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Helm Chart Examples

This directory includes examples of how to configure the Lenses' Helm chart values for various scenarios. We break each configuration into a different yaml file to make it easier to find the part you need and allow you to mix and match configurations.

Configurations always start with values.basic.yaml which sets the ingress. Without any other option set, the basic configuration will deploy Lenses and bring you in the wizard mode, where you can configure your Kafka Cluster following the steps in your browser.

Adding more value files, you can setup your Kafka Cluster and other connections via the Helm Chart, enable single-sign-on via SAML, use PostreSQL as the backing store for Lenses, and more.

Please note that in order to run Lenses you need a license. You can grab a trial license from our website.

Basic chart to deploy Lenses with Setup Wizard

This is the most basic chart, where Lenses is deployed with the default values:

  • We use the on-disk database (H2)
  • We create an ingress so we can access the Lenses web interface
  • We will be greeted by the wizard, so we can setup the connection to the Kafka Brokers and add the license following the instructions on our browser.

To use it, you can edit values.basic.yaml to define your ingress host, then run:

helm repo add lensesio
helm repo update
helm install --namespace lenses lenses lensesio/lenses \
     --values values.basic.yaml

Tip: it is also a good idea to change the default password of the administrator user in this YAML file.

Add (provision) a Kafka cluster

If you prefer to manage your connection(s) in the Helm chart rather than the web interface, you can use the provisioning section of the charts.

There are multiple examples provided for various authentication scenarios.


Edit values.provision.kafka.plaintext, replace the sample bootstrap brokers URLs with your own, and add any metrics settings if required. Then run:

helm repo add lensesio
helm repo update
helm install --namespace lenses lenses lensesio/lenses \
     --values values.basic.yaml \
     --values values.provision.kafka.plaintext.yaml


helm repo add lensesio
helm repo update
helm install --namespace lenses lenses lensesio/lenses \
     --values values.basic.yaml \
     --values values.provision.kafka.ssl.yaml





Add a license

If you have added a Kafka cluster connection to your chart, you can also add your Lenses license if desired.

Edit values.provision.license.yaml and replace the sample license with your own, then run:

helm repo add lensesio
helm repo update
helm install --namespace lenses lenses lensesio/lenses \
     --values values.basic.yaml \
     --values values.provision.kafka.plaintext.yaml \
     --values values.provision.license.yaml

Add a Schema Registry

Confluent without authentication

Edit values.provision.schema-registry.confluent.yaml, replace the schema registry URLs with your own, and add any metrics settings if required. You can install the Lenses chart or upgrade if Lenses is already deployed and you just added the Schema Registry connection:

helm repo add lensesio
helm repo update
helm install --namespace lenses lenses lensesio/lenses \
     --values values.basic.yaml \
     --values values.provision.kafka.plaintext.yaml \
     --values values.provision.license.yaml \
     --values values.provision.schema-registry.confluent.yaml

AWS Glue


Add Kafka Connect clusters

Edit values.provision.connect.yaml, replace the Connect workers URLs with your own, and add any metrics settings if required. You can install the Lenses chart or upgrade if Lenses is already deployed and you just added or altered the Connect connection(s):

helm repo add lensesio
helm repo update
helm install --namespace lenses lenses lensesio/lenses \
     --values values.basic.yaml \
     --values values.provision.kafka.plaintext.yaml \
     --values values.provision.license.yaml \
     --values values.provision.schema-registry.confluent.yaml \
     --values values.provision.connect.yaml

Connect with authentication


Add other types of Connections


Use PostgreSQL for the Lenses internal database


Setup SAML authentication


Setup LDAP/AD authentication


Increase resources, memory and CPU


Setup a custom truststore