These are standard html elements but please prefer the more flexible chakra component if it exists.
Dependency: io.github.kostaskougios::terminal21-ui-std:$VERSION
Paragraph(text = "Hello World!").withChildren(
Span(text = "Some more text"),
Em(text = " emphasized!"),
Span(text = "And the last line")
Header1(text = "Welcome to the std components demo/test")
val input = Input(defaultValue = "Please enter your name")
val output = Paragraph(text = "This will reflect what you type in the input")
input.onChange: newValue =>
Set a cookie:
Cookie(name = "cookie-name", value = "cookie value")
Read a cookie:
val cookieReader = CookieReader(key = "cookie-reader", name = "cookie-name")
val cookieValue = events.changedValue(cookieReader)