diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 835a9f7..a2e15d7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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-# Unified Universal Blur
+## Unified Universal Blur - URP Blur effect for Unity
+Unified Universal Blur allows you to display blurred version of the screen, usually for translucent UI effects.
+Currently intended use cases include (other scenarios may not work):
+- UI image component with blur material, displaying blurred 3D world (Canvas set to 'Screen Space - Overlay').
+- Kawase blur
+- Blurs both opaque and transparent objects (make sure correct setting is selected)
+- Blurs Post-Processing and any other image effect which is rendered before blur (based on render feature order)
+### Installation
+This repository works with upm. Simply add it via package manager (get the link from <>Code button in top right corner or view releases).
+To specify any version, add #version number like this: giturl#1.0.0
(more information using upm at: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-git.html)
+Manual: It is also possible to download zip and put it anywhere in the project.
+### Setup
+- Add "Universal Blur Feature" renderer feature in every renderer data that is being used by project.
(more information about using universal renderer: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal@15.0/manual/urp-universal-renderer.html).
+- Assign "KawaseBlurMat" material to passMaterial if not present already.
+- (Optional) Play with settings.
+- Assign BlurForUI material to any UI image component.
+- Done.