This is a collection of fields, created by community. Please feel free to contribute. Also check out small subreddit: /r/fieldplay
- Behold by /u/censored_username
- Sauron's Eye by /u/censored_username
- Heart by /u/sakrist
- True Dipole by /u/julesjacobs
- Flow profile of a sphere by /u/NitroXSC
- Best vortex by /u/Jumpy89
- Black hole by /u/Jumpy89
- Julia set by /u/brokenAmmonite
- Mandelbrot set by /u/ThatSpysASpy
- Reflecting pool by /u/p2p_editor
- Shear zone by /u/TooLateForMeTF
- Beautiful field by @gsomix
- Learning about Hamiltonian Monte Carlo by @betanalpha and @rlmcelreath