Version 0.9.2 realease! [lcgamboa]
Support to wait for GDB in qemu based boards added. [lcgamboa]
Add a new picsimlab_tool command line tool to upload firmware direct to PICSimLab (from platformio). [lcgamboa]
New spare part MCP23017 I2C IO expander. [lcgamboa]
New part "Logic Block" with logic functions: Not, Buffer, And, Nand, Or, Nor, Xor and Xnor. [lcgamboa]
Increase oscilloscope time scale up to 1s/div. [lcgamboa]
Support to PIC18F67J60 added to Breadboard board. [lcgamboa]
Add initial support to ESP32 RMT TX. [lcgamboa]
Add support to use analog values in gpboard (gpsim backend) [lcgamboa]
Add I2C support to ESP32C3. [lcgamboa]
Add support to PWM outputs for ESP32C3 and STM32 boards. [lcgamboa]
Add support to set PWM frequency in STM32 Qemu based boards. [lcgamboa]
Adds support for showing in the status bar when waiting for GDB connection. [lcgamboa]
On fails make backup and load demonstrantion workspace to recover. [lcgamboa]
Add support to set baud rate in bitbang_uart (STM32 boards) [lcgamboa]
Add support to set baud rate in bitbang_uart (ESP32 and ESP32C3) [lcgamboa]
Add suport to set PWM frequency in bitbang_pwm (LEDC for ESP32, ESP32C3) [lcgamboa]
Add support to Read operations and interrupts in MCP23S17 spare part. [lcgamboa]
Gpboard updated to use gpsim-0.32.1. [lcgamboa]
Gpsim interface optimization to improve simulation performance. [lcgamboa]
Changlog updated. [lcgamboa]
Fix BluePill Board onboard LED polarity. [lcgamboa]
Fix errors when setting time/date in RTC DS1307 and PFC8563. [lcgamboa]
Fix spare parts Buzzer crash on board reset. [lcgamboa]
Fix spare parts properties window position. [lcgamboa]
Fix state of input pins after reset in AVR based boards. [lcgamboa]
Fix RTC DS1307 support to 12h mode. [lcgamboa]
Fix Oscilloscope to use all SpareParts pins. [lcgamboa]
Fix gpboard configuration bits dump for PIC18F. [lcgamboa]
Fix gpboard simulation clock speed. [lcgamboa]
Fix spare parts window position on start. [lcgamboa]
Fix support to multi byte char in command line file name. [lcgamboa]
Fix path for load rcontrol and debug port from options. [lcgamboa]
Add WIFI support to ESP32C3 and ESP-NOW protocol. [lcgamboa]
Add support to enable/disable watchdog and ethernet support of ESP32-C3. [lcgamboa]
Add suport to ESP32 LEDC (PWM output) [lcgamboa]
SD card support to CRC16 on write block and CRC7 on commands. [lcgamboa]
SD card initial support to CRC16 on (ESP32 compatibility). [lcgamboa]
Add support to save Vterm window size. [lcgamboa]
Add time tolerance to reset pulse of DHTxx sensors. [lcgamboa]
Change vterm font to monospaced. [lcgamboa]
Rename speed label from Clk to IO in qemu boards. [lcgamboa]
Draw the spare part before clicking in the window when a new part is added. [lcgamboa]
Scripts updated and max flash file size fixed for qemu. [lcgamboa]
Add support to change ambient temperature and LM35 voltage offset in TempSys spare part. [lcgamboa]
Fix invalid serial read on qemu based boards. [lcgamboa]
Fix I2C address of adxl345 and bmp280. [lcgamboa]
Remove simulation reset when minimize/maximize on Windows. [lcgamboa]
Fix SDCard spare parts CIPO signal. [lcgamboa]
Fix invalid serial handle in Windows. [lcgamboa]
Fixes the issue of opening multiple workspaces in multiple instances simultaneously. [lcgamboa]
Fix Arduino Uno board missing spare parts when open workspace files. [lcgamboa]
Version 0.9.1. [lcgamboa]
Version 0.9.0. [lcgamboa]
Move Curiosity, Curiosity HPC and Xpress boards from experimental to stable version. [lcgamboa]
Add support to PIC16F819, PIC16F1827 and PIC16F1847 in Breadboard. [lcgamboa]
Add support to Text Box part open external URLs on click. [lcgamboa]
Add suport to ESP32-C3 to use efuse file. [lcgamboa]
Move RemoteTCP board from experimental to stable version. [lcgamboa]
Add support to use efuse file with ESP32 qemu based boards. [lcgamboa]
