This little tool picks average color from your Gnome 3 desktop and sets it on a dmx lamp in realtime.
I was trying to force my dmx lamp to act like... ekhm... some company's TV. You know, the glow-behind one ;-).
I know... I know... This tool is in a little bit raw form. This was my first contact with Python.
The problem is that my USB dmx controller ( KWMATIK kw-d-01 ) is a little tricky to control under Linux due to driver conflicts. QLCPlus handles it in perfect way but it needs a human to operate.
- a dmx device supported by Q Light Controller Plus
- a running QLCPlus with websockets enabled (run with parameter: qlcplus -w )
- some python dependences (scipy, websocket)
- Ensure your dmx hardware is working properly with QLCPlus
- Note dmx absolute channels for R, G, B
- Edit "" and place above channels in sendColor method
- Run QLCPlus with websocket support (qlcplus -w)
- Run ""
- Done! Now go and watch a video :-)
- Proper configuration
- Better color detection. Currently it reads 100 pixels from entire screen and averages channels independently. (Classes responsible: ColorPickerExperimental / ColorPickerAvg, both may be used interchangably. Experimental version is better for anime ^_^ )
- Lag. Right now i'm mixing old color with new color to prevent flickering. It results in slight delay.