This repository houses the dockerfile for compiling the ufs-weather-model with GFDL environment containers for modeling.
This is the recommended way to build the docker container image:
cd docker
docker build -t gfdl_ufs:FMS2021.03-intel2021.4 -f Dockerfile .
The docker container images are currently stored in the thomasrobinson repository on dockerhub. If pulling using singularity:
singularity pull docker://thomasrobinson/gfdl_ufs:FMS2021.03-intel2021.4
The folder runscript has run scripts to run the model. The default run script is a link called
runscript/ Use singularity exec
to run execute this runscript. If you have the
file in your run directory and you are in your run directory, you can
do the following (assuming you set the variable ranks
to be the number of MPI ranks you wish to run)
mpirun -n ${ranks} singularity exec -b ${PWD} runscript/ |& tee fms.out
srun -n ${ranks} singularity exec -b ${PWD} runscript/ |& tee fms.out
If there are any problems, please open an issue.