Add support to IO virtual term part autodetect uart pins. [lcgamboa]
New board ESP32-C3-DevKitC-02 (riscv32) [lcgamboa]
New part NTC temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]
Support to PIC16F688 added to board Breadboard. [lcgamboa]
Support to UART, SPI, I2C and ADC added to RemoteTCP board. [lcgamboa]
Add support to syncronize Remote TCP simulation. [lcgamboa]
New part HX711 (Load Cell Amp) [lcgamboa]
Option to set the number of elements in parts: Potentiometers, Push Buttons, Switches and LEDs. [lcgamboa]
Option to set the number of elements in parts: Potentiometers, Push Buttons, Switches and LEDs. [lcgamboa]
Support to PIC16F1947 added to Breadboard board. [lcgamboa]
Support to PIC16F1516 and PIC1824Q10 added to Breadboard board. [lcgamboa]
Support to save debug status per board. [lcgamboa]
Support to PIC16F1829 added to Breadboard board. [lcgamboa]
Support to save Board and Oscilloscope windows postions and options per board. [lcgamboa]
Support to save Spare Parts window postion per board. [lcgamboa]
Support to enable/disable reset by DTR/RTS serial signals. [lcgamboa]
Add support to disable default serial port on Qemu based boards. [lcgamboa]
Add stack trace to log when PICSimLab crash. [lcgamboa]
Add support to use icount=auto in qemu based boards. [lcgamboa]
Add option to enable ethernet support in ESP32 DevKitC board. [lcgamboa]
Qemu-ESP32 updated to support https over Wifi. [lcgamboa]
Icons updated. [lcgamboa]
Support to load only app.bin in qemu-esp32 based boards. [lcgamboa]
Add the "Load Board Demo" menu option and automatic demo load on board first use. [lcgamboa]
Add support to remove VT100 codes in Virtual Term part. [lcgamboa]
Fix button read after pin mode set to input in McLab2 board. [lcgamboa]
Add line break in Virtual Term to avoid UI freezing. [lcgamboa]
Add 2k text limit to virtual_Text part. [lcgamboa]
Fix 7s Display part draw when active mode is set to low. [lcgamboa]
Fix PQDB board seven segments display point and analog channel order. [lcgamboa]
Fix crash in rcontrol when use PinViewer pin toggle on qemu based boards. [lcgamboa]
Fix breadboard freezing when using File Load Hex menu. [lcgamboa]
Fix serial port baudrate calculation. [lcgamboa]
Fix the path of last open file for qemu based boards used by reload last menu option. [lcgamboa]
Fix pin initial value used by LEDs and 7 seg. displays. [lcgamboa]
Fix qemu based boards to not freeze when clock is changed. [lcgamboa]
Fix TextBox init sporadic error messages. [lcgamboa]
Fix Arduino Nano board power and uart pins. [lcgamboa]
Add support to use atmega2560 four UARTs. [lcgamboa]
Update simulated PQDB board to work like the real one, added support for PIC18F4550 and PIC18F4620. [lcgamboa]
Merge pull request #76 from necrashter/update-gitignore. [lcgamboa]
Add *.o and other files generated after compiling to gitignore. [necrashter]
Merge pull request #70 from fathonix/master. [lcgamboa]
Add .gitignore to prevent accidentally committing the build folder. [Aldo Adirajasa Fathoni]
Version 0.8.12. [lcgamboa]
Support to PIC16F886 and PIC18F28K80 added to Breadboard board. [lcgamboa]
Support to use UART pins with qemu ESP32 and STM32 added. [lcgamboa]
Support to use Virtual Terminal part with rcontrol interface. [lcgamboa]
New part ADXL345 Accelerometer. [lcgamboa]
Support to SPI in bmp280 sensor added. [lcgamboa]
Support to SPI in qemu-stm32 added. [lcgamboa]
Support to I2C in qemu-stm32 added. [lcgamboa]
Add support to PIC18F4580 on boards Breadboard, McLAb2 and PICGenios. [lcgamboa]
New board Arduino Mega added. [lcgamboa]
New board Arduino Nano added. [lcgamboa]
Support to run multiple instances of PICSimLab. [lcgamboa]
Support for logging and recovering from errors. [lcgamboa]
Support to ESP32 Iomux on board DevKitC. [lcgamboa]
Added support to I2C and SPI to ESP32 DevKitC board. [lcgamboa]
