- Hitfix bug with scope.$apply.
- Hitfix bug with scope.$apply.
- Fix bug with scope.$apply.
- Fix bug with dnd-droppable element.
- **dndLassoArea
- Fix bug with dnd-on-lassoend property
- **move to npm packages
- **dnd-sortable-list
- implement directive for handling sortable list
- **angular.element(...).dndCloneByStyles
- Fix bug with ignore text nodes
- **dnd-rect
- Fix bug if dnd-rect attr is getter function
- **dnd-selectable
- In case if function return false the value will remain the same. - DEPRECATED
- **bug-fixes
- Fixed bug with touch manipulator and dnd-rect directive
- **bug-fixes
- Fixed a bug with the sequence of events call (leave -> enter -> over)
- **bug-fixes
- Fix bug with child elements of dnd-pointer-none
- Fix bug with drag 'tempateUrl' elements
- Toggle off angular.dnd.debug.mode
- Implement angular.element.dndClosest instead angular.element.dndParent
- **dnd-containment
- API BREAKING CHANGE! implement dnd-containment instead dnd-container and restrictTheMovement options
- **Draggable
- API BREAKING CHANGE! handle - новая опция
- **Examples
- Add new dnd-draggable example
- **Draggable
- API BREAKING CHANGE! restrictTheMovement переименован в restrictMovement
- **Sortable
- API BREAKING CHANGE! restrictTheMovement переименован в restrictMovement
- Implement IE 10+ supporting
- **Draggable helper
- API BREAKING CHANGE! теперь у dnd-draggable-opts есть новое свойство helper - может принимать либо значение 'clone' либо какой либо шаблон по типу ng-include и т.п.
- API BREAKING CHANGE! для большего соответствия действительности ns переименован в layer
- API BREAKING CHANGE! в draggable-opts добавлено свойство restrictTheMovement[boolean] - позволяет включать либо отключать зависимость от dnd-container