poketes and their attributes to the wiki. - - Arguments: - ---------- - - page_mode (string): Defines for what the output will be used. Can be: - - single: all poketes listed by their types with single-page links - - index: Just the index of all pokete types with multi-page links - - multi: Information about the pokete type definied in pokete_type - with multi-page links. - - pokete_type: Only necessary if page_mode is set to 'index': Then - defines the pokete type to get the information and links of. - - Returns - ------- - All poketes and their attributes as a markdown string. - """ - if page_mode == 'single': - out = """ -## Poketes -In the following all Poketes with their attributes are displayed. - -""" - for typ in sorted(types): - out += f"### {typ.capitalize()} Poketes" - for poke in [k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if - pokes[k]["types"][0] == typ]: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' -> Adding {pokes[poke]["name"]}') - out += Wiki.poke_info(poke) - return out - elif page_mode == 'index': - out = """# Poketes -In the following all Poketes with their attributes are displayed. - -""" - for typ in sorted(types): - out += f"- [{typ.capitalize()} Poketes](./{typ})\n" - out += "\n---\n\n## All poketes sorted by their type:\n" - for typ in sorted(types): - out += f"- [{typ.capitalize()} Poketes](./{typ})\n" - for poke in [k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if - pokes[k]["types"][0] == typ]: - out += f""" - [{pokes[poke]["name"].capitalize()}](./{typ}#{poke})\n""" - return out - elif page_mode == 'multi': - if pokete_type is not None: - out = f"# {pokete_type.capitalize()} Poketes" - for poke in [k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if - pokes[k]["types"][0] == pokete_type]: - if poke == sorted(list(pokes)[1:])[-1]: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' `-> Adding {pokes[poke]["name"]}') - else: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' |-> Adding {pokes[poke]["name"]}') - out += Wiki.poke_info(poke=poke, multi_page=True) - return out - raise AttributeError( - "Pokete_type can not be none, if mode 'multi' is selected.") - raise AttributeError("Please select a valid page mode of: 'single'," - "'index' or 'multi'!") - - @staticmethod - def poke_info(poke: str, multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """Generates information about a specific pokete - - Arguments: - --------- - - poke (string): The pokete to get the information of. - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string of all the attributes and information of the pokete. - """ - if (evolve_pokete := pokes[poke]["evolve_poke"]) == "": - evolve_txt = "- Does not evolve\n" - else: - evolve_txt = f"""- Evolves to [{Wiki.get_name(evolve_pokete)}]({f'./{pokes[evolve_pokete]["types"][0]}' - if multi_page else ""}#{evolve_pokete.replace("_", "-")}) at level {pokes[poke]['evolve_lvl']}""" - - md_attacks = "\n + " + "\n + ".join(f"""[{attacks[atc]["name"]}]({ - f'../attacks/{attacks[atc]["types"][0].capitalize()}' - if multi_page else "" - }#{attacks[atc]["name"] - .replace(" ", "-").lower()})""" - for atc in - pokes[poke]["attacks"]) - # ico - ico_map = se.Map(4, 11, background=" ") - for ico in pokes[poke]["ico"]: - se.Text(ico["txt"], state="float", ignore=" ").add(ico_map, 0, 0) - ico = "".join("".join(arr) + "\n" for arr in - - active = { - True: "Night", - False: "Day", - None: "Always", - }[pokes[poke].get("night_active")] - - md_locations = "\n + ".join(maps[i]["pretty_name"] for i in maps - if maps[i]["poke_args"] is not None - and poke in maps[i]["poke_args"]["pokes"] - or "w_poke_args" in maps[i] - and poke in maps[i]["w_poke_args"][ - "pokes"]) - - return f""" -##{'' if multi_page else '##'} {Wiki.get_name(poke)} -{pokes[poke]["desc"]} - -``` -{ico} -``` - -- Type: [{pokes[poke]["types"][0].capitalize()}]({'../types' if multi_page - else '#types'}) -- Health points: {pokes[poke]["hp"]} -- Attack factor: {pokes[poke]["atc"]} -- Defense factor: {pokes[poke]["defense"]} -- Initiative: {pokes[poke]["initiative"]} -- Missing chance: {pokes[poke]["miss_chance"]} -- Rarity: {pokes[poke]["rarity"]} -- Loosing experience: {pokes[poke]["lose_xp"]} -- Attacks:{md_attacks} -- Active: {active} -- Can be found in: - + {md_locations if md_locations != "" else "Nowhere"} -{evolve_txt} -""" - - @staticmethod - def attacks(multi_page: bool = False) -> str or list: - """The function to all attacks to the wiki. - - Arguments - --------- - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string of all attacks with their attributes and informations. - """ - if multi_page: - index = """# Attacks -Those are all attacks present