diff --git a/scripts/irods/test/test_federation.py b/scripts/irods/test/test_federation.py
index 3f806e3278..32619d4c6f 100644
--- a/scripts/irods/test/test_federation.py
+++ b/scripts/irods/test/test_federation.py
@@ -1,1949 +1,1945 @@
from __future__ import print_function
-import hashlib
-import sys
-if sys.version_info >= (2, 7):
- import unittest
- import unittest2 as unittest
+from textwrap import dedent
import os
import shutil
import socket
import tempfile
import time
-from textwrap import dedent
+import unittest
from . import session
from . import settings
+from . import ustrings
from .. import lib
from .. import paths
from .. import test
-from . import ustrings
from ..configuration import IrodsConfig
from ..core_file import temporary_core_file
SessionsMixin = session.make_sessions_mixin(
class Test_ICommands(SessionsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(Test_ICommands, self).setUp()
- # make local test directory
- self.local_test_dir_path = '/tmp/federation_test_stuff'
- os.mkdir(self.local_test_dir_path)
- # load federation settings in dictionary (all lower case)
- self.config = {}
- for key, val in test.settings.FEDERATION.__dict__.items():
- if not key.startswith('__'):
- self.config[key.lower()] = val
- self.config['local_zone'] = self.user_sessions[0].zone_name
- if test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 0, 0):
- test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_VAULT = '/home/irods/irods-legacy/iRODS/Vault'
- def tearDown(self):
- shutil.rmtree(self.local_test_dir_path, ignore_errors=True)
- super(Test_ICommands, self).tearDown()
- def test_iquest__3466(self):
- if 'otherZone' == test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE:
- self.admin_sessions[0].assert_icommand('iquest -z otherZone --sql bug_3466_query', 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', 'bug_3466_query')
- def test_ils_l(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test file
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
- filename = os.path.basename(f.name)
- filesize = test.settings.FEDERATION.TEST_FILE_SIZE
- lib.make_file(f.name, filesize, 'arbitrary')
- remote_home_collection = test_session.remote_home_collection(
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- ['ils', '-L', remote_home_collection], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', remote_home_collection)
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- ['iput', f.name, remote_home_collection])
- # list file info
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- ['ils', '-L', '{0}/{1}'.format(remote_home_collection, filename)], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- ['ils', '-L', '{0}/{1}'.format(remote_home_collection, filename)], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', str(filesize))
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- ['ils', '-L', '{0}/{1}'.format(remote_home_collection, filename)], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_DEF_RESOURCE)
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- ['ils', '-L', '{0}/{1}'.format(remote_home_collection, filename)], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_VAULT)
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- ['irm', '-f', '{0}/{1}'.format(remote_home_collection, filename)])
- @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 2, 0), 'Fixed in 4.2.0')
- def test_ils_A(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test file
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
- filename = os.path.basename(f.name)
- filesize = test.settings.FEDERATION.TEST_FILE_SIZE
- lib.make_file(f.name, filesize, 'arbitrary')
- remote_home_collection = test_session.remote_home_collection(test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE)
- username = test_session.username
- local_zone = test_session.zone_name
- # put file in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- ['iput', f.name, remote_home_collection])
- # icd to remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(['icd', remote_home_collection])
- # list object's ACLs
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- ['ils', '-A', filename], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', "ACL - {username}#{local_zone}:own".format(**locals()))
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- ['irm', '-f', '{0}/{1}'.format(remote_home_collection, filename)])
- @unittest.skipUnless(test.settings.USE_SSL, 'This test uses SSL and so it is required in order to run.')
- def test_ils_with_misconfigured_ssl_catches_exceptions__issue_6365(self):
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- remote_home_collection = test_session.remote_home_collection(test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE)
- test_session.assert_icommand(['ils', remote_home_collection], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', remote_home_collection)
- with temporary_core_file() as core:
- # Disable SSL communications in the local server. This should break communications with the remote zone,
- # which is supposed to be configured for SSL communications.
- core.add_rule('acPreConnect(*OUT) { *OUT = "CS_NEG_REFUSE"; }')
- # Disable SSL communications in the service account client environment so that it can communicate with
- # the local server, which has just disabled SSL communications.
- env_update = {'irods_client_server_policy': 'CS_NEG_REFUSE'}
- service_account_env_file = os.path.join(paths.irods_directory(), '.irods', "irods_environment.json")
- with lib.file_backed_up(service_account_env_file):
- lib.update_json_file_from_dict(service_account_env_file, env_update)
- # Disable SSL communications in the test session client environment so that it can communicate with
- # the local server, which has just disabled SSL communications.
- client_env_file = os.path.join(test_session.local_session_dir, "irods_environment.json")
- with lib.file_backed_up(client_env_file):
- lib.update_json_file_from_dict(client_env_file, env_update)
- # Make sure communications with the local zone are in working order...
- _, pwd, _ = test_session.assert_icommand(['ipwd'], 'STDOUT', test_session.zone_name)
- test_session.assert_icommand(['ils'], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', pwd.strip())
- # ils in the remote zone should fail due to the misconfigured SSL settings, but not explode.
