- update virtuoso
- bump cache graph maintainer
- final version berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope
- update time window of export: start from 01-09-2023 now
- make attachments availible over deltas
- fix login endpoint for delta-consumer
Note: the deploy instructions assume we come from 1.85.0. So you might restart a bit too much. But that's okay.
drc restart virtuoso publication-triplestore
drc restart export-submissions berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-subsidies delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-worship-submissions dispatcher migrations report-generation resource enrich-submission validate-submission; drc up -d
- update forms
- add status to worship mandates producer
- drc restart migrations berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-ws-sensitive ; drc up -d prepare-submissions-for-export-service
- Bump multiple delta-related services
- Tweak virtuoso and publication datastore to account for bigger datasets
- prepare migration to export besluitenlijsten politiezones
- bump prepare-submission-for-export to have live streaming politiezones
drc restart virtuoso publication-triplestore migrations; drc up -d
- fix reports: extra fixes, plus added extra info for bedienaren.
- bump report-generation
- fix reports: improved code and removed bugs
- Add an environment variable to the frontend that can be used to display a "global system notification" to the users
- Bump identifier
- Bumped version berichtencentrum with kalliope, to have less data coming through
- Bump report generation; better character escape
- Improved mandatarissen-report
Automatic submission as very hot fix in docker-compose.override.yml. Remove this. If a maintenance message needs to be displayed, uncomment the environment variable in the docker-compose.override.yml file and edit the message.
drc up -d loket controle automatic-submission berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope report-generation identifier
- added ag2b
- besluitenlijst politiezone
- new producers, because much data
In your docker-compose.override.yml
- Ensure delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator-submissions is renamed to delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator
- Ensure delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-submissions is renamed to delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer
In file config/delta-producer/background-jobs-initiator/config.json ensure "startInitialSync": false
is set to "startInitialSync": true,
In file config/delta-producer/publication-graph-maintainer/config.json ensure
# ...
"key": "the key in the docker-compose override previously"
drc up -d --remove-orphans; drc -r restart dispatcher deltanotifier migrations
- Startdate lekp 1 & 2 set to august 31 (past)
- various improvements automatic-submissoin
- bugfixes, cleanup
- feature: delete submission
- VGC added for Stadsvernieuwing - thematische subsidie
drc up -d; drc restart migrations resource cache subsidy-applications-management database dispatcher
- bump ldes-consumer
drc up -d lpdc-ldes-consumer
- Add autonoom gemeentebedrijf mercator APB Kappelen
drc up -d migrations
and trigger the update-bestuurseenheid-mock-login
- cleanup
- add uuids to subsidy producer export config
- added AGB berlaar bestuurseenheid
- setup worship consumer to harvest from vendor
- added reports to report on harvested information
- added IFIC personeel
- moved deadlines LEKP subsidies
drc restart migrations resource cache deltanotifier; drc up -d
- bump frontend (fixing issue archived vs revision in the UI)
drc up -d loket
to fetch the new version
- bump
to v0.24.4
drc up -d lpdc-management
to fetch the new version
- bump
to v0.24.3
drc up -d lpdc-management
to fetch the new version
- Update config so correct predicate for postal code is exported
drc restart delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-leidinggevenden
- bump
to v0.24.2
drc up -d lpdc-management
to fetch the new version
- Frontend v0.80.0 - v0.84.0
- bump
- bump
mu-resource and mu-auth
- Only toezichthoudende betrokkenheid should be shown (hence bump enrich-submission)
- Update besluit handhaven form label to Besluit handhaven na ontvangst schorsingsbesluit
- Update semantic form to include a new custom alert component in the Besluit handhaven na ontvangst schorsingsbesluit form
- flush, rerun op sync migrations to fix typeBetrokkenheid
- Add two new external subsidies (Hoppinpunten and Haltes)
- Add "nieuw" and "toegevoegd" labels and filters to concepts
- Add support for concept archiving
- stop the stack:
drc stop
- start the "maintenance" frontend?
