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Meeting Notes 2021 02 08

Elias Rohrer edited this page Aug 8, 2022 · 1 revision

Chair: @ariard


  • arik-so
  • bmancini55
  • jkczyz
  • TheBlueMatt
  • ariard
  • sr-gi
  • moneyball


0.0.13 blockers: #762, #756, #752

PRs near-to-land: MPP, 791, 786,789. MPP still needs more eyes on it.


The LDK project has a new website thanks to Val : "Overview" and "Getting Started" are covering overview/RL architecture/batteries. "References" which would benefit from more diagrams. "Use Cases" is what LDK/RL can address. "Building a Node" is how you make a lightning node using LDK so it's argueably the starting point.

A open question is how to document the different subprojects of LDK.

A question under discussion is whether ldk-modules (persistence, block-sync, ...) and bindings should stay in the RL repo or be moved towards their own. "having the generated bindings code in the same repo does make the Github search functionality less useful"

A side-question was about linking/owning the main RL repo by the LDK org, such increasing its visibility for prospective LN devs. Action item : "Ask to GH if we can duplicate the repo ?"

Current bindings repo isn't that much outsourced, up to Arik and Matt to fulfill issues and TODOs.

Documentation most urgent chunks are : "overview"/"use cases"/"getting started".

Node sample has a code skeleton, waiting on architecture ACK.


sync_complete is good on our side thanks to Brian.

opt_shutdown_anysegwit has an implementation.

opt_zero_htlc_tx_fee before spec finalization.


Chaincode is doing an online Lightning study group in march.

LDK python bindings are up to review, ping Sergi.

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