- out, err, rc = test_session.run_icommand(['ils', remote_home_collection])
- self.assertNotEqual(0, rc)
- self.assertEqual(0, len(out))
- self.assertIn('iRODS filesystem error occurred', err)
- self.assertNotIn('terminating with uncaught exception', err)
- def test_ils_subcolls(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- parameters['subcoll0'] = "{remote_home_collection}/subcoll0".format(
- **parameters)
- parameters['subcoll1'] = "{remote_home_collection}/subcoll1".format(
- **parameters)
- # make subcollections in remote coll
- test_session.assert_icommand("imkdir {subcoll0}".format(**parameters))
- test_session.assert_icommand("imkdir {subcoll1}".format(**parameters))
- # list remote home collection and look for subcollections
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils {remote_home_collection}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_MULTILINE', [parameters['subcoll0'], parameters['subcoll1']])
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand("irm -r {subcoll0}".format(**parameters))
- test_session.assert_icommand("irm -r {subcoll1}".format(**parameters))
- def test_iput(self):
- self.basic_iput_test(self.config['test_file_size'])
- def test_iput_large_file(self):
- self.basic_iput_test(self.config['large_file_size'])
- def basic_iput_test(self, filesize):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test file
- filename = 'iput_test_file'
- filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
- lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['filepath'] = filepath
- parameters['filename'] = filename
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- if filesize >= self.config['large_file_size']:
- # put file in remote collection, ask for 4 threads
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput -v -N 4 {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', '4 thr')
- else:
- # put file in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
- # file should be there
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', str(filesize))
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
- os.remove(filepath)
- @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 1, 9), 'Fixed in 4.1.9')
- def test_slow_ils_over_federation__ticket_3215(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test dir
- dir_name = 'iput_test_dir'
- dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
- local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
- dir_path, 500, 30)
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
- parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- # put dir in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput -r {dir_path} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
- # time listing of collection
- t0 = time.time()
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -AL {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
- t1 = time.time()
- diff = t1 - t0
- self.assertTrue(diff<20)
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- def test_iput_r(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test dir
- dir_name = 'iput_test_dir'
- dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
- local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
- dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
- parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- # put dir in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput -r {dir_path} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
- # new collection should be there
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
- # files should be there
- rods_files = set(test_session.get_entries_in_collection("{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters)))
- self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == rods_files)
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- def test_iget(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test file
- filename = 'iget_test_file'
- filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
- filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
- lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['filepath'] = filepath
- parameters['filename'] = filename
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- # checksum local file
- orig_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
- # put file in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
- # remove local file
- os.remove(filepath)
- # get file back
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iget {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**parameters))
- # compare checksums
- new_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
- self.assertEqual(orig_md5, new_md5)
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
- os.remove(filepath)
- def test_iget_large_file(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test file
- filename = 'iget_test_file'
- filesize = self.config['large_file_size']
- filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
- lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['filepath'] = filepath
- parameters['filename'] = filename
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- # checksum local file
- orig_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
- # put file in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
- # remove local file
- os.remove(filepath)
- # for the next transfer we expect the number of threads
- # to be capped at max_threads or max_threads+1,
- # e.g: we will look for '4 thr' or '5 thr' in stdout
- parameters['max_threads_plus_one'] = parameters['max_threads'] + 1
- expected_output_regex = '[{max_threads}|{max_threads_plus_one}] thr'.format(
- **parameters)
- # get file back, ask for too many threads (should be capped)
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iget -v -N 600 {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', expected_output_regex, use_regex=True)
- # compare checksums
- new_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
- self.assertEqual(orig_md5, new_md5)
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
- os.remove(filepath)
- def test_iget_r(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test dir
- dir_name = 'iget_test_dir'
- dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
- local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
- dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
- parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- # put dir in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput -r {dir_path} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
- # remove local test dir
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- # get collection back
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iget -r {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name} {dir_path}".format(**parameters))
- # compare list of files
- received_files = os.listdir(dir_path)
- self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == set(received_files))
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- def test_irm_f(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test file
- filename = 'irm_test_file'
- filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
- filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
- lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['filepath'] = filepath
- parameters['filename'] = filename
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- # put file in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
- # file should be there
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
- # delete remote file
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
- # file should be gone
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'does not exist')
- # cleanup
- os.remove(filepath)
- def test_irm_rf(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test dir
- dir_name = 'irm_test_dir'
- dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
- local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
- dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
- parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- # put dir in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput -r {dir_path} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
- # new collection should be there
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
- # files should be there
- rods_files = set(test_session.get_entries_in_collection("{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters)))
- self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == rods_files)
- # remove remote coll
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
- # coll should be gone
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'does not exist')
- # cleanup
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- def test_icp(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test file
- filename = 'icp_test_file'
- filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
- filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['filepath'] = filepath
- parameters['filename'] = filename
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['local_home_collection'] = test_session.home_collection
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- try:
- lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
- # checksum local file
- orig_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
- # put file in local collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput {filepath} {local_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
- # remove local file
- os.remove(filepath)
- # copy file to remote home collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "icp {local_home_collection}/{filename} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
