Schedule Date Title Moderator 05/08 Investigating Severity Thresholds for Test Smells Luana 12/08 What is the Vocabulary of Flaky Tests? JP 19/08 DeFlaker: Automatically Detecting Flaky Tests Heitor 26/08 Does Refactoring of Test Smells Induce Fixing Flaky Tests? Nailton 02/09 A Study on the Lifecycle of Flaky Tests Railana 09/09 Understanding Flaky Tests The Developers Perspective Vinícius 16/09 Modeling and Ranking Flaky Tests at Apple Larissa 23/09 Rotten Green Tests Dhennya 30/09 RTj a Java Framework for Detecting and Refactoring Rotten Green Test Cases Daniele 07/10 Causal Testing: Understanding Defects Root Causes Daniela 14/10 Automatically Predicting Bug Severity Early in the Development Process 21/10 Measuring Software Testability Modulo Test Quality 28/10 Comprehending Test Code: An Empirical Study 04/11 Assessing Diffusion and Perception of Test Smells in Scala Projects 11/11 An Exploratory Study of the Relationship Between Software Test Smells and Fault-Proneness 18/11 Scented Since the Beginning On the Diffuseness of Test Smells in Automatically Generated Test Code 25/11 On the Distribution of Test Smells in Open Source Android Applications: An Exploratory Study 02/12 On the relation of test smells to software code quality 09/12 Smells in software test code: A survey of knowledge in industry and academia 16/12 Automatic Test Smell Detection Using Information Retrieval Techniques