Esp32 DevKitC board support to ADC added. [lcgamboa]
Change VCD Dump part to only show used channels in pulseview. [lcgamboa]
Add instance numbers to windows title bars. [lcgamboa]
Step motor part now show steps and turns. [lcgamboa]
Scripts updated. [lcgamboa]
README updated. [lcgamboa]
Fix Virtual terminal and increase internal timers precision. [lcgamboa]
Fix window redraw when used in wayland (Linux) [lcgamboa]
Add support to windows serial ports greater than COM9 in qemu backend simulator. [lcgamboa]
PICGenious board interference of keys bounce on keyboard activation removed. [lcgamboa]
New part BMP280 I2C pressure and temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]
New part BMP180 I2C pressure and temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]
New part DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]
New part DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]
New part DHT22 humidity and temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]
New board ESP32-DevKitC. [lcgamboa]
Support to disable bounce effect in switches and push buttons parts. [lcgamboa]
Part IO MM74C922 keyboard controller added. [lcgamboa]
Version 0.8.10. [lcgamboa]
Move boards Blue Pill, DevKitC and STM32 H103 from experimental to stable version. [lcgamboa]
Move gpboard from experimental to stable version. [lcgamboa]
Blue Pill and STM32 H103 boards picture updated. [lcgamboa]
PQDB and ESP32-DevKitC boards pictures updated. [lcgamboa]
Scripts updated. [lcgamboa]
Readme updated. [lcgamboa]
Readme updated. [lcgamboa]
Fix qemu configuration window of board ESP32 DEvKitC. [lcgamboa]
Fix ESP32 DevKitC to work on windows. [lcgamboa]
Fix board PICGenios dip switches functions. [lcgamboa]
- Merge pull request #61 from lcgamboa/libqemu. [lcgamboa]
Version 0.8.10. [lcgamboa]
Option to use single 7 Segment Display part. [lcgamboa]
New part IO 74xx573 octal latch. [lcgamboa]
New Text Box spare part. [lcgamboa]
Support to change On position in switches parts and color status indication. [lcgamboa]
Support to change color of LEDs part (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow and White) [lcgamboa]
Support to use +3V3 instead only +5V in some boards. [lcgamboa]
New RGB LED WS2812B part added. [lcgamboa]
Bounce effect added to Switches part and boards McLab1, McLab2, X and PICGenios. [lcgamboa]
LCD HD44780 support to read in 4bits mode. [lcgamboa]
Support to RAM data write/read breakpoints for PIC16F/18F added. [lcgamboa]
Timer peripheral added to RIPES board. [lcgamboa]
Support to automatic save the last open workspace file (.pzw) [lcgamboa]
New spare part LDR. [lcgamboa]
Support to PIC16F887 added to boards Breadboard, McLab2 and PICGenios. [lcgamboa]
New board RemoteTCP with Ripes support added. [lcgamboa]
New part DS1621 I2C temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]
New part DS1621 I2C temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]
New part DS1621 I2C temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]
Support to add combined part LCD_hd44780 with PCF8574 I2C expander. [lcgamboa]
Support to ATtiny85 USI TWI master mode. [lcgamboa]
Push buttons bounce effect added. [lcgamboa]
Oscilloscope support to show measures in screen added. [lcgamboa]
Use system default application to open the serial terminal. [lcgamboa]
Disable autosave workspace for online version. [lcgamboa]
IO PCF8574 I2C expander support to read pins added. [lcgamboa]
Debian changelog updated. [lcgamboa]
Use default application to open VCD files in VCDDump part. [lcgamboa]
Appimage scripts updated. [lcgamboa]
Build scripts updated. [lcgamboa]
Move uCboard from experimental to stable version. [lcgamboa]
Move uCboard from experimental to stable version. [lcgamboa]
Makefiles updated! [lcgamboa]
Speed optimization to only process parts when io is updated (only PICSim and simavr backend) [lcgamboa]