- # file should show up in remote zone
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', str(filesize))
- # get file back from remote zone
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iget {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**parameters))
- # compare checksums
- new_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
- self.assertEqual(orig_md5, new_md5)
- finally:
- print(test_session.run_icommand("ils -L {remote_home_collection}")[0])
- # cleanup
- test_session.run_icommand(
- "irm -f {local_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
- test_session.run_icommand(
- "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
- os.remove(filepath)
- def test_icp_large(self):
- # test settings
- remote_zone = self.config['remote_zone']
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- local_zone = test_session.zone_name
- user_name = test_session.username
- local_home_collection = test_session.home_collection
- remote_home_collection = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **locals())
- # make test file
- filename = 'icp_test_file'
- filesize = self.config['large_file_size']
- filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
- lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
- # checksum local file
- orig_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
- # put file in local collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput {filepath} {local_home_collection}/".format(**locals()))
- # remove local file
- os.remove(filepath)
- # copy file to remote home collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "icp {local_home_collection}/{filename} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**locals()))
- # file should show up in remote zone
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', str(filesize))
- # get file back from remote zone
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iget {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**locals()))
- # compare checksums
- new_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
- self.assertEqual(orig_md5, new_md5)
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -f {local_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()))
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()))
- os.remove(filepath)
- def test_icp_f_large(self):
- # test settings
- remote_zone = self.config['remote_zone']
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- local_zone = test_session.zone_name
- user_name = test_session.username
- local_home_collection = test_session.home_collection
- remote_home_collection = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **locals())
- # make test file
- filename = 'icp_test_file'
- filesize = self.config['large_file_size']
- filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
- lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
- # checksum local file
- orig_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
- # put file in local collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput {filepath} {local_home_collection}/".format(**locals()))
- # remove local file
- os.remove(filepath)
- # copy file to remote home collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "icp -f {local_home_collection}/{filename} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**locals()))
- # file should show up in remote zone
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', str(filesize))
- # get file back from remote zone
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iget {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**locals()))
- # compare checksums
- new_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
- self.assertEqual(orig_md5, new_md5)
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -f {local_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()))
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()))
- os.remove(filepath)
- def test_icp_r(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test dir
- dir_name = 'icp_test_dir'
- dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
- local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
- dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
- parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['local_home_collection'] = test_session.home_collection
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- # put dir in local collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput -r {dir_path} {local_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
- # remove local test dir
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- # copy dir to remote home collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "icp -r {local_home_collection}/{dir_name} {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
- # collection should be there
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
- # files should be there
- rods_files = set(test_session.get_entries_in_collection("{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters)))
- self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == rods_files)
- # get collection back
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iget -r {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name} {dir_path}".format(**parameters))
- # compare list of files
- received_files = os.listdir(dir_path)
- self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == set(received_files))
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -rf {local_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- def test_imv(self):
- '''
- remote-remote imv test
- '''
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test file
- filename = 'imv_test_file'
- filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
- filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
- lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['filepath'] = filepath
- parameters['filename'] = filename
- parameters['new_name'] = filename = '_new'
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['local_home_collection'] = test_session.home_collection
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- # put file in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
- # move (rename) remote file
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "imv {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {remote_home_collection}/{new_name}".format(**parameters))
- # file should have been renamed
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'does not exist')
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{new_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{new_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', str(filesize))
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{new_name}".format(**parameters))
- os.remove(filepath)
- def test_irsync_r_dir_to_coll(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # test specific parameters
- dir_name = 'irsync_test_dir'
- dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
- parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- try:
- # make test dir
- local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
- dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
- # sync dir with remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irsync -r {dir_path} i:{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
- # new collection should be there
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
- # files should be there
- rods_files = set(test_session.get_entries_in_collection("{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters)))
- self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == rods_files)
- finally:
- # cleanup
- test_session.run_icommand(
- "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- def test_irsync_r_coll_to_coll(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # test specific parameters
- dir_name = 'irsync_test_dir'
- dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
- parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['local_home_collection'] = test_session.home_collection
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- try:
- # make test dir
- local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
- dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
- # put dir in local collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput -r {dir_path} {local_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
- # remove local test dir
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- # sync local collection with remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irsync -r i:{local_home_collection}/{dir_name} i:{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
- # collection should be there
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
- # files should be there
- rods_files = set(test_session.get_entries_in_collection("{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters)))
- self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == rods_files)
- # get collection back
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iget -r {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name} {dir_path}".format(**parameters))
- # compare list of files
- received_files = os.listdir(dir_path)
- self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == set(received_files))
- finally:
- # cleanup
- test_session.run_icommand(
- "irm -rf {local_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
- test_session.run_icommand(
- "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- def test_irsync_r_coll_to_dir(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # test specific parameters
- dir_name = 'irsync_test_dir'
- dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
- parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- try:
