Library Catalog API is a Ruby on Rails application which exposes MARC library catalog data and enables it to be queried using HTTP.
Library Catalog API is licensed under AGPL version 3. See file COPYING for details.
The project contains files from 960 Grid System by Nathan Smith, licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
Recommended version 1.9.2
$ bundle
Inside the config folder there is an example on how to do this (database.example.yml)
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake load_marcxml_files FILE=replace_this_with_the_name_of_the_marcxml_file_you_want_to_import.xml
Use Apache web server and Phusion Passenger (or whatever you're comfortable with)
Project uses Pygmentize to generate code examples in HTML.
pygmentize -f html -S friendly -a .highlight
pygmentize -l javascript -f html -o test.html test.json
pygmentize -f html -o test.html test.rb