To set up Rstudio on RTE computers and bypass the proxy issues :
- Download Rtools and install it.
#Run this
#Copy and paste to the opened file
local({r <- getOption("repos")
r["CRAN"] <- ""
#Check if it works with this command. If no, restart
#This should be the output
[1] TRUE
To update directly from the github of rte-antares packages and not from the CRAN, follow the instructions below :
- Download the archives and extract them.
- Run the command and install
install.packages(path_to_archive, repos = NULL ,type = "source") # Try this
devtools::install(path_to_archive) # Or this one
packageVersion(package_name) # To check if package Version is the one you want (the github one)
To get into the model, open the main.R script into RStudio. settings/
folder are all the parameter needed to feed AntaresInvest.
Before running anything in local : MAKE SURE YOU SAVE PROPERLY THE ANTARES DATASET because the algorithm changes the dataset at the roots. To make a proper save please follow the guidelines :
- Run the code below. Make sure you run this here :
. Then, if you want to use api, upload the archivezip
of the simulation on AntaresWeb. Generate your token.
library(magrittr) # Load magrittr to import the pipe operator: %>%
### Build the project directory variable path
project_dir = rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path %>% strsplit(., split = "/", fixed = T) %>% .[[1]] %>% .[-c(length(.),length(.)-1)] %>%
### Loading AntaresInvest
antaresinvest_directory = paste(project_dir, 'antaresinvest', sep = '/')
### Loading settings and config files
### Build study list from parameters
study_list = build_study_list(study_list = study_list)
### Load the powerfleet for each country and simulation year
power_plants = lapply(antares_study_list, function(simulation_name) lapply(areas,function(area) make_powerplants_from_antares(study_id = study_list[[simulation_name]]$variant_id,
zone = area,
year_simulated = simulation_name))) %>% rename_dataset(., years_to_simulate = antares_study_list,areas = all_areas)
### Check and apply correction
tmp = lapply(as.integer(antares_study_list), function(year) lapply(all_areas, function(area) check_antares_dataset(study_id = year,
power_plants = power_plants[[as.character(year)]][[area]],
power_plants_actual = power_plants[[antares_study_list[1]]][[area]],
area = area,
lowering = TRUE,
filling_info_cluster = TRUE,
editing_outputs = TRUE)))
restore_antares_simulation(save_id = '0_0',
saving_mode = TRUE,
end_etude = FALSE)