- # make test dir
- local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
- dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
- # sync dir with remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irsync -r {dir_path} i:{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
- # remove local test dir
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- # sync remote collection back with local dir
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irsync -r i:{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name} {dir_path}".format(**parameters))
- # compare list of files
- received_files = os.listdir(dir_path)
- self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == set(received_files))
- finally:
- # cleanup
- test_session.run_icommand(
- "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 0, 0) or test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 0, 0), 'No resource hierarchies before iRODS 4')
- def test_irsync_passthru_3016(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # test specific parameters
- filename = 'irsync_test_file'
- filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
- filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['filepath'] = filepath
- parameters['filename'] = filename
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['local_home_collection'] = test_session.home_collection
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- # extract resources from hierarchies
- (parameters['local_pt_resc'], parameters['local_leaf_resc']) = tuple(
- parameters['local_pt_resc_hier'].split(';'))
- parameters['remote_pt_resc'] = parameters[
- 'remote_pt_resc_hier'].split(';')[0]
- parameters['hostname'] = test.settings.ICAT_HOSTNAME
- parameters['local_leaf_resc_path'] = '/tmp/{local_leaf_resc}'.format(
- **parameters)
- try:
- # make test file
- lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
- # create local passthru hierarchy
- self.admin_sessions[0].run_icommand(
- "iadmin mkresc {local_pt_resc} passthru".format(**parameters))
- self.admin_sessions[0].run_icommand(
- "iadmin mkresc {local_leaf_resc} unixfilesystem {hostname}:{local_leaf_resc_path}".format(**parameters))
- self.admin_sessions[0].run_icommand(
- "iadmin addchildtoresc {local_pt_resc} {local_leaf_resc}".format(**parameters))
- # checksum local file
- orig_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
- # put file in local collection, using local passthru resource
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput -R {local_pt_resc} {filepath} {local_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
- # remove local file
- os.remove(filepath)
- # rsync file into remote coll, using remote passthru resource
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irsync -R {remote_pt_resc} i:{local_home_collection}/{filename} i:{remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
- # check that file is on remote zone's resource hierarchy
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_MULTILINE', [filename, parameters['remote_pt_resc_hier']])
- # get file back and compare checksums
- if test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION != (4, 0, 3):
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iget {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**parameters))
- new_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
- self.assertEqual(orig_md5, new_md5)
- else:
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iget {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'USER_RODS_HOSTNAME_ERR')
- finally:
- # cleanup
- test_session.run_icommand(
- "irm -f {local_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
- test_session.run_icommand(
- "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
- try:
- os.remove(filepath)
- except OSError:
- pass
- self.admin_sessions[0].run_icommand(
- "iadmin rmchildfromresc {local_pt_resc} {local_leaf_resc}".format(**parameters))
- self.admin_sessions[0].run_icommand(
- "iadmin rmresc {local_pt_resc}".format(**parameters))
- self.admin_sessions[0].run_icommand(
- "iadmin rmresc {local_leaf_resc}".format(**parameters))
- def test_ilsresc_z(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # list remote resources
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ilsresc --ascii -z {remote_zone}".format(**self.config), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_DEF_RESOURCE)
- @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 2, 0) or test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 0, 0), 'No resource hierarchies before iRODS 4')
- def test_ilsresc_z_child_resc(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ilsresc --ascii -z {remote_zone}".format(**self.config), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_PT_RESC_HIER.split(';')[1])
- def run_remote_writeLine_test(self, config, zone_info):
- # Some inputs and expected values
- localnum_before = 1
- localnum_after = 3
- localstring = 'one'
- inputnum_before = 4
- inputnum_after = 6
- inputstring = 'four'
- remotenum = 0
- remotestring = 'zero'
- expected_before_remote = 'stdout before remote: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}'.format(
- inputnum_before, inputstring, localnum_before, localstring)
- expected_from_remote = 'stdout from remote: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}'.format(
- inputnum_before, inputstring, localnum_before, localstring, remotenum, remotestring)
- expected_after_remote = 'stdout after remote: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}'.format(
- inputnum_after, inputstring, localnum_after, localstring)
- if zone_info == 'local':
- zone = config['local_zone']
- host = socket.gethostname()
- # TODO: Add support for remote with #4164
- expected_from_remote_log = 'serverLog from remote: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}'.format(
- inputnum_before, inputstring, localnum_before, localstring, remotenum, remotestring)
- else:
- zone = config['remote_zone']
- host = config['remote_host']
- # Write a line to the serverLog in the local zone using remote execution block
- rule_string = '''
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(Test_ICommands, self).setUp()
+ # make local test directory
+ self.local_test_dir_path = '/tmp/federation_test_stuff'
+ os.mkdir(self.local_test_dir_path)
+ # load federation settings in dictionary (all lower case)
+ self.config = {}
+ for key, val in test.settings.FEDERATION.__dict__.items():
+ if not key.startswith('__'):
+ self.config[key.lower()] = val
+ self.config['local_zone'] = self.user_sessions[0].zone_name
+ if test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 0, 0):
+ test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_VAULT = '/home/irods/irods-legacy/iRODS/Vault'
+ def tearDown(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.local_test_dir_path, ignore_errors=True)
+ super(Test_ICommands, self).tearDown()
+ def test_iquest__3466(self):
+ if 'otherZone' == test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE:
+ self.admin_sessions[0].assert_icommand('iquest -z otherZone --sql bug_3466_query', 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', 'bug_3466_query')
+ def test_ils_l(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test file
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
+ filename = os.path.basename(f.name)
+ filesize = test.settings.FEDERATION.TEST_FILE_SIZE
+ lib.make_file(f.name, filesize, 'arbitrary')
+ remote_home_collection = test_session.remote_home_collection(
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ ['ils', '-L', remote_home_collection], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', remote_home_collection)
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ ['iput', f.name, remote_home_collection])
+ # list file info
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ ['ils', '-L', '{0}/{1}'.format(remote_home_collection, filename)], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ ['ils', '-L', '{0}/{1}'.format(remote_home_collection, filename)], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', str(filesize))
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ ['ils', '-L', '{0}/{1}'.format(remote_home_collection, filename)], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_DEF_RESOURCE)
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ ['ils', '-L', '{0}/{1}'.format(remote_home_collection, filename)], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_VAULT)
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ ['irm', '-f', '{0}/{1}'.format(remote_home_collection, filename)])
+ @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 2, 0), 'Fixed in 4.2.0')
+ def test_ils_A(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test file
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
+ filename = os.path.basename(f.name)
+ filesize = test.settings.FEDERATION.TEST_FILE_SIZE
+ lib.make_file(f.name, filesize, 'arbitrary')
+ remote_home_collection = test_session.remote_home_collection(test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE)
+ username = test_session.username
+ local_zone = test_session.zone_name
+ # put file in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ ['iput', f.name, remote_home_collection])
+ # icd to remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['icd', remote_home_collection])
+ # list object's ACLs
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ ['ils', '-A', filename], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', "ACL - {username}#{local_zone}:own".format(**locals()))
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ ['irm', '-f', '{0}/{1}'.format(remote_home_collection, filename)])
+ @unittest.skipUnless(test.settings.USE_SSL, 'This test uses SSL and so it is required in order to run.')
