First off, thanks for your interest in contributing to this project! I appreciate the contributions of all types. See the table of contents for different ways to help and details about this project. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. So, use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes, including in this document.
What should I know before I get started?
Happy is an application that connects people to orphanages to make the day of children happier.
If you run into an error or bug with the project:
- Open an issue at
- Include reproduction steps that someone else can follow to recreate the bug or error on their own.
- Provide details like the operating system, and web browser used.
Well, this application was developed only for training in a Bootcamp. So I have no plans to add new features and would like to keep it untouched. However, if you want to contribute by fixing bugs or grammar mistakes, just fork this repository, create a side branch and open a pull request.
To write commits messages, it would be nice if you used the template available in this repository. You can easily configure it using the command below:
$ git config --local commit.template docs/.git-commit-template.txt
So, when you create a commit, don't use the -m
or --message
option. Just type the command below and wait for your editor to open. The template file contains other instructions. When you finished, save and close the file.
$ git commit