A python wrapper used to hit the Loggly. API
For more information on Hoover see http://wiki.loggly.com/hooverguide
With this git repo: cd /hoover sudo python setup.py install
Easy Install: $easy_install -U hoover
Pypi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Hoover
##Using Hoover
Enter your credentials in hoover.LogglySession after importing:
import hoover
i = hoover.LogglySession('<subdomain>','<username>','<password>')
i.search(q='apache2 error', starttime='NOW-2DAYS', format='csv')
i.search(q='json.priority:err', starttime='NOW-15MINUTES') #Defaults to json if format is left out
##Search Properties
For more details on using search within Loggly check out http://wiki.loggly.com/searchguide
Property | Description |
rows | Number of rows returned by your query. Defaults to 10. |
start | Offset for starting row. Defaults to 0. |
starttime | Start time for the search. Defaults to NOW-24HOURS. |
endtime | End time for the search. Defaults to NOW. |
order | Direction of results returned, either 'asc' or 'desc'. Defaults to 'desc'. |
callback | JSONP callback to receive a JSONP response. |
format | Output format, either 'json', 'xml', or 'text'. Defaults to 'json' |
fields | Which fields should be output. One or more of the following separated by commas: 'id', 'timestamp', 'ip', 'inputname', 'text'. |
##More Functions
Function | Description |
*.config_inputs() | Configures each input in your loggly account, register a python logger with the input's name logging to the input. |
*.create_input() | Creates a new input on your loggly account. |
*.facets() | Thin wrapper on Loggly's facet search API. facetby can be input, ip, or date |
*.http_inputs() | Lists all http inputs |
*.search() | See above "Search Properties" |
*.inputs | Lists all inputs |
Created and maintained by Mike Blume
If you have questions contact [email protected]