in the game. -""" - pages = [] - for typ in sorted(types): - if VERBOSE: - print(f" -> Adding {typ}") - index += f"\n- [{typ.capitalize()}](./{typ})" - page = f"# {typ.capitalize()} attacks" - for atc in [k for k in attacks if - attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]: - if multi_page: - if atc == [k for k in attacks if - attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ][-1]: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' `-> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}') - else: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' |-> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}') - else: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' -> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}') - page += Wiki.attack_info(atc, True) - pages.append((f"{typ}.md", page)) - index += "\n\n---\n\n## All attacks sorted by their type:\n" - for typ in sorted(types): - index += f"- [{typ.capitalize()} Attacks](./{typ})\n" - for atc in [k for k in attacks if - attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]: - index += f""" - [{attacks[atc]["name"].capitalize()}](./{typ}#{atc.replace('_', '-')})\n""" - - index += '\n' - pages.insert(0, ("", index)) - return pages - out = """ -## Attacks -Those are all attacks present in the game. -""" - for typ in sorted(types): - out += f"\n### {typ.capitalize()} attacks" - for atc in [k for k in attacks if - attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]: - if atc == \ - [k for k in attacks if attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ][ - -1]: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' `-> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}') - else: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' |-> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}') - out += Wiki.attack_info(atc) - - return out - - @staticmethod - def attack_info(attack: str, multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """The function to collect information and attributes of a specific - attack - - Arguments - --------- - - attacks (string): The attack to collect the information of. - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string with the information about the attack. - """ - eff = None if attacks[attack]["effect"] is None \ - else getattr(effects, attacks[attack]["effect"]) - return f"""\n##{"" if multi_page else "##"} {attacks[attack]["name"]} -{attacks[attack]["desc"]} - -- Type: [{attacks[attack]["types"][0].capitalize()}]({"../types" if multi_page - else "#types"}) -- Minimum Level: {attacks[attack]["min_lvl"]} -- Attack factor: {attacks[attack]["factor"]} -- Missing chance: {attacks[attack]["miss_chance"]} -- Attack points: {attacks[attack]["ap"]} -- Effect: {"None" if eff is None else f'[{eff.c_name.capitalize()}]({"../effects" if multi_page else ""}#{eff.c_name.replace("_", "-")})'} -""" - - @staticmethod - def types(multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """The function to add all types to the wiki. - - Arguments - --------- - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string of all available types. - """ - out = f""" -#{'' if multi_page else '#'} Types -Those are all the Pokete/Attack types that are present in the game with all their (in)effectivities against other types. - -|Type|Effective against|Ineffective against| -|---|---|---| -""" - - for poke_type in types: - effective, ineffective = ("".join([i.capitalize() + (", " - if i != types[ - poke_type][j][-1] - else "") - for i in types[poke_type][j]]) - for j in ["effective", "ineffective"]) - out += f"|{poke_type.capitalize()}|{effective}|{ineffective}|\n" - - return out + '\n' - - @staticmethod - def items(multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """The function to add all items to the wiki. - - Arguments - --------- - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string that contains information about all items. - """ - return f"""#{'' if multi_page else '#'} Items -Those are all items present in the game, that can be traded or found. - -""" + '\n'.join(Wiki.item_info(item=item, multi_page=multi_page) - for item in sorted(items)) - - @staticmethod - def item_info(item: str, multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """The function to collect information and attributes of a specific item - - Arguments - --------- - - item (string): The item to collect the information of. - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string with the information about the item. - """ - return f"""##{'' if multi_page else '#'} {items[item]["pretty_name"]} -{items[item]["desc"]} - -- Price: {items[item]["price"]} -- Can be used in fights: {"Yes" if items[item]["fn"] is not None else "No"} -""" - - @staticmethod - def effects(multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """The function to add all effects to the wiki. - - Arguments - --------- - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string of all the effects in the game. - """ - if multi_page: - out = """# Effects -Those effects can be given to a Pokete through an attack. -""" - out += str.join("", [effect.ret_md() for effect in - effect_list]).replace("###", "##") - else: - out = """ -## Effects -Those effects can be given to a Pokete through an attack. -""" - out += str.join("", [effect.ret_md() for effect in effect_list]) - return out - - @staticmethod - def single(filename: str = "") -> None: - """The function to generate a single page wiki. - - This function creates the pokete wiki in a single file and adds the - following to it: - - title - - table of contents - - all poketes with information on them - - all attacks with information on them - - all types with information on them - - all items with information on them - - all effects with information on them - - Arguments: - --------- - - filename (string): The file to save the wiki to. - """ - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print(":: Generating") - md_str: str = "" - for _text, obj in zip(["page start", "table of contents", "poketes", - "attacks", "types", "items", "effects"], - [Wiki.start, Wiki.table_of_contents, Wiki.poketes, - Wiki.attacks, Wiki.types, Wiki.items, - Wiki.effects]): - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print(f"==> Adding {_text}...") - md_str += obj() - - # writing to file - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print("==> Writing to") - with open(filename, mode="w+", encoding="utf-8") as file: - file.write(md_str) - - @staticmethod - def multi(folder_name: str = "wiki") -> None: - """The function to generate the wiki in multiple pages in a folder - - This function creates the pokete wiki in a single file and adds the - following to it: - - title - - table of contents - - all poketes with information on them - - all attacks with information on them - - all types with information on them - - all items with information on them - - all effects with information on them - - Arguments: - --------- - - folder_name (string): The folder to save the wiki to. - """ - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print(":: Generating multi-page wiki...") - print("==> Checking if old wiki exists...") - for folder in ['', '/poketes', '/attacks']: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' -> Checking "{folder_name}{folder}": ', end='') - if exists(folder_name + folder): - if not isdir(folder_name + folder): - if VERBOSE: - print("Does not exist. Making...") - os.mkdir(folder_name + folder) - else: - if VERBOSE: - print("Exists. Deleting and making new...") - else: - os.mkdir(folder_name + folder) - if VERBOSE: - print("Does not exist. Making...") - - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print("==> Adding page start...") - if VERBOSE: - print(" -> Adding index...") - index: str = Wiki.start() - if VERBOSE: - print(" -> Adding overview...") - index += Wiki.overview(multi_page=True) + "\n---\n" - if VERBOSE: - print(" -> Adding table of contents...") - index += Wiki.table_of_contents(multi_page=True) - if VERBOSE: - print(f' -> Writing to "{folder_name}/"...') - with open(f"{folder_name}/", 'w') as file: - file.write(index) - - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print("==> Adding poketes...") - if VERBOSE: - print(" -> Adding") - with open(f"{folder_name}/poketes/", 'w') as file: - file.write(Wiki.poketes(page_mode='index')) - for typ in types: - with open(f"{folder_name}/poketes/{typ}.md", 'w') as file: - file.write(Wiki.poketes(page_mode='multi', pokete_type=typ)) - - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print("==> Adding attacks...") - for page in Wiki.attacks(multi_page=True): - file_name, file_contents = page - with open(f"{folder_name}/attacks/{file_name}", 'w') as file: - file.write(file_contents) - - for name in ["types", "items", "effects"]: - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print(f"==> Adding {name}...") - with open(f"{folder_name}/{name}.md", 'w') as file: - file.write(getattr(Wiki, name)(multi_page=True))
Static methods
-def attack_info(attack: str, multi_page: bool = False) ‑> str -
The function to collect information and attributes of a specific -attack
- attacks (string): The attack to collect the information of. -
- multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page -wiki or not. -
-A markdown string with the information about the attack.