- start the virtuoso container:
drc start virtuoso
- create a new checkpoint so the transaction log is cleared:
- enter the isql-v environment:
drc exec virtuoso isql-v
- create a checkpoint:
- exit the isql-v environment:
- enter the isql-v environment:
- stop the virtuoso service
- make a backup of the data/db folder in case something goes wrong and we need to downgrade again
cp -r data/db some-backup-folder
- remove the transaction log file:
rm data/db/virtuoso.trx
drc up -d virtuoso
to update to the new image- check the logs to see if nothing strange happened
- Follow the steps to re-sync data from OP
drc restart migrations
and check if they ran successfullydrc restart cache resource database dispatcher subsidy-applications-management report-generation enrich-submission; drc up -d
- bump import submission: centrale besturen should also be able to provide normal attachements.
drc up -d
- Frontend v0.79.3
- Bump adressenregister services
- Frontend vendor access management: allows setting read-only
- Add new thematische stadsvernieuwing subsidie
- Add LEKP 2.1 Indienen Pact report
- Remove the English requirement for text fields when publication channel "YourEurope" is not chosen
- update the
frontend images to the correct version -
Check the migrations were ok.
drc restart migrations
drc restart cache resource database subsidy-applications-management report-generation; drc up -d
- The bump of mu-resource and mu-auth (i.e. the performance improvement) has been postponed dueu to new bugs.
- hotfix: vendor-data-distrbution-service breaking data.
- Historical data for vendor-api is availible now.
drc up -d; drc restart migrations
- add new bestuurseenheid (
Politiezone Rivierenland
- Added vendor API
drc restart database dispatcher deltanotifier; drc up -d
- Frontend v0.78.0 & v0.79.0
- data: remove redundant person URIs for rotselaar councillor
- Frontend-vendor access management (note: this is bundled in a release, it was already 'hot'-deployed)
- Improve Readme
- Increased virtuoso memory for default deploys
- remove Advies samenvoeging for Gemeente
- remove Verslag lokale betrokkenheid for Gemeente and Provincie
- A bit of a performance tweak to diminish the load import/export submissins from loket to toezicht abb
- Fix bug automatic-submission (i.e. jobs not consistently failed weh download failed)
- make the "uitvoerende overheid" an optional field
- fix the creation of empty public service instances for some users
- Add more organization types (Gemeenten, OCMW, Autonoom Provinciebedrijf, Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf, etc.) to the "Uitvoerende overheid" and "Bevoegde Overheid" fields
- "YourEurope categorien" is now required if "YourEurope" is selected for "Publicatiekanalen"
- #389 Change date and title for subsidie opknapwerken slaapplekken oekraine
- new "Stadsvernieuwing fase 2" subsidy
- Update deadlines Opknapwerken slaapplekken OekraΓ―ne subsidy
- Increase max body size
- update the
image tolblod/frontend-loket:0.79.0-controle
(renamed from lblod/frontend-loket:x.x.x-batch-edit) - Remove the image from
image: lblod/frontend-vendor-access-management:0.7.0
drc restart migrations cache resource dispatcher subsidy-applications-management enrich-submission export-submissions; drc up -d
- Hotfix: "relevante bijlages" field in the Stadsvernieuwing - Projectsubsidie (Fase 1) and Stadsvernieuwing - Conceptsubsidie subsidies should be optional
drc restart subsidy-applications-management
- Added document 'afwijking principes regiovorming'.
drc restart migrtions; drc up -d
This is a replay from hotfix 1.78.5
which has accidently started and released from the wrong tag.
- Added mock-login creator on new bestuurseenheid
- Consume data from Organisations portal: Erediensten
- Make backup of virutoso
- Run migrations first
drc up -d
- Wait until the stack starts properly
- Start the intial sync
- Added document 'afwijking principes regiovorming'.