+ def test_ils_with_misconfigured_ssl_catches_exceptions__issue_6365(self):
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ remote_home_collection = test_session.remote_home_collection(test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE)
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['ils', remote_home_collection], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', remote_home_collection)
+ with temporary_core_file() as core:
+ # Disable SSL communications in the local server. This should break communications with the remote zone,
+ # which is supposed to be configured for SSL communications.
+ core.add_rule('acPreConnect(*OUT) { *OUT = "CS_NEG_REFUSE"; }')
+ # Disable SSL communications in the service account client environment so that it can communicate with
+ # the local server, which has just disabled SSL communications.
+ env_update = {'irods_client_server_policy': 'CS_NEG_REFUSE'}
+ service_account_env_file = os.path.join(paths.irods_directory(), '.irods', "irods_environment.json")
+ with lib.file_backed_up(service_account_env_file):
+ lib.update_json_file_from_dict(service_account_env_file, env_update)
+ # Disable SSL communications in the test session client environment so that it can communicate with
+ # the local server, which has just disabled SSL communications.
+ client_env_file = os.path.join(test_session.local_session_dir, "irods_environment.json")
+ with lib.file_backed_up(client_env_file):
+ lib.update_json_file_from_dict(client_env_file, env_update)
+ # Make sure communications with the local zone are in working order...
+ _, pwd, _ = test_session.assert_icommand(['ipwd'], 'STDOUT', test_session.zone_name)
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['ils'], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', pwd.strip())
+ # ils in the remote zone should fail due to the misconfigured SSL settings, but not explode.
+ out, err, rc = test_session.run_icommand(['ils', remote_home_collection])
+ self.assertNotEqual(0, rc)
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(out))
+ self.assertIn('iRODS filesystem error occurred', err)
+ self.assertNotIn('terminating with uncaught exception', err)
+ def test_ils_subcolls(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ parameters['subcoll0'] = "{remote_home_collection}/subcoll0".format(
+ **parameters)
+ parameters['subcoll1'] = "{remote_home_collection}/subcoll1".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # make subcollections in remote coll
+ test_session.assert_icommand("imkdir {subcoll0}".format(**parameters))
+ test_session.assert_icommand("imkdir {subcoll1}".format(**parameters))
+ # list remote home collection and look for subcollections
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils {remote_home_collection}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_MULTILINE', [parameters['subcoll0'], parameters['subcoll1']])
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand("irm -r {subcoll0}".format(**parameters))
+ test_session.assert_icommand("irm -r {subcoll1}".format(**parameters))
+ def test_iput(self):
+ self.basic_iput_test(self.config['test_file_size'])
+ def test_iput_large_file(self):
+ self.basic_iput_test(self.config['large_file_size'])
+ def basic_iput_test(self, filesize):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test file
+ filename = 'iput_test_file'
+ filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
+ lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['filepath'] = filepath
+ parameters['filename'] = filename
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ if filesize >= self.config['large_file_size']:
+ # put file in remote collection, ask for 4 threads
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput -v -N 4 {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', '4 thr')
+ else:
+ # put file in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
+ # file should be there
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', str(filesize))
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 1, 9), 'Fixed in 4.1.9')
+ def test_slow_ils_over_federation__ticket_3215(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test dir
+ dir_name = 'iput_test_dir'
+ dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
+ local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
+ dir_path, 500, 30)
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
+ parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # put dir in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput -r {dir_path} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
+ # time listing of collection
+ t0 = time.time()
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -AL {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
+ t1 = time.time()
+ diff = t1 - t0
+ self.assertTrue(diff<20)
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ def test_iput_r(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test dir
+ dir_name = 'iput_test_dir'
+ dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
+ local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
+ dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
+ parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # put dir in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput -r {dir_path} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
+ # new collection should be there
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
+ # files should be there
+ rods_files = set(test_session.get_entries_in_collection("{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters)))
+ self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == rods_files)
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ def test_iget(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test file
+ filename = 'iget_test_file'
+ filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
+ filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
+ lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['filepath'] = filepath
+ parameters['filename'] = filename
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # checksum local file
+ orig_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
+ # put file in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
+ # remove local file
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ # get file back
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iget {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**parameters))
+ # compare checksums
+ new_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
+ self.assertEqual(orig_md5, new_md5)
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ def test_iget_large_file(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test file
+ filename = 'iget_test_file'
+ filesize = self.config['large_file_size']
+ filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
+ lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['filepath'] = filepath
+ parameters['filename'] = filename
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # checksum local file
+ orig_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
+ # put file in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
+ # remove local file
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ # for the next transfer we expect the number of threads
+ # to be capped at max_threads or max_threads+1,
+ # e.g: we will look for '4 thr' or '5 thr' in stdout
+ parameters['max_threads_plus_one'] = parameters['max_threads'] + 1
+ expected_output_regex = '[{max_threads}|{max_threads_plus_one}] thr'.format(
+ **parameters)
+ # get file back, ask for too many threads (should be capped)
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iget -v -N 600 {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', expected_output_regex, use_regex=True)
