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categraf, one-stop telemetry collector

Powered By Flashcat Release Docker pulls Starts Forks Contributors "License"

Categraf is one-stop telemetry collector for Nightingale / Prometheus / M3DB / VictoriaMetrics / Thanos / Influxdb / TDengine.

It is recommended that you use Nightingale as the backend observability tools, and at the same time use FlashDuty as the OnCall system to realize alarm aggregation convergence, claiming, upgrading, scheduling, and coordination, so that the alarm can be reached efficiently and ensure that the alarm processing is not missed, so that every piece echoed.



# export GO111MODULE=on
# export GOPROXY=
go build


tar zcvf categraf.tar.gz categraf conf

for mac user, use gnu-tar instead

use system tar tool will cause err F! failed to init config: failed to load configs of dir: ./conf err:toml: line 1: files cannot contain NULL bytes; probably using UTF-16; TOML files must be UTF-8

brew install gnu-tar
gtar zcvf categraf.tar.gz categraf conf


# test mode: just print metrics to stdout
./categraf --test

# test system and mem plugins
./categraf --test --inputs system:mem

# print usage message
./categraf --help

# run

# run with specified config directory
./categraf --configs /path/to/conf-directory

# only enable system and mem plugins
./categraf --inputs system:mem

# use nohup to start categraf
nohup ./categraf &> stdout.log &

Deploy categraf as daemonset, deployment or sidecar

edit k8s/daemonset.yaml, replace NSERVER_SERVICE_WITH_PORT with service ip:port of nserver in your cluster, replace CATEGRAF_NAMESPACE with namespace value, then run:

kubectl apply -n monitoring -f k8s/daemonset.yaml # collect metrics, metrics/cadvisor of node
kubectl apply -n monitoring -f k8s/sidecar.yaml # collect service metrics
kubectl apply -n monitoring -f k8s/deployment.yaml #collect apiserver coredns etc

Notice: k8s/sidecar.yaml is a demo, replace mock with your own image of service.

Scrape like prometheus

see detail here


plugin list and document:


Categraf is developed on the basis of Telegraf, Exporters and the OpenTelemetry. Thanks to the great open source community.