drc restart migrations; drc up -d
- hotfix: submission filters have been changed to reduce load on system
- added report links accross organisations
- Remove list of submission to be sent to Kalliope
drc restart berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope report-generation
- hotfix: removed unused uri to reduce warnings
- worship submissions: share publication date
- deploy notes:
drc restart delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-worship-submissions
- deploy notes:
- Frontend v0.77.0 & v0.77.1
- Vendor management frontend v0.6.0:
- Hopefully fix a data issue by changing the way we persist changes
- UX/UI improvements
- General maintenance
- maintain the creation order of listings in the semantic forms
- updated kbo number for st andries in antwerp
- fix relationship provincies and Kathedralen
- migration to avoid obsolete failed urls will trigger a warning
- update report a little 'hanging submissions'
- Download url service robustness
- Download url warning service
- extra report for non-sent submission
- bump lpdc-ldes-consumer
- Add LEKP 1.0 Opvolgmoment report
- Update deadline opvolgmoment LEKP 1.0 subsidy
- Add a new subsidy-measure: Stadsvernieuwing - conceptsubsidie
- Add dditional description field to lpdc forms
- Add representatieve organen to Vanden Broele
- Improved date entry UX by using a date input field instead of a date picker
- Update to the new v2 editor
- Fix automatic submissions for religiopoint
- Show a message about the self-registration option in ACM/IDM
- Set up Plausible analytics
- Implement the basic "review status notification" system
- read only modules if the data is managed by an external vendor
- add info messages so users know which positions they need to add
- Remove Mandaat 'Bestuurslid van Eredienst'
- Fixing issues 'Rechtspositieregeling' APB
- Stadsvernieuwing
- fix config issue
- re-publish public services with wrong language predicate
- hotfix cronPattern for toezicht, submission reports are now daily at 22:30
- Fix the problem where the app freezes when selecting the "Belastingsreglement" option in the "Type reglement/verordening" field
- modules to connect to external applications
- bug birth date-picker
- various improvements in semantic forms shared components
- helpdesk link in person module
- Various maintenance operations, both data and code
- Automatic submissions: migration to cogs:Jobs model, trackable submissions in the dashboard (if logged as bestuurseenheid through mock-login)
- Various mock-login updates
- Removal of the person reconcilation service
- Added besluit handhaven
- Added Representatieve organen
- Added forms Representatieve organen
- Updated forms: meerjarenplanwijziging, advies budgetwijzing, advies jaarrekenig for Eredienstbestuur.
- Extra selectbox component to link URI bestuureenheid of the advies.
- Update publication logic for forms eredienst forms
- Updates sync with kalliope
- perparation of read-only mode
- permanent alert
- address outside of flanders
- perparation of read-only mode
- address outside of flanders
- Added delta producer stream for eredienst-mandatarissen and bedienaren
- Added Vandenbroele as vendor of RO's
- textual updates
- Prefill the "Authority" fields for blank service instances
- Add support for fetching form data for conceptual public services (preparation for basic change notification feature)
- Ensure language is correctly set in the database. (Will re-publish this information)
- open up nooddorpen and opknapwerk again
- Some attachements were broken due to Kalliope, fixing these.
- Remove: Bestuurslid van het bestuur van de eredienst
- vandenbroele was missing some centrale besturen.
- Due to various issues after a batch sent in prod of automatic submission, we removed them to try again
- fix buggy table Fietssubsidies
- migration to skip optional step of climate subsidy 1 callup 2021
- Fixing required fields missing for PublicServices
- Update publication, to compensation validation issues for nested required fields
- To prepare the export to ipdc, we remove the publication flag.
- attempt to fix load issues
- allow multiple websites for procedure
- mandatory executing authority
- update code list:
- remove rechtenverkenner vloket
- limit doelgroep values + migrate existing
- fixes publish service: push back ipdc
- updated LEKP forms: klimaattafels
- several UI improvements eredienstmandaten & bedienaren
- remove duplicate person Nijlen
- added betrokken lokale besturen
- fix file data model:
- update file service
- update dashboard
- deltanotifier files organisation
- update dumpfile producer: clean up old dumpes
- bump file share service
- alignment identifiers for eredienstbesturen to enable ACM/IDM login
- Kerfabriek Vredegem
- evolutions frontend loket eredienst-mandatarissen
- evolutions frontend loket eredienst-bedienaren
- producers worship submission
- upgrade prepare-submission-for-export: more fine grained rules
- lpdc evolutions: various bugfixes, re-publish flow and fixing publication issues
- fix unsaved address publications
- new vendor
- update vendor with 100+ bestuurseenheden
- various data fixes
- updated lpdc repor
- updated bestuursorganen erediensten
- fix report fietssubsidies
- fix an issue with the website field (LPDC)
- fix an issue in the vendor-management app which prevented users from giving access rights to certain administrative units
- adjust deadlines fietssubsidies
- update reports
- hotfix climate subsidies: make sure old forms still render.
