- Introduction to Week 2
- CRUD and the Mongo Shell
- Secrets of the Mongo Shell
- BSON Introduced
- Inserting Docs
- Introduction to findOne
- Introduction to find
- Querying Using field Selection
- Querying Using $gt and $lt
- Inequalities on Strings
- Using regexes, $exists, $type
- Using $or
- Using $and
- Querying Inside Arrays
- Using $in and $all
- Queries with Dot Notation√
- Querying, Cursors
- Counting Results
- Wholesale Updating of a Document
- Using the $set Command
- Using the $unset Command
- Using $push, $pop, $pull, $pushAll, $pullAll, $addToSet
- Upserts
- Multi-update
- Removing Data
- The MongoDB Java Driver
- Java Driver: Representing Documents
- Java Driver: Insert
- Java Driver: Find, FindOne, and Count
- Java Driver: Querying with a filter
- Java Driver: Querying with a Projection
- Java Driver: Querying with Sort, Skip and Limit
- Java Driver: Update and Replace
- Java Driver: Delete
- All Together Now: MongoDB, Spark and Freemarker
- Blog, Internals
- Blog, Session Management
- Blog, User Interface
- Using MongoProc