How to use?
- As CLI
// Example call via CLI: if (!isset($argv[1]) || !isset($argv[2]) || !isset($argv[3])) { echo "Lack of params. It must be called with: Birtgday, Birth Month and Birth year\n"; echo "Patern: php Biorhythm.php Day Month Year [Target Day] [Target Month] [Target Year]\n"; echo "php Biorhythm.php 12 1 1969\n"; die(); }
$day = $argv[1]; $month = $argv[2]; $year = $argv[3];
$targetDay = $argv[4] ?? null; $targetMonth = $argv[5] ?? null; $targetYear = $argv[6] ?? null;
$bio = new Biorhythm($day, $month, $year, $targetDay, $targetMonth, $targetYear); //$biorhythm = $bio->outputFormat = 'json'; # default is array. $biorhythm = $bio->run(); var_dump($biorhythm);
Biorhyrhm for current day (format: day month year): php Biorhythm.php 12 1 1969
Biorhyrhm for specified date (format: day month year target_day target_month target_year): php Biorhythm.php 12 1 1969 2 7 1969
- In PHP app: Make form and pass the parans from form, It can be say something like following:
// Example: CALL via request $day = (int)$_REQUEST['d']; $month = (int)$_REQUEST['m']; $year = (int)$_REQUEST['y']; $targetDay = (int)$_REQUEST['td']; $targetMonth = (int)$_REQUEST['tm']; $targetYear = (int)$_REQUEST['ty'];
$bio = new Biorhythm($day, $month, $year, $targetDay, $targetMonth, $targetYear); //$biorhythm = $bio->outputFormat = 'json'; # default is array. $biorhythm = $bio->run();