This is a tutorial to see a first smart contract in action
Installing blockchain-turorial
is done via git clone
$ git clone [email protected]:lodygens/blockchain-tutorial.git
$ cd blockchain-tutorial
Docker is a container platform permitting to ease software distribution.
$ yum install docker-io
$ service docker start
$ docker ps
- docker pull [image URL] : to fetch an image
- docker images : to retrieve local images
- docker rmi [image-id] : to delete the local image
- docker ps : to retrieve running containers
- docker run [image-id] : to launch a new container with the provided image
- docker exec [container-id] : to execute a command on the running container
- docker kill [container-id] : to kill the running container
- copy to container : docker cp [source-file] [container-id]:[destination-file]
- copy from container : docker cp [container-id]:[source-file] [destination-file]
We use the image found from docker hub: zenika/truffle-with-testrpc
$ docker pull zenika/truffle-with-testrpc
$ docker run -ti zenika/truffle-with-testrpc sh
- Inside the running container, start testrpc by executing:
$> cd
$> git clone
$> cd blockchain-tutorial
$> ./
EthereumJS TestRPC v3.0.0
Available Accounts
(0) 0xdd37d6074a0a12f432b31406ec67c9f8b49e64aa
(1) 0x4811600e7d149b77929f0afeb6ea389ff7a56203
Private Keys
(0) 0ed9bf56a8d15fb710225749ba83e1e91a90f3b7319277688d9155f96a488a39
(1) 3fb61fb0fa1974f591df36887750ee84474f7bfeb28e39802246b8245660e1f5
Listening on localhost:8545
- Open a new terminal and connect to your container to execute:
$ docker ps
$ docker exec -it [your-container-id] sh
$> npm install web3
$> node
> var Web3 = require('web3');
> var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
> web3.eth.accounts
[ '0xdd37d6074a0a12f432b31406ec67c9f8b49e64aa',
'0x4811600e7d149b77929f0afeb6ea389ff7a56203' ]
> web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance('0xdd37d6074a0a12f432b31406ec67c9f8b49e64aa'), 'ether')
{ [String: '10000'] s: 1, e: 4, c: [ 10000 ] }
- Open a new terminal and connect to your container to execute:
$ docker ps
$ docker exec -it [your-container-id] sh
$> cd /root/blockchain-tutorial
$> truffle compile
$> truffle build
$> truffle migrate
Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
Deploying Migrations...
Saving successful migration to network...
Saving artifacts...
Running migration: 2_deploy_roulette.js
Deploying Roulette...
Saving successful migration to network...
Saving artifacts...
$> truffle serve
Serving app on port 8080...
Completed without errors on Fri Jan 13 2017 16:34:41 GMT+0100 (CET)
- Open a new terminal and connect to your container to execute:
$ docker ps
$ docker exec -it [your-container-id] sh
$> cd /root/blockchain-tutorial
$> truffle console
truffle(default)> var contractFromRouletteDeployed = Roulette.deployed();
truffle(default)> contractFromRouletteDeployed.betSingle(5,{ from: web3.eth.accounts[0], value: 4});
[ { [String: '1'] s: 1, e: 0, c: [ 1 ] },
{ [String: '4'] s: 1, e: 0, c: [ 4 ] } ]
truffle(default)> contractFromRouletteDeployed.betSingle(5,{ from: web3.eth.accounts[0], value: 4});
[ { [String: '2'] s: 1, e: 0, c: [ 2 ] },
{ [String: '8'] s: 1, e: 0, c: [ 8 ] } ]
truffle(default)> contractFromRouletteDeployed.betSingle(5,{ from: web3.eth.accounts[0], value: 4});
[ { [String: '3'] s: 1, e: 0, c: [ 3 ] },
{ [String: '12'] s: 1, e: 1, c: [ 12 ] } ]
We can see that calling the transaction betSingle()
modified the contract as expected; this is shown by calling method getBetsCountAndValue()