├── public/
├── src/
├── api/ - third party and chain api methods
├── assets/ - svgs & images
├── boot/ - global property files comprise the entrypoint when compiled (quasar)
├── components/ - vue sfcs
├── config/ - network configuration files
├── chains/ - network specific settings
├── css/ - sass styles
├── layouts/
├── pages/
├── router/ - route & history management
├── store/ - app state management
├── types/ - typescript types
├── utils/ - shared methods
├── App.vue - app mount component
├── test/ - contains jest unit tests
├── .env.example - set default network and enable network sidebar
├── .eslintrc.js - linter settings
├── netlify.toml - env variables for netlify deployment
├── jest.config.js - jest unit testing settings & reporting thresholds
├── ProjectStructure.md - this file
├── quasar.conf.js - quasar settings
├── .tsconfig.json - typescript settings