Speed optimization to only process parts when io is updated (only simavr) [lcgamboa]
Remove simavr external interrupt aways enabled with slow down simulation. [lcgamboa]
Save external EEPROM from boards to workspace files. [lcgamboa]
Bitbang I2C ACK fixed for all I2C parts. [lcgamboa]
Issue with device 74xx595 serial ouptut fixed. [lcgamboa]
Fixes month writing issue in RTCs. [lcgamboa]
Windows build. [lcgamboa]
Fix power off statusbar messages. [lcgamboa]
Board McLab2 7 segments display bug removed. [lcgamboa]
IO Uart part slow simulation bug removed. [lcgamboa]
Signal Generator part frequency shift error removed. [lcgamboa]
Removed the bug when all pins of step motor part are zero. [lcgamboa]
- VERSION date updated. [lcgamboa]
Support to TinyDebug message write added to Franzininho DIY board. [lcgamboa]
Support to open files using drag and drop. [lcgamboa]
New part Fixed Voltage. [lcgamboa]
New part SHT3X temperature and humidity sensor. [lcgamboa]
New part FM50 temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]
New part LM35 temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]
Support to dump Flash memory in rcontrol interface. [lcgamboa]
Support to dump RAM and internal EEPROM memory in rcontrol interface. [lcgamboa]
Support to save EEPROM of AVR MCU between PICSimLab sessions. [lcgamboa]
Pin Viewer tool added. [lcgamboa]
VCD Dump support to change external VCD viewer (eg. use pulseview instead gtkwave) [lcgamboa]
New part MPU6050 accel and gyro added (only raw values, no FIFO or DMP) [lcgamboa]
Support to only draw parts when need update to reduce cpu usage. [lcgamboa]
Support to only draw board when need update to reduce cpu usage. [lcgamboa]
Buzzer passive mode audio clicks removed. [lcgamboa]
Removed the problem that caused PICSimLab don't start when qemu-stm32 was not found. [lcgamboa]
Rcontrol new command loadhex. [lcgamboa]
Merge pull request #38 from dantop03/master. [lcgamboa]
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dantop03/picsimlab Correções. [dantop03]
Correções imagem e arquivos Franzininho. [dantop03]
Merge pull request #37 from dantop03/master. [lcgamboa]
Merge branch 'lcgamboa:master' into master. [dantop03]
Atualização arquivos Franzininho. [dantop03]
New board pic for Franzinino DIY. [dantop03]
- New part 7 segment display with BCD-7S decoder. [lcgamboa]
- Remote control running in one separated thread and support to show real simulation speed. [lcgamboa]
- Error on arduino uno bootloader addr fixed. [lcgamboa]
New menu "virtual" in spare parts window. [lcgamboa]
Initial support to Franzininho DIY board with attiny85. [lcgamboa]
Resize board to display size when board size is bigger than display. [lcgamboa]
Support to scroll ans scale spare parts window with mouse. [lcgamboa]
Added a status bar int the Spare parts window to show alias, scale and offset. [lcgamboa]
Support to use SVG instead PNG for part pictures. [lcgamboa]
Support to use SVG instead PNG for boards pictures. [lcgamboa]
Oscilloscope channel info on screen added. [lcgamboa]
Spare part window menu "add" split in "Inputs", "Outputs" and "Others" [lcgamboa]
Part Ultrasonic HC-SR04 added. [lcgamboa]
Menu entry to download MPLABX debugger plugin. [lcgamboa]
Command "pins" to show pins status and dir in control interface. [lcgamboa]
- Docs moved to picsimlab_docs repo. [lcgamboa]
Missing +5V on atemga2560 and attiny85 added. [lcgamboa]
Support to use windows serial ports above COM9. [lcgamboa]
Arduino IDE bootloaders reset to programm bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
No value on pins on debug stepping bug removed. [lcgamboa]
Merge pull request #30 from rmaalmeida/master. [lcgamboa]
Adding PQDB board to the project. [Rodrigo Almeida]
Adding PQDB board to the project. [Rodrigo Almeida]
