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Building Gw2Browser

Building on Windows

Required software

Optional software

  • Cppcheck a static code analysis tool for the C and C++.

If using Visual Studio, also download Visual Studio integration add-in for Cppcheck

Required libraries

Optional libraries

If you want to use Visual Leak Detector, remove the comment for #include <vld.h> in gw2browser.cpp.

Getting the source code

  • Crate a directory for source code some where, for example, C:\DEV.

  • Open Git Bash window and change directory to the one you create above.

  • Use this command to download the source code.

    git clone --recursive

This will download gw2browser and all included library source code.

Getting the required library

  • Download mpg123 binaries from here, choose the lastest Win32 or Win64 file and extract it to the same directory that gw2browser directory is in. Or download the source code and build it your self.

  • Download OpenAL-Soft binaries from here, extract it to the same directory that gw2browser directory is in. Or download the source code and build it your self.

  • Download wxWidgets source code from here, choose or wxWidgets- and extract it to the same directory that gw2browser directory is in. Or download and use the binaries.

Note: The library and source code directory must be in directory like this. The ROOT is the directory you created in Getting the source code.

     |    |
     |    +--src
     |    +--...
     |    |
     |    +--bin
     |    +--include
     |    +--lib
     |    +--...

Building instructions

Building with Visual Studio

Compile wxWidgets:

  • Use solution file corresponding with your VS version in directory wxWidgets-3.2.4/build/msw. For example, VS2022 is wx_vc17.sln, if there is no corresponding solution file for your newer VS, just open the highest version of solution file available.

Make libmpg123 library:

  • Open a x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 or x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 and change it's directory to mpg123's directory.

  • Rename export definition file by using this command.

    ren libmpg123-0.dll.def libmpg123-0.def
  • Build the library.

    for 64 bit binary, use this command.

    lib /MACHINE:X64 /DEF:libmpg123-0.def /OUT:libmpg123-0.lib

    for 32 bit binary, use this command.

    lib /DEF:libmpg123-0.def /OUT:libmpg123-0.lib

Compile libwebp:

  • Open x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 If you want to compile 32 bit library, use x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 instread.

  • Change directory to gw2browser/extern/libweb

  • Use this command to compile libwebp

    nmake /f CFG=debug-static RTLIBCFG=dynamic OBJDIR=obj
    nmake /f CFG=release-static RTLIBCFG=dynamic OBJDIR=obj

Compile freetype:

  • Create vc2022 directory in gw2browser/extern/freetype/builds/windows

  • Copy all content from vc2010 directory to vc2022 directory

  • Open freetype.sln solution file in gw2browser/extern/freetype/builds/windows/vc2022 with VS 2022

  • Choose Debug Static or Release Static configuration and choose to Win32 for 32 bit build or x64 for 64 bit build from two dropdown box in Visual Studio toolbar.

  • Press F7 or in MenuBar -> Build -> Build Solution to compile freetype.

Compile tinyxml2:

  • Open cmake-gui, put path of directory gw2browser/extern/tinyxml2 to Where is the source code:

  • Create a directory named build-vc in gw2browser/extern/tinyxml2

  • Put path of directory gw2browser/extern/tinyxml2/build-vc to Where to build the binaries

  • Click Configure button

  • Choose Visual Studio 17 2022 then click OK

  • Click Generate button

  • Open tinyxml2.sln solution file in gw2browser/extern/tinyxml2/build-vc

  • Choose Debug or Release configuration.

  • Press F7 or in MenuBar -> Build -> Build Solution to compile tinyxml2.

Compile gw2browser:

  • Open gw2browser.sln solution file in gw2browser/prj.

  • Choose Debug or Release configuration and choose to Win32 for 32 bit build or x64 for 64 bit build from two dropdown box in Visual Studio toolbar.

  • Press F7 or in MenuBar -> Build -> Build Solution to compile gw2browser.

Copy required binaries:

  • Copy soft_oal.dll from openal-soft/bin/Win32 or openal-soft/bin/Win64 directory to gw2browser/bin and rename it to OpenAL32.dll

  • Copy libmpg123-0.dll from mpg123 directory to gw2browser/bin

Building with TDM-GCC

Make sure you have Cmake in your path.

Download TDM-GCC and install it to any location, for example C:\TDM-GCC-64.

You must also add TDM-GCC to your path.

for example set your path to %path%;C:\TDM-GCC-64\bin

Make libmpg123 library:

  • Open libmpg123-0.def with any text editor, like Notepad++ and insert this to the first line.

    LIBRARY libmpg123-0.dll

    It will look some thing like this.

    LIBRARY libmpg123-0.dll
  • Open Git Bash command line window and change directory to mpg123 directory and use these command.

    dlltool -d libmpg123-0.def -l libmpg123-0.a

Compile wxWidgets:

  • Open Git Bash command line window and change directory to wxWidgets-3.2.4/build/msw and use these command.

    mingw32-make -j 4 -f makefile.gcc BUILD=debug SHARED=1

    If it give error, re-type it again. Wait for it to finish, then use these command.

    mingw32-make -j 4 -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release SHARED=1

    This will build wxWidgets in debug and release configuration as a dynamiclink library. If you want static library, remove SHARED=1 from the commandline. But you have to change library search path in CodeBlocks project file from gcc_dll to gcc_lib.

    mingw32-make -j 4 -f makefile.gcc BUILD=debug
    mingw32-make -j 4 -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release
  • If you need to rebuild, use "clean" target first.

    mingw32-make -j 4 -f makefile.gcc BUILD=debug SHARED=1 clean
    mingw32-make -j 4 -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release SHARED=1 clean
    mingw32-make -j 4 -f makefile.gcc BUILD=debug clean
    mingw32-make -j 4 -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release clean

