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Releases: livekit/client-sdk-js


12 Jan 07:44
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Changes in v0.15.3


  • Fixes Unsubscribed event not firing after an initial unsubscribe 8587af6
  • Avoid duplicate event listeners #107
  • Correctly unpublish tracks after TrackEvent.Ended #110
  • Fix missing Room.Disconnect events when participant could not resume connection #114


  • Supports participant name and track mime-type #108
  • Flexible permissions API #109
  • Sample app to support simulating server-side conditions #113


03 Jan 19:37
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  • Restore createLocalTracks for backwards compatibility #100
  • Support for Dynacast #102
  • Renamed autoManageVideos to adaptiveStream
  • Fixed data channel readiness check #101
  • getParticipantByIdentity #99
  • Room metadata is set on initial connect #98
  • Expose up/downstream bitrate used by tracks #103


23 Dec 20:07
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Room-before-connect API

In the initial version of LiveKit, it was not possible to create a Room object before it's fully connected. That design decision made it impossible to attach event listeners onto the Room before it was connected. The new API looks like this:

const room = new Room(opts?: RoomOptions)

// attach listeners

await room.connect(url: string, token: string, opts?: RoomConnectOptions)

Top level connect will still be supported for backwards compatibility. Several functions have been moved as well:

  • createLocalTracks -> LocalParticipant.createTracks
  • createLocalVideoTrack -> LocalParticipant.createTracks({video: true})
  • createLocalAudioTrack -> LocalParticipant.createTracks({audio: true})
  • createLocalScreenTracks -> LocalParticipant.createScreenTracks

Other changes

  • Improved resize auto-management, reducing visible delay #84
  • Participant is passed as argument to RoomEvent.ParticipantMetadataChanged #86
  • Explicitly send video layers in use to SFU #85
  • Ability to unpublish tracks without stopping them #87
  • Improve bitrate & publishing defaults #89
  • Improved sample app #90 #94

v0.14.3 - automatic track management

19 Nov 17:57
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Automatic quality management

The SDK could now automatically control the quality of video tracks it's subscribing to match the UI elements they are attached to. It will also perform visibility detection on elements and pause video subscriptions when they are not visible. This improvement drastically improves the number of tracks clients can subscribe to and reduces bandwidth requirements.

Other changes

  • Screen share audio is a track source #71
  • Fix multiple tracks of the same source being published 1c6b68f
  • Option to keep local tracks to keep running after disconnection #79

Thanks to @lukasIO for proposing and contributing the improvements


05 Nov 05:39
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Connection Quality Updates

Supports connection quality updates sent from the server. It'll be available the local participant as well as any other participants that you are subscribed to.

Requires server v0.14.0


room.on(RoomEvent.ConnectionQualityChanged, (quality: ConnectionQuality, participant: Participant) => {
  // handle changes

Other changes

  • Option to stop underlying microphone track when muted #76
  • Fixed data not published when just connected on Firefox #74
  • Emits LocalTrackUnpublished event when local track is unpublished #72
  • Set default audio publish bitrate to speech d038c52
  • Correctly override track name #70
  • Cleaner logger use #69


  • Fixed data track publishing in Safari bfb009b


  • Avoid downgrading simulcast layers too early #61
  • Fixed restartTrack for audio in Safari 2b97b81
  • Handle capture device failures #66
  • Support aspectRatio constraint in videoResolution #64

Thanks to @lukasIO for his numerous contributions! 🙇


23 Oct 00:18
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Improved interface to track defaults

Separated default track capturing options from publishing options. Now connect takes in clear, explicit options for those default. #58

Fires LocalTrackPublished event to make it possible to determine when connect tracks have been successfully published.

Other bug fixes

  • Fixed simulcast publishing during cpu limitation #60
  • Fixed #57

v0.13.1 - Simple track APIs

20 Oct 06:57
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To take full advantage of new features in this version, you'll need server v0.13.5 or later

Track Sources & Simpler APIs

This release added helper APIs to manipulate common track sources: Camera, Microphone, and ScreenShare. To enable/disable a track, we now offer explicit APIs to access them.

On LocalParticipant, we are introducing three new APIs

  • setCameraEnabled(bool)
  • setMicrophoneEnabled(bool)
  • setScreenShareEnabled(bool)

When using these APIs, user media will be automatically acquired for you. You can still set the default track options on the room by either passing them in during connect(), or changing them later on the room by setting room.defaultTrackOptions

Similarly, it's quite a bit simpler to check if a RemoteParticipant is publishing a particular track. on Participant

  • isCameraEnabled
  • isMicrophoneEnabled
  • isScreenShareEnabled

A track is considered enabled when it's published and not muted.

Device Management APIs

We are also making it easier to list and select input and output devices available to the browser via a set of simple APIs. To list valid devices available, use Room.getLocalDevices(MediaDeviceKind), where MediaDeviceKind is 'audioinput' | 'audiooutput' | 'videoinput'

You can also listen to changes to devices with RoomEvent.MediaDevicesChanged

You can also switch the active device that's used in the room using room.switchActiveDevice(MediaDeviceKind, deviceId). When setting the audio output device, all <audio> elements that are attached to any tracks in this room will be set to output to that device (by using setSinkId, which isn't supported on all browsers).

Transceiver Re-use

We are now re-using WebRTC Transceivers when receiving tracks. This helps to keep the offer/answer SDP messages to as small as possible, and scales much better to larger conferences where participants are entering/leaving or if selective subscriptions are used. #51

Opus DTX

Opus DTX is now enabled by default. It helps to conserve bandwidth especially when audio tracks are silent. To disable DTX, pass in dtx: false in TrackPublishOptions #49

Room Metadata support

Thanks to @FeepsDev @lukasIO, we now support room level metadata. RoomEvent.RoomMetadataChanged is fired for all participants when there are changes to the room metadata. #47

Other changes

  • Track mute/unmute now returns a promise #55
  • Improved sample app


27 Sep 23:31
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In this version

  • Support for protocol 3
  • Support for data messages from the server #44
  • Enable echo-cancellation and noise suppression by default (33f39d3)

Previously in v0.12

  • Handle remote mute/unmute events #40
  • Screenshare audio support (on supported browsers) #37