+ # compare checksums
+ new_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
+ self.assertEqual(orig_md5, new_md5)
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ def test_iget_r(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test dir
+ dir_name = 'iget_test_dir'
+ dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
+ local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
+ dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
+ parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # put dir in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput -r {dir_path} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
+ # remove local test dir
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ # get collection back
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iget -r {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name} {dir_path}".format(**parameters))
+ # compare list of files
+ received_files = os.listdir(dir_path)
+ self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == set(received_files))
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ def test_irm_f(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test file
+ filename = 'irm_test_file'
+ filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
+ filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
+ lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['filepath'] = filepath
+ parameters['filename'] = filename
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # put file in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
+ # file should be there
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
+ # delete remote file
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
+ # file should be gone
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'does not exist')
+ # cleanup
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ def test_irm_rf(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test dir
+ dir_name = 'irm_test_dir'
+ dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
+ local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
+ dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
+ parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # put dir in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput -r {dir_path} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
+ # new collection should be there
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
+ # files should be there
+ rods_files = set(test_session.get_entries_in_collection("{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters)))
+ self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == rods_files)
+ # remove remote coll
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
+ # coll should be gone
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'does not exist')
+ # cleanup
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ def test_icp(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test file
+ filename = 'icp_test_file'
+ filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
+ filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['filepath'] = filepath
+ parameters['filename'] = filename
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['local_home_collection'] = test_session.home_collection
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ try:
+ lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
+ # checksum local file
+ orig_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
+ # put file in local collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput {filepath} {local_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
+ # remove local file
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ # copy file to remote home collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "icp {local_home_collection}/{filename} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
+ # file should show up in remote zone
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', str(filesize))
+ # get file back from remote zone
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iget {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**parameters))
+ # compare checksums
+ new_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
+ self.assertEqual(orig_md5, new_md5)
+ finally:
+ print(test_session.run_icommand("ils -L {remote_home_collection}")[0])
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.run_icommand(
+ "irm -f {local_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
+ test_session.run_icommand(
+ "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ def test_icp_large(self):
+ # test settings
+ remote_zone = self.config['remote_zone']
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ local_zone = test_session.zone_name
+ user_name = test_session.username
+ local_home_collection = test_session.home_collection
+ remote_home_collection = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **locals())
+ # make test file
+ filename = 'icp_test_file'
+ filesize = self.config['large_file_size']
+ filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
+ lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
+ # checksum local file
+ orig_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
+ # put file in local collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput {filepath} {local_home_collection}/".format(**locals()))
+ # remove local file
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ # copy file to remote home collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "icp {local_home_collection}/{filename} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**locals()))
+ # file should show up in remote zone
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', str(filesize))
+ # get file back from remote zone
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iget {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**locals()))
+ # compare checksums
+ new_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
+ self.assertEqual(orig_md5, new_md5)
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -f {local_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()))
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()))
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ def test_icp_f_large(self):
+ # test settings
+ remote_zone = self.config['remote_zone']
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ local_zone = test_session.zone_name
+ user_name = test_session.username
+ local_home_collection = test_session.home_collection
+ remote_home_collection = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **locals())
+ # make test file
+ filename = 'icp_test_file'
+ filesize = self.config['large_file_size']
+ filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
+ lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
+ # checksum local file
+ orig_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
+ # put file in local collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput {filepath} {local_home_collection}/".format(**locals()))
+ # remove local file
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ # copy file to remote home collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "icp -f {local_home_collection}/{filename} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**locals()))
+ # file should show up in remote zone
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', str(filesize))
+ # get file back from remote zone
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iget {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**locals()))
+ # compare checksums
+ new_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
+ self.assertEqual(orig_md5, new_md5)
