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Unity3D OSX + ZeroTier SDK


We want your Unity apps to talk directly over a flat, secure, no-config virtual network without sending everything into the "cloud". Thus, we introduce the ZeroTier-Unity3D integration!

Our implementation currently intends to be the bare minimum required to get your Unity application to talk over ZeroTier virtual networks. As a result, we've created an API that is very similar to the classic BSD-style sockets API. With this basic API it is possible to construct more abstracted network layers much like Unity's LLAPI and HLAPI.


  • Join(nwid): Joins a ZeroTier virtual network
  • Leave(nwid): Leaves a ZeroTier virtual network
  • Socket(family, type, protocol): Creates a ZeroTier-administered socket (returns an fd)
  • Bind(fd, addr, port): Binds to that socket on the address and port given
  • Listen(fd, backlog): Puts a socket into a listening state
  • Accept(fd): Accepts an incoming connection
  • Connect(fd, addr, port): Connects to an endpoint associated with the given fd
  • Write(fd, buf, len): Sends data to the endpoint associated with the given fd
  • Read(fd, buf, len): Receives data from an endpoint associated with the given fd
  • SendTo(fd, buf, len, flags, addr, port): Sends data to a given address
  • RecvFrom(fd, ref buf, len, flags, addr, port): Receives data
  • Close(fd): Closes a connection to an endpoint

Adding ZeroTier to your Unity app

Step 1: Create virtual ZeroTier virtual network

Step 2: Add plugin to Unity project

  • Create folder Assets/Plugins
  • Place ZeroTierSDK_Unity3D_OSX.bundle in folder

Step 3: Include wrapper class source

  • Drag ZTSDK.cs into your Assets folder.
  • Add a file Assets/smcs.rsp containing the flag -unsafe. This is needed to execute the native library.

Step 4: Create and use a ZTSDK object

  • See examples below for how to use it!

Listening for a connection

public class Example
	public ZTSDK zt;

	public void example_server()
		zt = new ZTSDK (); // Start interface
		zt.Join("8056c2e21c000001"); // Join your network

		Thread connectThread = new Thread(() => { 
			// Create ZeroTier-administered socket
			int sock = zt.Socket ((int)AddressFamily.InterNetwork, (int)SocketType.Stream, (int)ProtocolType.Unspecified);
			zt.Bind(sock, "", 8000);
			zt.Listen(sock, 1);

			// Accept client connection
			int accept_sock = -1;
			while(accept_res < 0) {
				accept_sock = zt.Accept(sock);

			// Read data from client
			char[] msg = new char[1024];
			int bytes_read = 0;
			while(bytes_read >= 0) { 
				bytes_read = zt.Read(accept_sock, ref msg, 80);
				string msgstr = new string(msg);
				Debug.Log("MSG (" + bytes_read + "):" + msgstr);
		connectThread.IsBackground = true;

Establishing a connection

public class Example
	public ZTSDK zt;

	public void example_client()
		zt = new ZTSDK ();

		Thread connectThread = new Thread(() => {	
			// Create ZeroTier-administered socket		
			int sock = zt.Socket ((int)AddressFamily.InterNetwork, (int)SocketType.Stream, (int)ProtocolType.Unspecified);
			zt.Connect (sock, "",8000);
			zt.Write(sock, "Welcome to the machine!", 24);
		connectThread.IsBackground = true;