The pkg is a extension relative to the body-parser library. you can use it to parser xml data and convert into JavaScript Object, mounting on req.body.
The config options is highly opened:
- you can use your
to extract raw body from request stream if you think the default is not satisfied with your case. - you can custom parser xml, just to set the parser into options, passing in middleware.
$ npm install express-body-parser-xml
for js
const { XMLParseMiddleware } = require('express-body-parser-xml');
for ts
import { XMLParseMiddleware } from 'express-body-parser-xml';
- types
- an array of types to match incoming request
- an array of types to match incoming request
- limit
- only parser
less than limit body.
- only parser
- charset
- ascii
- utf8
- utf-8
- utf16le
- ucs2
- ucs-2
- base64
- base64url
- latin1
- binary
- hex
- parser
- parser text to js object, the default is xml2js.
- defaultParserOpts
- parserOpts for xml2js parser
- read
- extract data from request stream.
types: ['*/xml', '+xml'],
limit: '1mb',
charset: 'utf8',
parser: defaultParser,
defaultParserOpts: { async: true, explicitArray: false },
read: defaultRead,
type IParser = (xmlRaw: string) => Promise<Record<string, any>>;
It will be considered to be right, when only the readRes.status === 200.
interface IReadRes {
status: number;
msg?: string;
rawBody: string;
type IRead = (req: Request, opts: IXmlOptions) => Promise<IReadRes>;
for js
const express = require('express');
const { XMLParseMiddleware } = require('express-body-parser-xml');
const app = express();
app.use(XMLParseMiddleware({ limit: '2mb' }));'/test', async (req, res) => {
for ts
import * as express from 'express';
import { XMLParseMiddleware } from 'express-body-parser-xml';
const app = express();
types: ['text/xml'],
limit: '2mb',
);'/test', async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
The chance to build this pkg is that i failed to find one pkg to use easily that parser xml as middleware, when i develop my wechat account service.
After refer to relevant packages, such as body-parser-xml, body-parser, xml2js, type-is and so on. i write this pkg by ts.
In brief, thanks a lot, owing to the above pkgs, this pkg can born.