Compile glew:

  • Open Git Bash command line window and change directory to gw2browser/extern/glew and use these command

    cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ./build/cmake

Compile libogg:

  • Open Git Bash command line window and change directory to gw2browser/extern/libogg and use these command

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON

Compile libvorbis:

  • Open Git Bash command line window and change directory to gw2browser/extern/libvorbis and use these command

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DOGG_INCLUDE_DIR="D:/devel/gw2browser/extern/libogg/include" -D OGG_LIBRARY="D:/devel/gw2browser/extern/libogg/build/libogg.dll.a"

Compile libwebp:

  • Open Git Bash command line window and change directory to gw2browser/extern/libwebp and use these command

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON

Compile freetype:

  • Open Command Prompt and change directory to gw2browser/extern/freetype and use these command

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON

Compile tinyxml2:

  • Open Command Prompt and change directory to gw2browser/extern/tinyxml2 and use these command

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON

Compile gw2browser:

  • Open workspace file gw2browser.workspace in gw2browser/prj with CodeBlocks.

  • Compile gw2browser by right click and select gw2browser as active project, choose debug or release build, then click the gear button in toolbar or press CTRL+F9 key or in MenuBar -> Build -> Build.

Copy required binaries:

  • Copy libgomp_64-1.dll from TDM-GCC install directory to gw2browser/bin

  • Copy soft_oal.dll from openal-soft/bin/Win32 or openal-soft/bin/Win64 directory to gw2browser/bin and rename it to OpenAL32.dll

  • Copy libmpg123-0.dll from mpg123 directory to gw2browser/bin

  • Copy glew32.dll from gw2browser/extern/glew/bindirectory togw2browser/bin`

  • Copy libtinyxml2.dll from gw2browser/extern/tinyxml2/build directory to gw2browser/bin

  • Copy libogg.dll from gw2browser/extern/libogg/build directory to gw2browser/bin

  • Copy libvorbis.dll and libvorbisfile.dll from gw2browser/extern/libvorbis/build/lib directory to gw2browser/bin

  • Copy libwebpdecoder.dll from gw2browser/extern/libwebp/build directory to gw2browser/bin

  • Copy following dll files from wxWidgets-3.2.4/lib/gcc_dll directory to gw2browser/bin


    If debug build, also copy these dll files.


Building on Linux

For this guide, I was using Kubuntu and ArchLinux, but this guide can be adapt to work with any Linux distribution.

Building instructions

Getting the required library and tools:

  • Download wxWidgets 3.2 source code from here, choose wxWidgets-3.2.4.tar.bz2 and extract it to somewhere, for example, your home directory. If your Linux distribution have wxWidgets 3.2 package, you can skip this and use a command like below command to install wxWidgets 3.2.

    for Debian and it's derivative

    sudo apt install libwxbase3.2-dev libwxgtk3.2-dev

    for ArchLinux and it's derivative

    sudo pacman -S wxwidgets-common wxwidgets-gtk3

    Or download wxWidgets's repository using this command.

    git clone
  • Open a terminal window, the directory would be in your home directory.

  • Install git by using this command. You can skip this step if you have already install git.

    for Debian and it's derivative

    sudo apt install git git-gui

    for ArchLinux and it's derivative

    sudo pacman -S git git-gui
  • Use this command to install required library and tools.

    for Debian and it's derivative

    sudo apt install build-essential codeblocks cmake cmake-gui libwebp-dev libglew-dev libopenal-dev libmpg123-dev libvorbis-dev libogg-dev libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev libtinyxml2-dev libglm-dev

    for ArchLinux and it's derivative

    sudo pacman -S gcc codeblocks cmake libwebp glew openal mpg123 libvorbis libogg freetype2 tinyxml2 glm

Getting the source code:

  • Use this command to download the source code.

    git clone --recursive

This will download gw2browser and all included library source code, although we won't use most of the library that was included in the repo.

Compiling wxWidgets:

  • If your system have wxWidgets 3.2 package, you can skip this step.

  • Open a terminal window and change directory to wxWidgets source code directory you have extracted.

  • Make a directory using this command

    mkdir gtk-build
  • Change directory to the directory you make previously, in this case, gtk-build directory.

    cd gtk-build
  • Use this command to config the build script and wait for it to finish.

    ../configure --enable-unicode --enable-debug --with-opengl
  • Use this command to compile wxWidgets source code.



    make -j 4
  • When finished, use this command to install wxWidgets

    sudo make install
  • After that use this command

    sudo ldconfig

Compiling gw2dattools:

  • Open a terminal window and change directory to extern/gw2dattools source code directory you have extracted.

  • Make a directory using this command

    mkdir build
  • Change directory to the directory you make previously, in this case, build directory.

    cd build
  • Use this command to and wait for it to finish.

    cmake ..
  • Use this command to compile gw2dattools source code.



    make -j 4
  • When finished, use this command to install gw2dattools

    sudo make install

Compiling gw2formats:

  • Open a terminal window and change directory to extern/gw2formats source code directory you have extracted.

  • Make a directory using this command

    mkdir build
  • Change directory to the directory you make previously, in this case, build directory.

    cd build
  • Use this command to and wait for it to finish.

    cmake ..
  • Use this command to compile gw2formats source code.



    make -j 4
  • When finished, use this command to install gw2formats

    sudo make install

Compiling gw2browser:

  • Open a terminal window and change directory to gw2browser directory.

  • Make a directory using this command

    mkdir build
  • Change directory to the directory you make previously, in this case, build directory.

    cd build
  • Use this command to and wait for it to finish.

    cmake ..
  • Use this command to compile gw2browser source code.



    make -j 4
  • When finished, use this command to install gw2browser

    sudo make install

Cross compile for Windows from Linux
