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Share a port between many Phoenix apps in an umbrella or multiple endpoints in a single app


This library offers all the essentials for directing requests and websockets from a single proxy application to your umbrella (or a standard Elixir app with various endpoints). It enables you to run multiple Phoenix applications within the same umbrella using the same port or have multiple endpoints within a single app.

Start by creating a Phoenix application in your umbrella apps folder:

(cd apps && mix --no-webpack --no-ecto --no-html --no-gettext --no-dashboard reverse_proxy)
# Optionally you can delete unused files
rm -rf apps/reverse_proxy/lib/reverse_proxy_web/{channels,controllers,views}

If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding phoenix_reverse_proxy to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:phoenix_reverse_proxy, "~> 1.1.0"}

In apps/reverse_proxy/lib/reverse_proxy_web/endpoint.ex replace the contents with this and replace the default endpoint and add appropriate endpoints:

defmodule ReverseProxyWeb.Endpoint do
  use PhoenixReverseProxy, otp_app: :reverse_proxy

  # IMPORTANT: All of these macros except for proxy_default/1
  #            can take a path prefix so they all have an arity
  #            of 2 and 3.

  # Maps to http(s)://
  proxy("", "v1", ExampleApiV1.Endpoint)

  # Maps to http(s)://
  proxy("", "v2", ExampleApiV2.Endpoint)

  # Matches the domain only and no subdomains
  proxy("", ExampleWeb.Endpoint)
  # Matched any subdomain such as http(s)://
  # but not the domain itself http(s)://
  proxy_subdomains("", ExampleSubs.Endpoint)

  # Matches all subdomains and the domain itself.
  # This is equivalent to combining these rules:
  #   proxy("", FoofooValve.Endpoint)
  #   proxy_subdomains("", FoofooValve.Endpoint)
  proxy_all("", FoofooValve.Endpoint)

  # Matches anything not matched above

In your config you must disable your other Phoenix applications from listening on TCP ports. In your current endpoint configuration make the following modifications.

# Configures the endpoint
config :example_web, ExampleWeb.Endpoint,
  # Add this
  server: false,
  # Remove this and add it to the proxy endpoint configuration
  http: [port: System.get_env("PHX_PORT") || 4000],

Move contents of the files apps/reverse_proxy/config/*.exs to the corresponding config/*.exs config files.

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