- hotfix status fietssubsidies: make sure status is set correctly
- LEPK forms added
- Eredienst positions corrections
- Eredienst bestuursorganen corrections
- update fietssubsidie-reports
- less reports IPDC per day
- lpdc-management ingests new organisations via IPDC
- typo in forms
- Release LPDC-module (both fronted and backend)
- Backend maintenance:
- bump mu-auth
- bump publication graph maintainer
- Update data erediensten
- codelists OP
- link person and nationality
- propgate persons first or last names to all the graphs it belongs to
- update bicycle subsidy deadline
- added e-inclusion report
- fix files graph persons sensitive
- fix bestuursperiodeselector
- bump download url service (to fix issues basic-auth issues for automatic-submission)
- climate subsidies
- e-inclusion subsidies
- API + data + backend services
- API + data
- erediensten mandatees (hidden feature flag)
- lpdc (hidden feature flag)
- various maintenance updates
- upgrade identifier
- bump publication graph maintainers
- update sync with kalliope: make sure timezone data is taken into account
- subsidy climate 1.0: adaptations
- subsidy OekraΓ―ne: nooddorpen
- subsidy OekraΓ―ne: nooddorpen
- maintenance docker-compose.dev.yml
- mandaten module: rangorde fix
- update automatic-submission related services: CBE should be able to send data
- climate-subsidies: call 2
- Pre-fill data.
- Reporting
- Cleanup double uuids personen and related
- Frontend: new version semantic forms
- Bugfix berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope-service
- correct dates zitting
- new bestuurseenheid: OCMW De Wijngaard
- vandenbroele as erediensten
- fix data issue double person
- deactivate plan samenleven subsidy
- Frontend updates: incremental updates/bugfixes and new components
- Prepare subsidies Oekraine (temporarily offline)
- Subsidy-applications-management service: new JS template
- Forms erediensten
- Klimaatsubsidies oproep 2
- GZG oproep 6 + 7 and reports
- GZG oproep 6 + 7 extra pick-list entries
- plan samenleven: update deadline
- Bicycle subsidies: AGB should be able to fetch these
- hotfix: change subsidy gzg deadline + codelists
- hotfix: show reports in concept for noodopvang
- hotfix: change deadline plan samenleven
- hotfix: fix/workaround performance persons sensitive
- bumped identifier
- tweaking cronjob setting
- subsidies plan samenleven deltas
- subsidies plan samenleven
- subsidies plan samenleven report
- person-sensitive data deltas
- BBCDR fix files list
- refactor a bit authorization of deltas
- lots of improvements in ember-submission-form-fields: deduplication, bugfixes, new components
- simplified producers: remove json-diff-file-producers (since provided by other services)
- update deadline climate/oproep-1/opvolgmoment
- added plan samenleven
- Update bike subsidy: added extra file upload fields
- extend filtering beschikbare subsidiemaatregelen: not all types of eenheden can now submit for all subsidies
- update labeling climate subsidy
- huge frontend maintenance: removal of webuniversum dependencies, update ember and other maintenance
- update publication graph maintainer (some fixes/improvements)
- adding new bestuurseenheden
- New GZG Oproep 5 reeks + report
- update export submissions config, to include missing besluitenlijsten
- update export submissions config, to include missing besluitenlijsten
- update publicaiton graph maintainer config
- Improved reports MAR-code
- clean up database for obsolete information
- Introduce config file berichtencentrum sync with kalliope
- New inzendingen voor toezicht:
- Collective notie van wantrouwen
- Code goed bestuur
- Overzicht presentiegelden
- Voorstellen in verband saneringsplan
- cleanup double subsidy bierbeek climate
- extend deadline gzg subisdy oproep 4
- [NEW] Toezicht module:
- Produces two CSVs in the dashboard:
- Meldingen
- Geuploade bestanden
- Produces two CSVs in the dashboard:
- [DEPRECATED] Submissions
- Bumped publication-graph-maintainer to latest
- [NEW] OCMW vereniging: Welzijnsvereniging Ter Nethe
- [NEW] OCMW vereniging: De Zilveren Zwaan
- Submission reports now include a column for publication-date
- Fix authorization rule for subsidies: didn't have access to the files
- Extend the period of subsidy GzG - callup 4
- Re-organise migration files
- Update performance of delta-publication flow for submissions (a separate triple store has been introduced)
- Included forms vastelling gemeentelijk beleidskader
- Update file service to deal with performance issues of files deletion residing in multiple graphs
- fixed missing migration: move attachments of manually created submissions
- disable the internal mandaten report, because performance concerns
- move files to org-graphs: migrations and update corresponding services to handle new location
- subsidy-applications-managenent: improve and simplify code tailored-data
- new bestuurseenheid: Politie Deinze-Zulte-Lievegem
- Noodopvang Kerst 2012:
- 7 new series forms
- reports
- Fietsinfrastructuur: new step + reports
- Reports GzG operoep 3 and 4
- Update report contactracing: added nazomer.
