#This script will be use if you have a rooted phone
with a broken screen and you want access to MTP without accept RSA key
##1. First step
- Connect your phone to computer, dont disconnect the phone
- Enter with your phone into recovery mode.
##2. After that, use this script: (Or use run.cmd if you dont use bash)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function cleanStuff() {
rm -f persist.sys.usb.config build.prop ; cd .. ; rmdir $DIR
mkdir $DIR
cd $DIR
#Mount essential folders
adb shell mount data
adb shell mount system
#Pull files to bypass
adb pull /data/property/persist.sys.usb.config .
adb pull /system/build.prop .
#Modify files for allow `MTP`
if ! grep -i "mtp," persist.sys.usb.config ; then
sed -i 's/adb/mtp,&/' persist.sys.usb.config
if ! grep -i "persist.service.adb.enable=1" build.prop ; then
echo "persist.service.adb.enable=1" >> build.prop
if ! grep -i "persist.service.debuggable=1" build.prop ; then
echo "persist.service.debuggable=1" >> build.prop
if ! grep -i "persist.sys.usb.config=mtp,adb" build.prop ; then
echo "persist.sys.usb.config=mtp,adb" >> build.prop
#Push modified files
adb push persist.sys.usb.config /data/property/
adb push build.prop /system/
#Reboot to recovery
adb reboot recovery
# End
echo "Waiting to reboot"
sleep 60 # 1min its ok
echo -ne "Checking connected devices";for dot in {1..3} ; do echo -ne . ;sleep 1 ; done
echo -ne "\n"
adevice=$(adb devices -l | grep -i product | awk -F':' '{ print $2 }')
[[ ! -z "$adevice" ]] && echo "MTP is correct mounted" || echo "Failed to mount android MTP"
Special thanks to: