diff --git a/docs/pages/guides/_meta.js b/docs/pages/guides/_meta.js
index dfcd0c3d0b..022da225f9 100644
--- a/docs/pages/guides/_meta.js
+++ b/docs/pages/guides/_meta.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ export default {
"replicating-onchain-state": "Replicating onchain state",
"hello-world": "Hello World",
"extending-a-world": "Extending a World",
+ "adding-delegation": "Adding Delegation",
emojimon: "Emojimon",
"best-practices": "Best Practices",
diff --git a/docs/pages/guides/adding-delegation.mdx b/docs/pages/guides/adding-delegation.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f1b77e8c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/pages/guides/adding-delegation.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+import { CollapseCode } from "../../components/CollapseCode";
+# Adding delegation
+On this page you learn how to add [delegations](https://mud.dev/world/account-delegation) to enable addresses to act on behalf of other addresses.
+This is important, for example, because typically every game move is a transaction, but you wouldn't want the player to constantly have to confirm every move on the wallet extension.
+The common pattern is to create a burner wallet and have the user's main wallet authorize it to play on its behalf.
+## The sample application
+The application is located [in the MUD monorepository](https://github.com/latticexyz/mud/tree/main/examples/multiple-accounts).
+It creates multiple burner addresses, and keeps track onchain when they last submitted a transaction.
+Here are the steps to run the initial application:
+1. Clone the monorepo and go the example.
+ ```sh copy
+ git clone https://github.com/latticexyz/mud
+ cd mud/examples/multiple-accounts
+ ```
+1. Install the Node packages and start the application.
+ ```sh copy
+ pnpm install
+ pnpm dev
+ ```
+1. [Browse to the application](http://localhost:3000).
+1. Click a few buttons to see the application in action.
+ Note that if you reload the page you get different burner addresses.
+## Deploy a delegation `System`
+MUD comes with some delegation `System` contracts.
+- [`SystemboundDelegationControl`](https://github.com/latticexyz/mud/blob/main/packages/world-modules/src/modules/std-delegations/SystemboundDelegationControl.sol) lets you specify the `System` to which you approve calls, and the number of calls that are approved.
+ You cannot specify an infinite number of calls.
+ However, the number of calls is `uint256`, so you can specify `type(uint256).max`, which is 2256-1. You are unlikely to need more than that.
+- [`CallboundDelegationControl`](https://github.com/latticexyz/mud/blob/main/packages/world-modules/src/modules/std-delegations/CallboundDelegationControl.sol) is similar, but the delegation includes the hash of the call data.
+ This means that you delegate not the right to call a specific `System`, but the right to call a specific function with specific parameters.
+- [`TimeboundDelegationControl`](https://github.com/latticexyz/mud/blob/main/packages/world-modules/src/modules/std-delegations/TimeboundDelegationControl.sol) lets you specify a time after which the delegation is no longer effective.
+If none of these fulfills the needs of your application, you can write your own.
+To deploy the delegation system:
+1. Open a terminal and change to `packages/contracts`.
+ ```sh copy
+ cd packages/contracts
+ ```
+1. Add the `World` addresss to `.env`. You new `.env` might look something like this:
+ ```sh filename=".env" showLineNumbers {13} copy
+ # This .env file is for demonstration purposes only.
+ #
+ # This should usually be excluded via .gitignore and the env vars attached to
+ # your deployment environment, but we're including this here for ease of local
+ # development. Please do not commit changes to this file!