Merge pull request #2 from lcgamboa/master. [Rodrigo Almeida]
Merge pull request #1 from lcgamboa/master. [Rodrigo Almeida]
Part DC Motor added. [lcgamboa]
Part encoder (rotary) added. [lcgamboa]
Support to configure remote control port number in configuration window. [lcgamboa]
Push buttons and potentiometer animation implemented. [lcgamboa]
New part rotary potentiometer. [lcgamboa]
Support to active parts with low input signal for LEDs, RGB LED, Buzzer and 7 segments display. [lcgamboa]
Support to save board potentiometers position. [lcgamboa]
Initial support to TCP remote control interface. [lcgamboa]
Initial support to touch controller xpt2046. [lcgamboa]
Support to read in ili9340 8 bit interface added. [lcgamboa]
Support to set offset in Signal Generator added. [lcgamboa]
Support to qemu_stm32 analog channels added. [lcgamboa]
Support to ili9341 8 bit parallel mode added. [lcgamboa]
Correct state of uart txpin on reset fixed. [lcgamboa]
Serial bitbang tx bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Support to read version of workspaces. [lcgamboa]
Board_avr initial support to bitbang uart added. [lcgamboa]
Part virtual terminal added. [Luis Claudio Gambôa Lopes]
Gamepad Analogic part added. [Luis Claudio Gambôa Lopes]
Support to spare parts orientation (rotation 0, 90, 180 and 270) [Luis Claudio Gambôa Lopes]
Initial support to part LCD ili9341. [lcgamboa]
Part lcd ssd1306 SPI and I2C added. [lcgamboa]
Part Jumper Wires added. [lcgamboa]
New part IO UART. [lcgamboa]
SD card part added. [lcgamboa]
VCD Play part added. [lcgamboa]
Board STM32_H103 added. [lcgamboa]
Part ethernet shield w5500 added. [lcgamboa]
Support to pin name alias in spare part window. [lcgamboa]
Added support to PIC18F46J50. [lcgamboa]
- More microcontrollers of PICSim added in PICGenios, Breadboard and McLab2 boards. [lcgamboa]
Picsim boards debug disable on load hex bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Support to mean value in all pins of boards McLAb2 and PICGenios. [lcgamboa]
Microcontroller with more than 40 pins support ! minor. [lcgamboa]
Signal generator fixed to generate digital signal. [lcgamboa]
Initial support to PIC microcontrollers of gpsim as backend simulator. [lcgamboa]
Support for selecting board, processor and files on the command line. [lcgamboa]
Added support to boards and parts help link and about information. [lcgamboa]
LCD hd44780 read support added. [lcgamboa]
Build script with support to build experimental features. [lcgamboa]
Initial support to uCsim Z80 and STM8S103. [lcgamboa]
New board Curiosity HPC. [lcgamboa]
Clock frequency of 64 and 48Mhz added. [lcgamboa]
Initial support to STM32 Blue Pill board. [lcgamboa]
Initial support to STM32 Blue Pill board. [lcgamboa]
Support to ucsim 8051. [lcgamboa]
New preference tags and support to legacy workspace (before 0.8.2) [lcgamboa]
Support to save clock speed for each board. [lcgamboa]
Dynamic parts registration for better modularization. [lcgamboa]
Dynamic board registration for better modularization. [lcgamboa]
Examples are moved to other repository. [lcgamboa]
Menu option to kick load Arduino bootloader. [lcgamboa]
Support to change debug TCP port. [lcgamboa]
Support to chose AVR debugger type. [lcgamboa]
Support to atmega2560. [lcgamboa]
Spare parts properties combo and input text sizes increased. [lcgamboa]
Using boards names instead numbers. [lcgamboa]
Board debug support methods renamed. [lcgamboa]
Register macros simplified. [lcgamboa]
Board registartion improved. [lcgamboa]
Added missing two phase excitation on step motor part. [lcgamboa]
Fixed the lose of parts on spare part window when open new pzw file. [lcgamboa]
AVR GDB debug speed increased. [lcgamboa]
Support to PIC16F18324. [lcgamboa]
MCP23017 part added and WProp window pointer redefined. [lcgamboa]
Support to flash address greater than 16 bits. [lcgamboa]
