eXternally configurable REference and Non Named Entity Recognizer
xrenner.py [options] INFILE (> OUTFILE) xrenner.py [options] *.conllx
-m, --model | input model name in models/, default 'eng' |
-o, --output | output format, default: sgml; alternatives: html, paula, webanno, conll, onto, unittest |
-x, --override | specify a section model's override.ini file with alternative settings; e.g. OntoNotes or GUM for English |
-v, --verbose | output run time and summary |
-r, --rulebased | |
rule based operation, disable stochastic classifiers in selected model | |
-d, --dump <FILE> | |
dump all anaphor-antecedent candidate pairs to <FILE> to train classifiers | |
-p, --procs NUM | |
number of processes to run in parallel (only useful if running on multiple documents) | |
-t, --test | run unit tests and quit |
--version | print xrenner version and quit |
Input format:
1 Wikinews Wikinews NP NNP _ 2 nsubj _ _ 2 interviews interview VVZ VBZ _ 0 root _ _ 3 President president NN NN _ 2 dobj _ _ 4 of of IN IN _ 3 prep _ _ 5 the the DT DT _ 7 det _ _ 6 International international NP NNP _ 7 amod _ _ 7 Brotherhood brotherhood NP NNP _ 4 pobj _ _ 8 of of IN IN _ 7 prep _ _ 9 Magicians magician NPS NNPS _ 8 pobj _ _ 1 Wednesday Wednesday NP NNP _ 0 root _ _ 2 , , , , _ 0 punct _ _ 3 October October NP NNP _ 4 nn _ _ 4 9 9 CD CD _ 1 appos _ _ 5 , , , , _ 0 punct _ _ 6 2013 2013 CD CD _ 4 tmod _ _
Download the repo and use the main xrenner.py script on an input file, or install from PyPI and import as a module:
> pip install xrenner
- python xrenner.py example_in.conll10 > example_out.sgml
- python xrenner.py -x GUM example_in.conll10 > example_out.sgml
- python xrenner.py -o conll example_in.conll10 > example_out.conll
- python xrenner.py -m eng -o conll *.conll10 (automatically names output files based on input files)
Note that by default, the English model is invoked (-m eng), and this model expects input in Basic Stanford Typed Dependencies (not Universal Dependencies).
from xrenner import Xrenner
xrenner = Xrenner()
# Get a parse in basic Stanford Dependencies (not UD)
my_conllx_result = some_parser.parse("John visited Spain. His visit went well.")
sgml_result = xrenner.analyze(my_conllx_result,"sgml")