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod - def attack_info(attack: str, multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """The function to collect information and attributes of a specific - attack - - Arguments - --------- - - attacks (string): The attack to collect the information of. - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string with the information about the attack. - """ - eff = None if attacks[attack]["effect"] is None \ - else getattr(effects, attacks[attack]["effect"]) - return f"""\n##{"" if multi_page else "##"} {attacks[attack]["name"]} -{attacks[attack]["desc"]} - -- Type: [{attacks[attack]["types"][0].capitalize()}]({"../types" if multi_page - else "#types"}) -- Minimum Level: {attacks[attack]["min_lvl"]} -- Attack factor: {attacks[attack]["factor"]} -- Missing chance: {attacks[attack]["miss_chance"]} -- Attack points: {attacks[attack]["ap"]} -- Effect: {"None" if eff is None else f'[{eff.c_name.capitalize()}]({"../effects" if multi_page else ""}#{eff.c_name.replace("_", "-")})'} -"""
- -def attacks(multi_page: bool = False) ‑> str -
The function to all attacks to the wiki.
- multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page -wiki or not. -
-A markdown string of all attacks with their attributes and informations.
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod - def attacks(multi_page: bool = False) -> str or list: - """The function to all attacks to the wiki. - - Arguments - --------- - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string of all attacks with their attributes and informations. - """ - if multi_page: - index = """# Attacks -Those are all attacks present in the game. -""" - pages = [] - for typ in sorted(types): - if VERBOSE: - print(f" -> Adding {typ}") - index += f"\n- [{typ.capitalize()}](./{typ})" - page = f"# {typ.capitalize()} attacks" - for atc in [k for k in attacks if - attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]: - if multi_page: - if atc == [k for k in attacks if - attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ][-1]: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' `-> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}') - else: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' |-> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}') - else: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' -> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}') - page += Wiki.attack_info(atc, True) - pages.append((f"{typ}.md", page)) - index += "\n\n---\n\n## All attacks sorted by their type:\n" - for typ in sorted(types): - index += f"- [{typ.capitalize()} Attacks](./{typ})\n" - for atc in [k for k in attacks if - attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]: - index += f""" - [{attacks[atc]["name"].capitalize()}](./{typ}#{atc.replace('_', '-')})\n""" - - index += '\n' - pages.insert(0, ("", index)) - return pages - out = """ -## Attacks -Those are all attacks present in the game. -""" - for typ in sorted(types): - out += f"\n### {typ.capitalize()} attacks" - for atc in [k for k in attacks if - attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]: - if atc == \ - [k for k in attacks if attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ][ - -1]: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' `-> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}') - else: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' |-> Adding {attacks[atc]["name"]}') - out += Wiki.attack_info(atc) - - return out
- -def effects(multi_page: bool = False) ‑> str -
The function to add all effects to the wiki.
- multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page -wiki or not. -
-A markdown string of all the effects in the game.
