Tags: Email, Orders, Tag, Watch
Use this task to monitor order tags, and notify staff, vendors, or any other interested parties when an order receives a certain tag. Useful for keeping teams across your business up to date as an order progresses.
- View in the task library: tasks.mechanic.dev/send-email-when-an-order-is-tagged
- Task JSON, for direct import: task.json
- Preview task code: script.liquid
"tag_to_watch_for__required": "in-production",
"ignore_orders_that_are_older_than_this_task__boolean": true,
"email_recipients__array_required": [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
"email_subject__required": "[{{shop.name}}] Order {{ order.name }}{% if order.customer.name %} placed by {{ order.customer.name }}{% endif %}",
"email_body__required_multiline": "Hello,\n\n{{ order.customer.name | default: 'Someone' }} placed a new order with your store, on {{ order.created_at | date: \"%b %d at %I:%M%P\" }}:\n<ul> {% for line in order.line_items %} <li> {{ line.quantity }}x {{ line.title }} {% if line.sku != \"\" %}(SKU: {{line.sku}}){% endif %} for {{ line.price | times: 100 | money }} each </li> {% endfor %} </ul>\nSubtotal: {{ order.subtotal_price | times: 100 | money }}\nTotal: {{ order.total_price | times: 100 | money }}\n{% if order.note != blank %}\nNote:\n{{ order.note }}\n{% endif %}\n\n<a href=\"https://{{ shop.domain }}/admin/orders/{{ order.id }}\">View order {{ order.name }}</a>\n{% if order.shipping_address %}\n<b>Shipping address:</b>\n{{ order.shipping_address.first_name }} {{ order.shipping_address.last_name }}\n{{ order.shipping_address.address1 }}\n{{ order.shipping_address.city }}, {{ shipping_address.province }} {{ shipping_address.zip }}\n{{ order.shipping_address.country }}\n{{ order.shipping_address.phone }}\n{% endif %}\nThanks,\n- Mechanic, for {{ shop.name }}"
Learn about task options in Mechanic
Learn about event subscriptions in Mechanic
Use this task to monitor order tags, and notify staff, vendors, or any other interested parties when an order receives a certain tag. Useful for keeping teams across your business up to date as an order progresses.
This task monitors incoming orders, and updates to existing orders, looking for the tag of your choice. When the tag is detected, this task will send an email to the address(es) of your choice.
Important notes
- This task also adds a second tag to the order when the email is sent, as a flag to mark the order as having had that email sent. This helps Mechanic remember what orders should not have an email sent.
- To help out merchants who have lots of existing orders, by default this task doesn't watch orders that were created before you add this task to your Mechanic account.
Find this task in the library at tasks.mechanic.dev, and use the "Try this task" button. Or, import this task's JSON export – see Importing and exporting tasks to learn how imports work.
Found a bug? Got an improvement to add? Start here: ../../CONTRIBUTING.md.
Submit your task requests for consideration by the Mechanic community, and they may be chosen for development and inclusion in the task library!