VCD dump analogic added. [lcgamboa]
LED matrix serial output and angle support added. [lcgamboa]
Default Open Value for pin support added. [lcgamboa]
16e intel hex file read and write. [lcgamboa]
Add instructions for running the prebuilt Windows executable in Wine. [Tomáš Hübelbauer]
Support to PIC16F18324. [lcgamboa]
MCP23017 part added and WProp window pointer redefined. [lcgamboa]
Support to flash address greater than 16 bits. [lcgamboa]
VCD dump analogic added. [lcgamboa]
LED matrix serial output and angle support added. [lcgamboa]
Board5 switch from atmega328 to atmega328p. [lcgamboa]
Remove chtml when not used. [lcgamboa]
Kicad files updated. [lcgamboa]
Updated to use only online help. [lcgamboa]
Board5 switch from atmega328 to atmega328p. [lcgamboa]
Disable debug config bit fixed. [lcgamboa]
LCD hd44780 default initialization bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Mean output value bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Buzzer audio bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Pin name bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Temperature system bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Mplabxd end free bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Disable debug config bit fixed. [lcgamboa]
LCD hd44780 default initialization bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Mean output value bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Buzzer audio bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Pin name bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Temperature system bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Merge branch 'new_features' of https://github.com/lcgamboa/picsimlab into new_features. [lcgamboa]
Lxaudio support updated. [lcgamboa]
Read pin updated. [lcgamboa]
Refresh var removed. [lcgamboa]
Default Open Value for pin support added. [lcgamboa]
16e intel hex read and write. [lcgamboa]
Tools remove chtml when use external browser. [lcgamboa]
Remove chtml when not used. [lcgamboa]
Emscripten JS support. [lcgamboa]
C++ compat. [lcgamboa]
Makefile updated. [lcgamboa]
Docs updated. [lcgamboa]
Kicad files updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefile updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefile cross win32 updated. [lcgamboa]
Readme updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefiles and scripts updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefiles and scripts updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefiles and scripts updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefiles and scripts updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefiles updated. [lcgamboa]
Package script updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefile updated. [lcgamboa]
Debian info updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefile updated. [lcgamboa]
Debian info updated. [lcgamboa]
Script updated. [lcgamboa]
Debian control updated. [lcgamboa]
Debian package info. [lcgamboa]
Debian package info. [lcgamboa]
Package script. [lcgamboa]
Makefile updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefile updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefile updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefile updated. [lcgamboa]
Install script updated. [lcgamboa]
Install script updated. [lcgamboa]
Makefile updated. [lcgamboa]
Update to use only online help. [lcgamboa]
Mplabxd end free bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
Board 0 label centralized. [lcgamboa]
Board 0 label centralized. [lcgamboa]
Merge pull request #12 from TomasHubelbauer/patch-1. [lcgamboa]
Fix a typo in xquartz name. [Tomáš Hübelbauer]
Merge pull request #7 from TomasHubelbauer/patch-1. [lcgamboa]
Add instructions for running the prebuilt Windows executable in Wine. [Tomáš Hübelbauer]