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod - def effects(multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """The function to add all effects to the wiki. - - Arguments - --------- - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string of all the effects in the game. - """ - if multi_page: - out = """# Effects -Those effects can be given to a Pokete through an attack. -""" - out += str.join("", [effect.ret_md() for effect in - effect_list]).replace("###", "##") - else: - out = """ -## Effects -Those effects can be given to a Pokete through an attack. -""" - out += str.join("", [effect.ret_md() for effect in effect_list]) - return out
- -def get_name(poke) -
Returns the name of a Pokete to display in headings
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod -def get_name(poke): - """Returns the name of a Pokete to display in headings""" - additional = "" - if "_night" in poke: - additional = " night" - elif "_day" in poke: - additional = " day" - return pokes[poke]['name'] + additional
- -def item_info(item: str, multi_page: bool = False) ‑> str -
The function to collect information and attributes of a specific item
- item (string): The item to collect the information of. -
- multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page -wiki or not. -
-A markdown string with the information about the item.
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod - def item_info(item: str, multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """The function to collect information and attributes of a specific item - - Arguments - --------- - - item (string): The item to collect the information of. - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string with the information about the item. - """ - return f"""##{'' if multi_page else '#'} {items[item]["pretty_name"]} -{items[item]["desc"]} - -- Price: {items[item]["price"]} -- Can be used in fights: {"Yes" if items[item]["fn"] is not None else "No"} -"""
- -def items(multi_page: bool = False) ‑> str -
The function to add all items to the wiki.
- multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page -wiki or not. -
-A markdown string that contains information about all items.
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod - def items(multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """The function to add all items to the wiki. - - Arguments - --------- - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string that contains information about all items. - """ - return f"""#{'' if multi_page else '#'} Items -Those are all items present in the game, that can be traded or found. - -""" + '\n'.join(Wiki.item_info(item=item, multi_page=multi_page) - for item in sorted(items))
- -def multi(folder_name: str = 'wiki') ‑> None -
The function to generate the wiki in multiple pages in a folder
-This function creates the pokete wiki in a single file and adds the -following to it: -- title -- table of contents -- all poketes with information on them -- all attacks with information on them -- all types with information on them -- all items with information on them -- all effects with information on them
- folder_name (string): The folder to save the wiki to. -
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod -def multi(folder_name: str = "wiki") -> None: - """The function to generate the wiki in multiple pages in a folder - - This function creates the pokete wiki in a single file and adds the - following to it: - - title - - table of contents - - all poketes with information on them - - all attacks with information on them - - all types with information on them - - all items with information on them - - all effects with information on them - - Arguments: - --------- - - folder_name (string): The folder to save the wiki to. - """ - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print(":: Generating multi-page wiki...") - print("==> Checking if old wiki exists...") - for folder in ['', '/poketes', '/attacks']: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' -> Checking "{folder_name}{folder}": ', end='') - if exists(folder_name + folder): - if not isdir(folder_name + folder): - if VERBOSE: - print("Does not exist. Making...") - os.mkdir(folder_name + folder) - else: - if VERBOSE: - print("Exists. Deleting and making new...") - else: - os.mkdir(folder_name + folder) - if VERBOSE: - print("Does not exist. Making...") - - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print("==> Adding page start...") - if VERBOSE: - print(" -> Adding index...") - index: str = Wiki.start() - if VERBOSE: - print(" -> Adding overview...") - index += Wiki.overview(multi_page=True) + "\n---\n" - if VERBOSE: - print(" -> Adding table of contents...") - index += Wiki.table_of_contents(multi_page=True) - if VERBOSE: - print(f' -> Writing to "{folder_name}/"...') - with open(f"{folder_name}/", 'w') as file: - file.write(index) - - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print("==> Adding poketes...") - if VERBOSE: - print(" -> Adding") - with open(f"{folder_name}/poketes/", 'w') as file: - file.write(Wiki.poketes(page_mode='index')) - for typ in types: - with open(f"{folder_name}/poketes/{typ}.md", 'w') as file: - file.write(Wiki.poketes(page_mode='multi', pokete_type=typ)) - - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print("==> Adding attacks...") - for page in Wiki.attacks(multi_page=True): - file_name, file_contents = page - with open(f"{folder_name}/attacks/{file_name}", 'w') as file: - file.write(file_contents) - - for name in ["types", "items", "effects"]: - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print(f"==> Adding {name}...") - with open(f"{folder_name}/{name}.md", 'w') as file: - file.write(getattr(Wiki, name)(multi_page=True))
- -def overview(multi_page: bool = False) ‑> str -
A short overview of what the wiki contains.
- multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page wiki or not. -
-An overview for a multi-page wiki.
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod -def overview(multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """A short overview of what the wiki contains. - - Arguments - --------- - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - An overview for a multi-page wiki. - """ - return "Table of contents\n" + \ - "\n".join( - f"{i + 1}. [{name.capitalize()}]({'' if multi_page else '#'}{name})" - for i, name in enumerate(["poketes", "attacks", "types", "item", - "effects"])) + "\n"
- -def poke_info(poke: str, multi_page: bool = False) ‑> str -
Generates information about a specific pokete
- poke (string): The pokete to get the information of. -
- multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page -wiki or not. -
-A markdown string of all the attributes and information of the pokete.
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod - def poke_info(poke: str, multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """Generates information about a specific pokete - - Arguments: - --------- - - poke (string): The pokete to get the information of. - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string of all the attributes and information of the pokete. - """ - if (evolve_pokete := pokes[poke]["evolve_poke"]) == "": - evolve_txt = "- Does not evolve\n" - else: - evolve_txt = f"""- Evolves to [{Wiki.get_name(evolve_pokete)}]({f'./{pokes[evolve_pokete]["types"][0]}' - if multi_page else ""}#{evolve_pokete.replace("_", "-")}) at level {pokes[poke]['evolve_lvl']}""" - - md_attacks = "\n + " + "\n + ".join(f"""[{attacks[atc]["name"]}]({ - f'../attacks/{attacks[atc]["types"][0].capitalize()}' - if multi_page else "" - }#{attacks[atc]["name"] - .replace(" ", "-").lower()})""" - for atc in - pokes[poke]["attacks"]) - # ico - ico_map = se.Map(4, 11, background=" ") - for ico in pokes[poke]["ico"]: - se.Text(ico["txt"], state="float", ignore=" ").add(ico_map, 0, 0) - ico = "".join("".join(arr) + "\n" for arr in - - active = { - True: "Night", - False: "Day", - None: "Always", - }[pokes[poke].get("night_active")] - - md_locations = "\n + ".join(maps[i]["pretty_name"] for i in maps - if maps[i]["poke_args"] is not None - and poke in maps[i]["poke_args"]["pokes"] - or "w_poke_args" in maps[i] - and poke in maps[i]["w_poke_args"][ - "pokes"]) - - return f""" -##{'' if multi_page else '##'} {Wiki.get_name(poke)} -{pokes[poke]["desc"]} - -``` -{ico} -``` - -- Type: [{pokes[poke]["types"][0].capitalize()}]({'../types' if multi_page - else '#types'}) -- Health points: {pokes[poke]["hp"]} -- Attack factor: {pokes[poke]["atc"]} -- Defense factor: {pokes[poke]["defense"]} -- Initiative: {pokes[poke]["initiative"]} -- Missing chance: {pokes[poke]["miss_chance"]} -- Rarity: {pokes[poke]["rarity"]} -- Loosing experience: {pokes[poke]["lose_xp"]} -- Attacks:{md_attacks} -- Active: {active} -- Can be found in: - + {md_locations if md_locations != "" else "Nowhere"} -{evolve_txt} -"""
- -def poketes(page_mode='single', pokete_type=None) ‑> str -
The function to add all poketes and their attributes to the wiki.
- page_mode (string): Defines for what the output will be used. Can be:
- single: all poketes listed by their types with single-page links -
- index: Just the index of all pokete types with multi-page links -
- multi: Information about the pokete type definied in pokete_type -with multi-page links. -
- - pokete_type: Only necessary if page_mode is set to 'index': Then -defines the pokete type to get the information and links of. -
-All poketes and their attributes as a markdown string.
