Releases: lifecycle-project/ds-dictionaries
Releases · lifecycle-project/ds-dictionaries
1_1 - urban_ath athlete variables
works with dsUpload >= 4.7.2
What's Changed
- fix urban_ath 1_1 missing variables and categories by @erikzwart in #37
- fix urban_ath 1_1 by @erikzwart in #42
- fix urban_ath 1_1 urb_area_id 1804 Rennes by @erikzwart in #44
- Fix urban ath 1_1 by @erikzwart in #45
Full Changelog: chemicals_ath-1_2...urban_ath-1_1
1_1 - outcome_ath athlete variables
works with dsUpload >= 4.7.x
What's Changed
- fix outcome_ath 1_0 non_rep cohort_id by @erikzwart in #39
Full Changelog: urban_ath-1_0...core-2_4
2_4 - core variables
works with dsUpload >= 4.7.x
What's Changed
- fix core 2_4 non_rep cohort_id by @erikzwart in #38
Full Changelog: urban_ath-1_0...core-2_4
1_2 - chemicals_ath athlete variables
works with dsUpload >= 4.7.x
What's Changed
- fix chemicals_ath 1_1 non_rep cohort_id by @erikzwart in #40
Full Changelog: urban_ath-1_0...core-2_4
1_0 - urban_ath athlete variables
works with dsUpload >= 4.7.x
What's Changed
- replace isMissing() with logical value FALSE urban_ath by @erikzwart in #34
- Fix/urban ath 1 0 by @erikzwart in #35
- Fix/urban ath 1 0 by @erikzwart in #36
Full Changelog: outcome_ath-1_0...urban_ath-1_0
1_0 - outcome_ath athlete variables
works with dsUpload >= 4.7.x
What's Changed
- replace isMissing() with logical value FALSE outcome_ath yearly_rep by @erikzwart in #33
Full Changelog: urban_ath-1_0...outcome_ath-1_0
2_3 - core variables
works with dsUpload >= 4.4.x
1_6 - outcome variables
Works with dsUpload
1_0 - outcome variables
outcome-1_0 Athlete outcome_ath trimester ga_us_t == decimal
1_5 - methyl variables
Works with dsUploadMethyl