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Rüdiger Beck edited this page May 20, 2018 · 26 revisions

Registration of the schema

The association ( e.V. has registered a schema:

Schema attributes:

Special attributes

The schema has some unused attributes, that can be used for upcoming stuff.

For use by an experienced administrator for her own purpose:

  • sophomorixCustom1 (SingleValue)
  • sophomorixCustom2 (SingleValue)
  • sophomorixCustom3 (SingleValue)
  • sophomorixCustom4 (SingleValue)
  • sophomorixCustom5 (SingleValue)
  • sophomorixCustomMulti1 (MultiValue)
  • sophomorixCustomMulti2 (MultiValue)
  • sophomorixCustomMulti3 (MultiValue)
  • sophomorixCustomMulti4 (MultiValue)
  • sophomorixCustomMulti5 (MultiValue)

For use by sophomorix/linuxmuster developers ONLY:

  • sophomorixIntrinsic1 (SingleValue)
  • sophomorixIntrinsic2 (SingleValue)
  • sophomorixIntrinsic3 (SingleValue)
  • sophomorixIntrinsic4 (SingleValue)
  • sophomorixIntrinsic5 (SingleValue)
  • sophomorixIntrinsicMulti1 (MultiValue)
  • sophomorixIntrinsicMulti2 (MultiValue)
  • sophomorixIntrinsicMulti3 (MultiValue)
  • sophomorixIntrinsicMulti4 (MultiValue)
  • sophomorixIntrinsicMulti5 (MultiValue)

Schema installation and update

Schema installation

Installing the sophomorix schema is NOT done by package install (since it needs a preconfigured samba???).

You either install the schema

  1. manually by:
  • A manual will follow to set up sophomorix without linuxmuster-base7


  1. you leave the schema installation to the linuxmuster-base7 setup routine. This will also configure your samba nicely. This is the recommended way.

The installed schema (Version 1) consists of the following 3 files 1_, 2_,3_*:

???Add Link to final schmena

These 3 files will never be changed again after the beta release of LMN7.

The schema Version is found in the attribute CN=Sophomorix-Schema-Version as rangeUpper: 1 (1 is an integer and describes the schema Version)

To show the current schema Version in AD, you can issue the command:

sophomorix-samba --show-sophomorix-attributes

Schema updates

To allow a modification of the sophomorix schema, there can follow updates.

Updates are files:

  • in LDIF syntax
  • named: sophomorix-schema_update-.ldif
  • in the directory ....
  • increasing the CN=Sophomorix-Schema-Version to rangeUpper: <num>.
  • containing modifications to the schema

The ldif files are loaded completely, or NOT AT ALL. So if the update files increases rangeUpper: <num> to <num> the update was succesful.

The sophomorix schema Version that sophomorix expects and updates to, is configured in sophomorix-devel.conf:

???Link added, when final

Before doing any changes to the AD, sophomorix checks the Version in AD (rangeUpper: <num> of CN=Sophomorix-Schema-Version). If it does not match with the expected Version in sophomorix-devel.conf, the AD connect will fail, and sophomorix will not change anything on your system.

Open questions

  • Samba 4.7.6 (ubuntu Bionic)

  • Replication of schema to another server?

    • This works on 4.7.6
  • schemaIDGUID and schemaIDGUID : Must they be just different? (or calculated?)

    • We should use a tool to create these ID's: --> which tool?
    • on schema updates these numbers might be not updated/also updated?
  • schemaIDGUID :: (Double colon)

    • The double colon means: Following Value is utfbase64 encoded
  • How to save a schema Version number? (Do Server attributes exist?) CN=Server,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=linuxmuster,DC=local

    • The MSN exchange schema does this: ms-exch-schema-version
    • more to come ...
  • Enable indexin for some/which attributes?

    • Can be enabled later by searchFlags update
    • After samba restart the indexes are updated to current values
    • samba can be restarted later
  • The searchFlags can be updated by an ldif file: ldbmodify -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb ./file.ldif --option="dsdb:schema update allowed"=true

    • with the *.ldif-file:

      dn: CN=Sophomorix-Comment,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=linuxmuster,DC=local
      objectClass: attributeSchema
      changetype: modify
      searchFlags: 128
      dn: CN=sophomorix-Add-Mail-Quota,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=linuxmuster,DC=local
      objectClass: attributeSchema
      changetype: modify
      searchFlags: 128
    • Can this mechanism be used to manage the searchFlags on debian package update

      • Yes, but unneccesary searchFlags modifications will lead to unneccesary schema replication
    • What if parts of the ldif fail ? --> no changes made (all or nothing)

    • modify/replace combination above for searchFlags would create this attribute, if not there

  • rangeUpper and rangeLower for attributes?

    • Without there attributes, the length is flexible
    • webui will test with a huge length in attribute sophomorixWebuiDashboard if its enough.
  • smbclient: switching back to protocol -mNT1 : How long will that work?

    • protocol version 1 will be supported for a long time on the server ( roughly ... 10 years)
    • I will show servet the commands that need the -mNT1-switch
  • Is there a way to find out which user is logged in on which computer(dnsname)/computer$/IP/MAC(one of them would be sufficient)?

    • parsing smbstatus -b is a bit awkward
    • Where are the samba event logs? Parsing these might show this users
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