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod - def poketes(page_mode='single', pokete_type=None) -> str: - """The function to add all poketes and their attributes to the wiki. - - Arguments: - ---------- - - page_mode (string): Defines for what the output will be used. Can be: - - single: all poketes listed by their types with single-page links - - index: Just the index of all pokete types with multi-page links - - multi: Information about the pokete type definied in pokete_type - with multi-page links. - - pokete_type: Only necessary if page_mode is set to 'index': Then - defines the pokete type to get the information and links of. - - Returns - ------- - All poketes and their attributes as a markdown string. - """ - if page_mode == 'single': - out = """ -## Poketes -In the following all Poketes with their attributes are displayed. - -""" - for typ in sorted(types): - out += f"### {typ.capitalize()} Poketes" - for poke in [k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if - pokes[k]["types"][0] == typ]: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' -> Adding {pokes[poke]["name"]}') - out += Wiki.poke_info(poke) - return out - elif page_mode == 'index': - out = """# Poketes -In the following all Poketes with their attributes are displayed. - -""" - for typ in sorted(types): - out += f"- [{typ.capitalize()} Poketes](./{typ})\n" - out += "\n---\n\n## All poketes sorted by their type:\n" - for typ in sorted(types): - out += f"- [{typ.capitalize()} Poketes](./{typ})\n" - for poke in [k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if - pokes[k]["types"][0] == typ]: - out += f""" - [{pokes[poke]["name"].capitalize()}](./{typ}#{poke})\n""" - return out - elif page_mode == 'multi': - if pokete_type is not None: - out = f"# {pokete_type.capitalize()} Poketes" - for poke in [k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if - pokes[k]["types"][0] == pokete_type]: - if poke == sorted(list(pokes)[1:])[-1]: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' `-> Adding {pokes[poke]["name"]}') - else: - if VERBOSE: - print(f' |-> Adding {pokes[poke]["name"]}') - out += Wiki.poke_info(poke=poke, multi_page=True) - return out - raise AttributeError( - "Pokete_type can not be none, if mode 'multi' is selected.") - raise AttributeError("Please select a valid page mode of: 'single'," - "'index' or 'multi'!")
- - page_mode (string): Defines for what the output will be used. Can be:
-def single(filename: str = '') ‑> None -
The function to generate a single page wiki.
-This function creates the pokete wiki in a single file and adds the -following to it: -- title -- table of contents -- all poketes with information on them -- all attacks with information on them -- all types with information on them -- all items with information on them -- all effects with information on them
- filename (string): The file to save the wiki to. -
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod -def single(filename: str = "") -> None: - """The function to generate a single page wiki. - - This function creates the pokete wiki in a single file and adds the - following to it: - - title - - table of contents - - all poketes with information on them - - all attacks with information on them - - all types with information on them - - all items with information on them - - all effects with information on them - - Arguments: - --------- - - filename (string): The file to save the wiki to. - """ - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print(":: Generating") - md_str: str = "" - for _text, obj in zip(["page start", "table of contents", "poketes", - "attacks", "types", "items", "effects"], - [Wiki.start, Wiki.table_of_contents, Wiki.poketes, - Wiki.attacks, Wiki.types, Wiki.items, - Wiki.effects]): - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print(f"==> Adding {_text}...") - md_str += obj() - - # writing to file - if QUIET or VERBOSE: - print("==> Writing to") - with open(filename, mode="w+", encoding="utf-8") as file: - file.write(md_str)
- -def start() ‑> str -
The start and title of the wiki
-The title of the wiki page.
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod - def start() -> str: - """The start and title of the wiki - - Returns - --- - The title of the wiki page. - """ - return f"""v{release.VERSION} - -# Pokete Wiki -This wiki/documentation is a compilation of all Poketes, attacks, and types present in the Pokete game. -The wiki can be generated using ```$ ./```. - -Use ```$ ./ help``` to get more information about different wikis. - -You can find different versions of this wiki: - -- A single-page version can be found [here]( -- A multi-page version can be found [here]( - -"""
- -def table_of_contents(multi_page: bool = False) ‑> str -
The table of contents of the pokete wiki
- multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page wiki or not. -
-A Table of contents for a single page wiki.