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -f {local_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()))
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**locals()))
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ def test_icp_r(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test dir
+ dir_name = 'icp_test_dir'
+ dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
+ local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
+ dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
+ parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['local_home_collection'] = test_session.home_collection
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # put dir in local collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput -r {dir_path} {local_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
+ # remove local test dir
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ # copy dir to remote home collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "icp -r {local_home_collection}/{dir_name} {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
+ # collection should be there
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
+ # files should be there
+ rods_files = set(test_session.get_entries_in_collection("{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters)))
+ self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == rods_files)
+ # get collection back
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iget -r {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name} {dir_path}".format(**parameters))
+ # compare list of files
+ received_files = os.listdir(dir_path)
+ self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == set(received_files))
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -rf {local_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ def test_imv(self):
+ '''
+ remote-remote imv test
+ '''
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test file
+ filename = 'imv_test_file'
+ filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
+ filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
+ lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['filepath'] = filepath
+ parameters['filename'] = filename
+ parameters['new_name'] = filename = '_new'
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['local_home_collection'] = test_session.home_collection
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # put file in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
+ # move (rename) remote file
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "imv {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {remote_home_collection}/{new_name}".format(**parameters))
+ # file should have been renamed
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'does not exist')
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{new_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{new_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', str(filesize))
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{new_name}".format(**parameters))
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ def test_irsync_r_dir_to_coll(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # test specific parameters
+ dir_name = 'irsync_test_dir'
+ dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
+ parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ try:
+ # make test dir
+ local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
+ dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
+ # sync dir with remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irsync -r {dir_path} i:{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
+ # new collection should be there
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
+ # files should be there
+ rods_files = set(test_session.get_entries_in_collection("{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters)))
+ self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == rods_files)
+ finally:
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.run_icommand(
+ "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ def test_irsync_r_coll_to_coll(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # test specific parameters
+ dir_name = 'irsync_test_dir'
+ dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
+ parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['local_home_collection'] = test_session.home_collection
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ try:
+ # make test dir
+ local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
+ dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
+ # put dir in local collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput -r {dir_path} {local_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
+ # remove local test dir
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ # sync local collection with remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irsync -r i:{local_home_collection}/{dir_name} i:{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
+ # collection should be there
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
+ # files should be there
+ rods_files = set(test_session.get_entries_in_collection("{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters)))
+ self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == rods_files)
+ # get collection back
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iget -r {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name} {dir_path}".format(**parameters))
+ # compare list of files
+ received_files = os.listdir(dir_path)
+ self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == set(received_files))
+ finally:
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.run_icommand(
+ "irm -rf {local_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
+ test_session.run_icommand(
+ "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ def test_irsync_r_coll_to_dir(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # test specific parameters
+ dir_name = 'irsync_test_dir'
+ dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
+ parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ try:
+ # make test dir
+ local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
+ dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
+ # sync dir with remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irsync -r {dir_path} i:{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
+ # remove local test dir
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ # sync remote collection back with local dir
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irsync -r i:{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name} {dir_path}".format(**parameters))
+ # compare list of files
+ received_files = os.listdir(dir_path)
+ self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == set(received_files))
+ finally:
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.run_icommand(
+ "irm -rf {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters))
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 0, 0) or test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 0, 0), 'No resource hierarchies before iRODS 4')
+ def test_irsync_passthru_3016(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # test specific parameters
+ filename = 'irsync_test_file'
+ filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
+ filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['filepath'] = filepath
+ parameters['filename'] = filename
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['local_home_collection'] = test_session.home_collection
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # extract resources from hierarchies
+ (parameters['local_pt_resc'], parameters['local_leaf_resc']) = tuple(