+ #
+ # Enable debug logs for MUD CLI
+ DEBUG=mud:*
+ #
+ # Anvil default private key:
+ PRIVATE_KEY=0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
+ WORLD_ADDRESS=0xC14fBdb7808D9e2a37c1a45b635C8C3fF64a1cc1
+ ```
+1. Create this script in `script/DeployDelegation.s.sol`
+ ```solidity filename="DeployDelegation.s.sol" copy showLineNumbers {19-20}
+ // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ pragma solidity >=0.8.21;
+ import { Script } from "forge-std/Script.sol";
+ import { console } from "forge-std/console.sol";
+ import { IWorld } from "../src/codegen/world/IWorld.sol";
+ import { StandardDelegationsModule } from "@latticexyz/world-modules/src/modules/std-delegations/StandardDelegationsModule.sol";
+ contract DeployDelegation is Script {
+ function run() external {
+ uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");
+ address worldAddress = vm.envAddress("WORLD_ADDRESS");
+ vm.startBroadcast(deployerPrivateKey);
+ IWorld world = IWorld(worldAddress);
+ StandardDelegationsModule standardDelegationsModule = new StandardDelegationsModule();
+ world.installRootModule(standardDelegationsModule, new bytes(0));
+ vm.stopBroadcast();
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ Explanation
+ Other than boilerplate, this script does two things.
+ ```solidity
+ StandardDelegationsModule standardDelegationsModule =
+ new StandardDelegationsModule();
+ ```
+ Deploy a new `StandardDelegationsModule` contract.
+ This contract, similar to a `System` contract, is stateless.
+ This means that if there is already a `StandardDelegationsModule` contract deployed on the blockchain you can just use it.
+ ```solidity
+ world.installRootModule(standardDelegationsModule, new bytes(0));
+ ```
+ Install the module.
+ This module can only be installed by the owner of the root namespace.
+1. Execute the script
+ ```sh copy
+ forge script script/DeployDelegation.s.sol --broadcast --rpc-url
+ ```
+## Create and use a delegation
+Now that we have some delegations available, the next step is to see that we can actually delegate and run a delegation.
+### Using a forge script
+Before moving over to the client, we will verify things work as expected using a forge script.
+1. Add the following definitions to `.env`:
+ | Field | Meaning | Sample value |
+ | -------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+ | PRIVATE_KEY_2 | Another private key | 0x59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d |
+ | USER_ADDRESS | The address corresponding to `PRIVATE_KEY` | 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 |
+ | USER_ADDRESS_2 | The address corresponding to `PRIVATE_KEY_2` | 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 |
+ Your new `.env` might look something like this:
+ ```sh filename=".env" showLineNumbers {12-16} copy
+ # This .env file is for demonstration purposes only.
+ #
+ # This should usually be excluded via .gitignore and the env vars attached to
+ # your deployment environment, but we're including this here for ease of local
+ # development. Please do not commit changes to this file!
+ #
+ # Enable debug logs for MUD CLI
+ DEBUG=mud:*
+ #
+ # Anvil default private keys:
+ PRIVATE_KEY=0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
+ PRIVATE_KEY_2=0x59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d
+ # Addresses corresponding to those keys:
+ USER_ADDRESS=0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266
+ USER_ADDRESS_2=0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8
+ WORLD_ADDRESS=0xC14fBdb7808D9e2a37c1a45b635C8C3fF64a1cc1
+ ```
+1. Create `script/TestDelegation.s.sol`.
+ ```solidity copy
+ // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ pragma solidity >=0.8.21;
+ import { Script } from "forge-std/Script.sol";
+ import { console } from "forge-std/console.sol";
+ import { SystemboundDelegationControl } from "@latticexyz/world-modules/src/modules/std-delegations/SystemboundDelegationControl.sol";
+ import { SYSTEMBOUND_DELEGATION } from "@latticexyz/world-modules/src/modules/std-delegations/StandardDelegationsModule.sol";
+ import { ResourceId, WorldResourceIdLib, WorldResourceIdInstance } from "@latticexyz/world/src/WorldResourceId.sol";
+ import { RESOURCE_SYSTEM } from "@latticexyz/world/src/worldResourceTypes.sol";
+ import { IWorld } from "../src/codegen/world/IWorld.sol";
+ contract TestDelegation is Script {
+ using WorldResourceIdInstance for ResourceId;
+ function run() external {
+ // Load the configuration
+ uint256 userPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");
+ uint256 userPrivateKey2 = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY_2");
+ address userAddress = vm.envAddress("USER_ADDRESS");
+ address userAddress2 = vm.envAddress("USER_ADDRESS_2");
+ address worldAddress = vm.envAddress("WORLD_ADDRESS");
+ IWorld world = IWorld(worldAddress);
+ ResourceId systemId = WorldResourceIdLib.encode({
+ namespace: "LastCall",
+ name: "LastCallSystem"
+ });
+ // Run as the first address
+ vm.startBroadcast(userPrivateKey);
+ world.registerDelegation(
+ userAddress2,
+ abi.encodeCall(SystemboundDelegationControl.initDelegation, (userAddress2, systemId, 2))
+ );
+ vm.stopBroadcast();
+ // Run as the second address
+ vm.startBroadcast(userPrivateKey2);
+ /* bytes memory returnData = */ world.callFrom(userAddress, systemId, abi.encodeWithSignature("newCall()"));
+ vm.stopBroadcast();
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ Explanation
+ ```solidity copy
+ // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ pragma solidity >=0.8.21;
+ import { Script } from "forge-std/Script.sol";
+ import { console } from "forge-std/console.sol";
+ import { SystemboundDelegationControl } from "@latticexyz/world-modules/src/modules/std-delegations/SystemboundDelegationControl.sol";
+ import { SYSTEMBOUND_DELEGATION } from "@latticexyz/world-modules/src/modules/std-delegations/StandardDelegationsModule.sol";
+ ```
+ Import the contract definitions for the delegation system we use, [`SystemboundDelegationControl`](https://github.com/latticexyz/mud/blob/main/packages/world-modules/src/modules/std-delegations/SystemboundDelegationControl.sol), and the `System` identifier for that delegation type.
+ ```solidity
+ import { ResourceId, WorldResourceIdLib, WorldResourceIdInstance } from "@latticexyz/world/src/WorldResourceId.sol";
+ import { RESOURCE_SYSTEM } from "@latticexyz/world/src/worldResourceTypes.sol";
+ ```
+ We need to create the resource identifier for the target `System`, the one where `USER_ADDRESS` allows `USER_ADDRESS_2` to perform actions on its behalf.
+ ```solidity
+ import { IWorld } from "../src/codegen/world/IWorld.sol";
+ contract TestDelegation is Script {
+ using WorldResourceIdInstance for ResourceId;
+ function run() external {
+ // Load the configuration
+ uint256 userPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");
+ uint256 userPrivateKey2 = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY_2");
+ address userAddress = vm.envAddress("USER_ADDRESS");
+ address userAddress2 = vm.envAddress("USER_ADDRESS_2");
+ address worldAddress = vm.envAddress("WORLD_ADDRESS");
+ IWorld world = IWorld(worldAddress);
+ ResourceId systemId =
+ WorldResourceIdLib.encode({ typeId: RESOURCE_SYSTEM, namespace: "LastCall", name: "LastCallSystem" });
+ ```
+ The system where `newCall` is located is `LastCall:LastCallSystem`.
+ ```solidity
+ // Run as the first address
+ vm.startBroadcast(userPrivateKey);
+ world.registerDelegation(
+ userAddress2,
+ abi.encodeCall(SystemboundDelegationControl.initDelegation, (userAddress2, systemId, 2))
+ );
+ ```
+ This is how you register a delegation.
+ The exact parameters depend on the delegation `System` we are using, so we call `registerDelegation` with some parameters, and then provide the exact call to the `System`, in this case `initDelegation(userAddress2, systemId, 2)`.
+ ```solidity
+ vm.stopBroadcast();
+ // Run as the second address
+ vm.startBroadcast(userPrivateKey2);
+ /* bytes memory returnData = */ world.callFrom(userAddress, systemId,
+ abi.encodeWithSignature("newCall()")
+ );
+ ```
+ To actually use a delegation you use `world.callFrom` with the address of the user on whose behalf you are performing the action, the resource identifier of the `System` on which you perform the action, and the calldata to send that system (which includes the signature of the function name and parameters, followed by parameter values).
