This changelog covers the entire dave project which includes a few repositories, not just the current dave repo.
- Visual models of
- Forward looking sonar: nps_uw_sensors_gazebo PR#3
- Doppler velocity logs: nps_uw_sensors_gazebo PR#6
- Lidar: nps_uw_sensor_gazebo PR#4
- ROV: dave PR#17
- Manipulation, force feedback based on joint forces and torques: dave PR#16
- Sensor functionality
- Sonar, prototype single-beam sonar plugin to simulate beam pattern and sonar equations: nps_uw_sensors_gazebo PR's [#1](nps_uw_sensors_gazebo PR#6 and [#5](nps_uw_sensors_gazebo PR#6
- Lidar, configuring existing plugin for underwater application and addition of pan/tilt functionality: [nps_uw_sensors_gazebo PR #4](nps_uw_sensors_gazebo PR#6
- DVL, water track and beam velocity additions: ds_sim PR#3
- Documentation, descriptions and tutorials
- Demonstrations and tutorials described on dave wiki page
- Evaluation of current DVL plugins
- Evaluation of current forward-looking/multibeam sonar plugins
- Visual models of
- New vehicles (Smilodon, Caracara and Caldus): dave PR #54, #62 and #67
- Three Glider Models: dave PR #31
- Predator Manipulator: dave PR #26
- Sensor Functionality
- USBL dev dave PR #50 and #60
- Prototype of Depth camera sonar nps_uw_sensors_gazebo PR #13
- DVL upgrade to include current profiling nps_uw_sensors_gazebo PR #15
- Improved underwater lidar model, standalone and mounted to vehicle dave PR #66 and nps_uw_sensors_gazebo PR #17
- Environmental Plugins
- Bathymetry: generate DEM models directly from mapping data dave PR 44.
- Occluded objects on seafloor dave PR 43
- Manipulation: Electrical mating plugin enhancement dave PR #40
- Documentation, descriptions and tutorials
- Additional demonstrations and tutorials described on dave wiki page
- Evaluation of Ocean Current Plugin Capabilities
- Github Action for Continuous Integration dave PR #39 and nps_uw_sensors_gazebo PR 16
- Sensor Functionality
- Ray-based Multibeam Sonar: nps_uw_sensors_gazebo PR #25
- Documentation, descriptions and tutorials
- Environmental Plugins
- Stratified Ocean Current: dave PR #76
- Environmental Plugins
- Documentation, descriptions and tutorials
- Ray-based Multibeam Sonar is moved to separate repository
- Ray-based Multibeam Sonar: nps_uw_multibeam_sonar
- Docker base image : Nvidia/cuda instead of Nvidia/opengl : dave PR #89
- Documentation, descriptions and tutorials
- Official Ubuntu Focal (20.04) - Noetic - Gazebo 11 Support
- VCS support : dave PR #137
- Compatability to Noetic and Melodic
- Remove legcy Image sonar and GPS inhereted from UUV Simulator : dave PR #94
- Ocean current plugin
- Relative path for stratified/transient ocean current databasefile path : dave PR #95
- ROS topic format updated to Vector3 and reorganized cross-dependency between model/world plugin source codes : dave PR #86 and dave PR #100
- Multiple vehicle support : dave PR #101
- Tidal Oscillation support : dave PR #102
- Fix sudden jump at databse interpolation : dave PR #106
- Predator arm
- texture fix : dave PR #99
- Change joint name : dave PR #112
- Docker directory removed from dave repository and replaced to use dockwater : dave PR #132
- Documentation, descriptions and tutorials
- Overall Installation to tutorial wikis are updated for Ubuntu Focal (20.04) - Noetic - Gazebo 11 Support
- Extended DVL sensor capabilities to support user-specified, spatially varying currents and provide vertical water column velocity profiles : dave PRs #144 and #154.
- Terrain-Aided Navigation demonstration scenarios wiki