- New report GZG: oproep 2
- Update report contactracing: KBO-number
- Create publication producer: this will make sure submissions can be consumed by app-public-decisions
- Improve file-download-service: allow file type guessing if none is provided. (mainly to tackle VGC case)
- Validate-submission: less agressive rescheduling of remote-dataobjects, when submitting.
- Bump mu-java-script-template in multiple services, as to handle edge cases for nasty URL's
- General performance improvements on the passing of delta's by using mu-scope-ids.
- Bump all producers
- Subsidies: improve behaviour of delete button. Don't allow delete when submitting, saving or transition to next step.
- Subsidies: GzG oproep 4
- Upgrade virtuoso version to tenforce/virtuoso:1.3.2-virtuoso7.2.5.1
- Remove export leidinggevenden and mandaten, as these are covered by delta-producers
- Remove logging to app-http-logger on export-submissions. To decrease load.
- Bump automatic-submission, to have configurable endpoint to resolve json-ld endpoints.
- Report GzG: include concept status
- General improvement reports: make less assumptions, so potential issues with forms become more visible.
- Update submissions report to show bestuursorgaan + performance improvement
- Update GzG oproep 3: deadline
- GzG oproep 2 and 3
- Oproep contact tracing 'nazomer'
- Deleted a message in the berichtencentrum that wasn't intended for this bestuurseenheid
- Moved Climate subsidy-consumptions one step back per request of users, accidental submission by user
- Moved 2 Climate subsidy-consumptions one step back per request of users, accidental submission by users
- Update email adresses for automatic submission
- Update delta-producer-report-generator to use error notifications
- GzG report subsidies
- Force status for mandataris
- Moved 2 bike subsidy-consumption one step back per request of a user, accidental submission by user
- Moved subsidy-consumption one step back per request of a user, accidental submission by user
- Removed identical subsidy-consumptions per request of a user
- Moved up submission-date for Climate Subsidy's Proposal to 2022-10-31
- subsidy-application-flow-management-service: Wrong branch was released, new branch for new release
- Migrations to correct subsidies which have been harmed
- introduce alert service to get more error notifications
- improve some subsidy reports
- automatic submission service should give us alerts
- subsidy-application-flow-management-service: uncaught error
- subsidy-application-management-service: return correct http error when inconsistent state
- Introduce super SSN request
- Improve attachmenet fetching: not only text/html should be fixed
- authentication for download-url
- change deadline subsidy
- unblock accidentally submitted form
- prepared Loket to reconcile user.
- sync-with-kalliope-service: improve error handling: added gracefully handling of non-connection type of errors.
- Fietssubsidies: Improve validation on table fietssubsidies: make sure some fields cannot be left empty
- escape helpers for sparqlEscape URI: don't escape
- Fietssubsidies don't show empty table on transition to next step
- Adjustments GZG
- Report for fietssubsidies
- Download URL: consistent handling of file download streams
- update deadline fietssubsidie
- ACM/IDM: switch betuurseeneid needed updated after breaking changes ember-acm-idm
- Fix empty susbsidy form: DL-3028
- step 2 fietssubsidies, some edge cases were not fixed in the activation of step 2.
- bumped frontend
- addedd CHANGELOG.md
- step 2 fietssubsidies should take over data from step 1 in all cases
- harvesting attachtments in automatic submission flow