Releases: lucasluqui/KnightLauncher
KnightLauncher 1.2.3
Changed launcher style (more styles coming later on, currently only Dark available), miscellaneous backend changes. A new method to start the game in 64-bit without patching the Java VM was implemented, but only affects Standalone users. Steam's will also arrive later on.
KnightLauncher 1.2.2
Changed 3rd party requests to use HTTPS protocol instead of HTTP.
KnightLauncher 1.2.1
Fixed an error where wasn't being generated correctly and ModListGUI not being rendered when there's no mods installed.
KnightLauncher 1.2.0
Internal changes to Compressor module, unzipping and hashing methods. Implementation of Mod API (mod.json).
KnightLauncher 1.1.1
Now shows current players in game, made some fixes on how we render Japanese translations.
KnightLauncher 1.1.0
Visuals redesign, tweets now load properly and JVM patching is enabled once again.
KnightLauncher 1.0.4
Implemented new unzipping methods, using zip4j. Changes to how, what and where we log stuff.
KnightLauncher 1.0.3
Translation updates, changes to how we notify about newer versions.
KnightLauncher 1.0.2
Minor bugs from past version were addressed.
KnightLauncher 1.0.1
Support for Japanese translation, minimal changes to user interfaces.