+ The output is returned as `bytes memory`
+ Here it is commented out because [`newCall()`](https://github.com/latticexyz/mud/blob/main/examples/multiple-accounts/packages/contracts/src/systems/LastCallSystem.sol#L8-L10) does not return any data so we don't need it.
+ ```solidity
+ vm.stopBroadcast();
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+1. Run the script
+ ```sh copy
+ forge script script/TestDelegation.s.sol --broadcast --rpc-url
+ ```
+1. See that the call from `USER_ADDRESS` is now at the bottom, it is the latest call.
+ Also, the transaction sender is different from the caller.
+### Using TypeScript
+In most cases, you want to use a TypeScript client to handle both delegation and using delegates.
+These are system calls, so normally the best place for them would be `packages/client/src/mud/createSystemCalls.ts`.
+However, because this application uses multiple accounts, it doesn't use the normal system call mechanism and instead has everything in `packages/client/src/App.tsx`.
+We need to perform these actions:
+- Add the ABI for the functions whose calldata needs to be created and provided as a parameter: `SystemboundDelegationControl.initDelegation` and `LastCallSystem.newCall`.
+ The ABIs are located under `packages/contracts/out`.
+- Provide the values of the constants we need, the `System` identifiers.
+- Create the functions for delegating access with `registerDelegation` and using delegated access with `callFrom`.
+ This requires the viem `encodeFunctionData` function to build the calldata parameters.
+- Update the user interface.
+Here is the modified `packages/client/src/App.tsx`:
+```typescript filename="App.tsx" copy showLineNumbers {1,3,8-53,116-135,159-199}
+import { encodeFunctionData } from "viem";
+import { useMUD } from "./MUDContext";
+import {
+ resourceToHex,
+ getBurnerPrivateKey,
+ createBurnerAccount,
+ transportObserver,
+ getContract,
+} from "@latticexyz/common";
+import { createPublicClient, createWalletClient, fallback, webSocket, http, ClientConfig, Hex } from "viem";
+import { getNetworkConfig } from "./mud/getNetworkConfig";
+import IWorldAbi from "contracts/out/IWorld.sol/IWorld.abi.json";
+// The ABI we need
+const ABI = [
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "delegatee",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "ResourceId",
+ name: "systemId",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "numCalls",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "initDelegation",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "newCall",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+// Create the system name constants
+const LASTCALL_SYSTEM_ID = resourceToHex({
+ type: "system",
+ namespace: "LastCall",
+ name: "LastCallSystem",
+const SYSTEMBOUND_DELEGATION = resourceToHex({
+ type: "system",
+ namespace: "",
+ name: "systembound",
+// A lot of code that would normally go in mud/getNetworkConfig.ts is part of the application here,
+// because `getNetworkConfig.ts` assumes you use one wallet, and here we need several.
+const networkConfig = await getNetworkConfig();
+const clientOptions = {
+ chain: networkConfig.chain,
+ transport: transportObserver(fallback([webSocket(), http()])),
+ pollingInterval: 1000,
+} as const satisfies ClientConfig;
+const publicClient = createPublicClient({
+ ...clientOptions,
+// Create a structure with two fields:
+// client - a wallet client that uses a random account
+// world - a world contract object that lets us issue newCall
+const makeWorldContract = () => {
+ const client = createWalletClient({
+ ...clientOptions,
+ account: createBurnerAccount(getBurnerPrivateKey(Math.random().toString())),
+ });
+ return {
+ world: getContract({
+ address: networkConfig.worldAddress as Hex,
+ abi: IWorldAbi,
+ publicClient: publicClient,
+ walletClient: client,
+ }),
+ client,
+ };
+// Create five world contracts
+const worldContracts = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map((x) => makeWorldContract());
+export const App = () => {
+ const {
+ network: { tables, useStore },
+ } = useMUD();
+ // Get all the calls from the records cache.