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod - def table_of_contents(multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """The table of contents of the pokete wiki - - Arguments - --------- - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A Table of contents for a single page wiki. - """ - out = '' - - # Table of contents - if not multi_page: - out += """## Table of contents -1. [Poketes](#poketes) -""" - for i, typ in enumerate(sorted(types)): - out += f""" {i + 1}. [{typ.capitalize()} Poketes](#{typ}-poketes)\n""" - for j, poke in enumerate([k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if - pokes[k]["types"][0] == typ]): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{Wiki.get_name(poke)}](#{poke.replace("_", "-")})\n""" - out += "2. [Attacks](#attacks)\n" - for i, typ in enumerate(sorted(types)): - out += f""" {i + 1}. [{typ.capitalize()} attacks](#{typ}-attacks)\n""" - for j, atc in enumerate([k for k in sorted(attacks) if - attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{attacks[atc]["name"]}](#{attacks[atc]["name"] - .replace(" ", "-").lower()})\n""" - out += """3. [Types](#types) -4. [Items](#items) -""" - for j, item in enumerate(sorted(items)): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{items[item]["pretty_name"]}](#{item.replace("_", "-")})\n""" - out += """5. [Effects](#effects) -""" - for j, effect in enumerate(effect_list): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{effect.c_name.capitalize()}](#{effect.c_name.replace("_", "-")}) -""" - - else: - out += """## Table of contents -1. [Poketes](./poketes) -""" - for i, typ in enumerate(sorted(types)): - out += f""" {i + 1}. [{typ.capitalize()} Poketes](./poketes/{typ})\n""" - for j, poke in enumerate([k for k in sorted(list(pokes)[1:]) if - pokes[k]["types"][0] == typ]): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{Wiki.get_name(poke)}](./poketes/{typ}#{poke.replace("_", "-")})\n""" - out += "2. [Attacks](./attacks)\n" - for i, typ in enumerate(sorted(types)): - out += f""" {i + 1}. [{typ.capitalize()} attacks](./attacks/{typ})\n""" - for j, atc in enumerate([k for k in sorted(attacks) if - attacks[k]["types"][0] == typ]): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{attacks[atc]["name"]}](./attack/{typ}#{atc.replace("_", "-")})\n""" - out += """3. [Types](./types) -4. [Items](./items) -""" - for j, item in enumerate(sorted(items)): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{items[item]["pretty_name"]}](./items#{item.replace("_", "-")})\n""" - out += """5. [Effects](./effects) -""" - for j, effect in enumerate(effect_list): - out += f""" {j + 1}. [{effect.c_name.capitalize()}](./effects#{effect.c_name.replace("_", "-")}) -""" - return out
- -def types(multi_page: bool = False) ‑> str -
The function to add all types to the wiki.
- multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page -wiki or not. -
-A markdown string of all available types.
---Expand source code -
-@staticmethod - def types(multi_page: bool = False) -> str: - """The function to add all types to the wiki. - - Arguments - --------- - - multi_page (boolean): if the item info should be made for a multi-page - wiki or not. - - Returns - ------- - A markdown string of all available types. - """ - out = f""" -#{'' if multi_page else '#'} Types -Those are all the Pokete/Attack types that are present in the game with all their (in)effectivities against other types. - -|Type|Effective against|Ineffective against| -|---|---|---| -""" - - for poke_type in types: - effective, ineffective = ("".join([i.capitalize() + (", " - if i != types[ - poke_type][j][-1] - else "") - for i in types[poke_type][j]]) - for j in ["effective", "ineffective"]) - out += f"|{poke_type.capitalize()}|{effective}|{ineffective}|\n" - - return out + '\n'