+ const calls = useStore((state) => {
+ const records = Object.values(state.getRecords(tables.LastCall));
+ records.sort((a, b) => Number(a.value.callTime - b.value.callTime));
+ return records;
+ });
+ // Convert timestamps to readable format
+ const twoDigit = (str) => str.toString().padStart(2, "0");
+ const timestamp2Str = (timestamp: number) => {
+ const date = new Date(timestamp * 1000);
+ return `${twoDigit(date.getHours())}:${twoDigit(date.getMinutes())}:${twoDigit(date.getSeconds())}`;
+ };
+ // Call newCall() on LastCall:LastCallSystem.
+ const newCall = async (worldContract) => {
+ const tx = await worldContract.write.LastCall__newCall();
+ };
+ // Delegate to an address
+ const delegate = async (delegatorContract, delegateeAddress) => {
+ const callData = encodeFunctionData({
+ abi: ABI,
+ functionName: "initDelegation",
+ args: [delegateeAddress, LASTCALL_SYSTEM_ID, 2],
+ });
+ const tx = await delegatorContract.write.registerDelegation([delegateeAddress, SYSTEMBOUND_DELEGATION, callData]);
+ };
+ // Call as a different address
+ const callFrom = async (delegateeContract, delegatorAddress) => {
+ const callData = encodeFunctionData({
+ abi: ABI,
+ functionName: "newCall",
+ });
+ const tx = await delegateeContract.write.callFrom([delegatorAddress, LASTCALL_SYSTEM_ID, callData]);
+ };
+ return (
+ <>
Last calls
+ {
+ // Show all the calls
+ calls.map((call) => (
+ ))
+ }
My clients
+ {
+ // For every world contract, have a button to call newCall as that address.
+ worldContracts.map((worldContract) => (
+ <>
+ >
+ ))
+ }
+ >
+ );
+import { encodeFunctionData } from "viem";
+To build call data we need [viem's `encodeFunctionData`](https://viem.sh/docs/contract/encodeFunctionData), which builds the call data without sending a transaction.
+// The ABI we need
+const ABI = [
+ .
+ .
+ .
+The [ABI definitions](https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/abi-spec.html) for the two functions we need to encode function data for: `initDelegation` and `newCall`.
+// Create the system name constants
+const LASTCALL_SYSTEM_ID = resourceToHex({
+ type: "system",
+ namespace: "LastCall",
+ name: "LastCallSystem",
+const SYSTEMBOUND_DELEGATION = resourceToHex({
+ type: "system",
+ namespace: "",
+ name: "systembound",
+Create the `System` resource IDs as hexadecimal values.
+The format of these identifiers is: `sy + + .`
+| Constant | Namespace | System name |
+| ------------------------ | ------------ | ---------------- |
+| `LASTCALL_SYSTEM_ID` | `LastCall` | `LastCallSystem` |
+| `SYSTEMBOUND_DELEGATION` | Root (empty) | `systembound` |
+export const App = () => {
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ // Delegate to an address
+ const delegate = async (delegatorContract, delegateeAddress) => {
+ const callData = encodeFunctionData({
+ abi: ABI,
+ functionName: "initDelegation",
+ args: [delegateeAddress, LASTCALL_SYSTEM_ID, 2],
+ });
+This is equivalent to the Solidity line `abi.encodeCall(SystemboundDelegationControl.initDelegation, (userAddress2, systemId, 2))`.
+We create the call to `SystemboundDelegationControl.initDelegation` which will be executed later by the `World` to actually create the delegation.
+ const tx = await delegatorContract.write.registerDelegation([delegateeAddress, SYSTEMBOUND_DELEGATION, callData]);
+ };
+Call `registerDelegation` to register the new delegation.
+// Call as a different address
+const callFrom = async (delegateeContract, delegatorAddress) => {
+ const callData = encodeFunctionData({
+ abi: ABI,
+ functionName: "newCall",
+ });
+ const tx = await delegateeContract.write.callFrom([delegatorAddress, LASTCALL_SYSTEM_ID, callData]);
+This function is similar to `delegate` above, except now we execute as the delegatee, and provide the delegator's address as a parameter.
+ return (
+ <>
+ .
+ .
+ .
My clients
+ {
+ // For every world contract, have a button to call newCall as that address.
+ worldContracts.map((worldContract) => (
+ <>