+ parameters['local_pt_resc_hier'].split(';'))
+ parameters['remote_pt_resc'] = parameters[
+ 'remote_pt_resc_hier'].split(';')[0]
+ parameters['hostname'] = test.settings.ICAT_HOSTNAME
+ parameters['local_leaf_resc_path'] = '/tmp/{local_leaf_resc}'.format(
+ **parameters)
+ try:
+ # make test file
+ lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
+ # create local passthru hierarchy
+ self.admin_sessions[0].run_icommand(
+ "iadmin mkresc {local_pt_resc} passthru".format(**parameters))
+ self.admin_sessions[0].run_icommand(
+ "iadmin mkresc {local_leaf_resc} unixfilesystem {hostname}:{local_leaf_resc_path}".format(**parameters))
+ self.admin_sessions[0].run_icommand(
+ "iadmin addchildtoresc {local_pt_resc} {local_leaf_resc}".format(**parameters))
+ # checksum local file
+ orig_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
+ # put file in local collection, using local passthru resource
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput -R {local_pt_resc} {filepath} {local_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
+ # remove local file
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ # rsync file into remote coll, using remote passthru resource
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irsync -R {remote_pt_resc} i:{local_home_collection}/{filename} i:{remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
+ # check that file is on remote zone's resource hierarchy
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_MULTILINE', [filename, parameters['remote_pt_resc_hier']])
+ # get file back and compare checksums
+ if test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION != (4, 0, 3):
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iget {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**parameters))
+ new_md5 = lib.file_digest(filepath, 'md5')
+ self.assertEqual(orig_md5, new_md5)
+ else:
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iget {remote_home_collection}/{filename} {filepath}".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'USER_RODS_HOSTNAME_ERR')
+ finally:
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.run_icommand(
+ "irm -f {local_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
+ test_session.run_icommand(
+ "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
+ try:
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ self.admin_sessions[0].run_icommand(
+ "iadmin rmchildfromresc {local_pt_resc} {local_leaf_resc}".format(**parameters))
+ self.admin_sessions[0].run_icommand(
+ "iadmin rmresc {local_pt_resc}".format(**parameters))
+ self.admin_sessions[0].run_icommand(
+ "iadmin rmresc {local_leaf_resc}".format(**parameters))
+ def test_ilsresc_z(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # list remote resources
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ilsresc --ascii -z {remote_zone}".format(**self.config), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_DEF_RESOURCE)
+ @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 2, 0) or test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 0, 0), 'No resource hierarchies before iRODS 4')
+ def test_ilsresc_z_child_resc(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ilsresc --ascii -z {remote_zone}".format(**self.config), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_PT_RESC_HIER.split(';')[1])
+ def run_remote_writeLine_test(self, config, zone_info):
+ # Some inputs and expected values
+ localnum_before = 1
+ localnum_after = 3
+ localstring = 'one'
+ inputnum_before = 4
+ inputnum_after = 6
+ inputstring = 'four'
+ remotenum = 0
+ remotestring = 'zero'
+ expected_before_remote = 'stdout before remote: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}'.format(
+ inputnum_before, inputstring, localnum_before, localstring)
+ expected_from_remote = 'stdout from remote: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}'.format(
+ inputnum_before, inputstring, localnum_before, localstring, remotenum, remotestring)
+ expected_after_remote = 'stdout after remote: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}'.format(
+ inputnum_after, inputstring, localnum_after, localstring)
+ if zone_info == 'local':
+ zone = config['local_zone']
+ host = socket.gethostname()
+ # TODO: Add support for remote with #4164
+ expected_from_remote_log = 'serverLog from remote: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}'.format(
+ inputnum_before, inputstring, localnum_before, localstring, remotenum, remotestring)
+ else:
+ zone = config['remote_zone']
+ host = config['remote_host']
+ # Write a line to the serverLog in the local zone using remote execution block
+ rule_string = '''
myTestRule {{
- *localnum = {0};
- *localstring = "{1}";
- writeLine("stdout", "stdout before remote: *inputnum, *inputstring, *localnum, *localstring");
- remote("{2}", "{3}") {{
- *remotenum = {4};
- *remotestring = "{5}";
- writeLine("serverLog", "serverLog from remote: *inputnum, *inputstring, *localnum, *localstring, *remotenum, *remotestring");
- writeLine("stdout", "stdout from remote: *inputnum, *inputstring, *localnum, *localstring, *remotenum, *remotestring");
- *inputnum = *inputnum + 1
- *localnum = *localnum + 1
- }}
- *inputnum = *inputnum + 1
- *localnum = *localnum + 1
- writeLine("stdout", "stdout after remote: *inputnum, *inputstring, *localnum, *localstring");
+ *localnum = {0};
+ *localstring = "{1}";
+ writeLine("stdout", "stdout before remote: *inputnum, *inputstring, *localnum, *localstring");
+ remote("{2}", "{3}") {{
+ *remotenum = {4};
+ *remotestring = "{5}";
+ writeLine("serverLog", "serverLog from remote: *inputnum, *inputstring, *localnum, *localstring, *remotenum, *remotestring");
+ writeLine("stdout", "stdout from remote: *inputnum, *inputstring, *localnum, *localstring, *remotenum, *remotestring");
+ *inputnum = *inputnum + 1
+ *localnum = *localnum + 1
+ }}
+ *inputnum = *inputnum + 1
+ *localnum = *localnum + 1
+ writeLine("stdout", "stdout after remote: *inputnum, *inputstring, *localnum, *localstring");
INPUT *inputnum={6}, *inputstring="{7}"
OUTPUT ruleExecOut
- '''.format(localnum_before, localstring, host, zone, remotenum, remotestring, inputnum_before, inputstring)
- rule_file = "test_rule_file.r"
- with open(rule_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write(rule_string)
- # TODO: Add support for remote with #4164
- if zone_info == 'local':
- initial_log_size = lib.get_file_size_by_path(paths.server_log_path())
- # Execute rule and ensure that output is empty (success)
- self.user_sessions[0].assert_icommand(['irule', '-F', rule_file], 'STDOUT_MULTILINE', [expected_before_remote, expected_from_remote, expected_after_remote])
- # TODO: Add support for remote with #4164
- if zone_info == 'local':
- lib.delayAssert(
- lambda: lib.log_message_occurrences_equals_count(
- msg=expected_from_remote_log,
- start_index=initial_log_size))
- os.remove(rule_file)
- @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 2, 3) or test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 2, 3), 'Fixed in 4.2.3')
- def test_remote_writeLine_localzone_3722(self):
- self.run_remote_writeLine_test(self.config.copy(), 'local')
- @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 2, 3) or test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 2, 3), 'Fixed in 4.2.3')
- def test_remote_writeLine_remotezone_3722(self):
- self.run_remote_writeLine_test(self.config.copy(), 'remote')
- def test_imeta_qu_with_zone_name_option__issue_4426(self):
- user = self.user_sessions[0]
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- # Create a file and put it into the remote zone.
- parameters['filename'] = 'foo'
- parameters['filepath'] = os.path.join(user.local_session_dir, parameters['filename'])
- try:
- lib.make_file(parameters['filepath'], 1, 'arbitrary')
- parameters['user_name'] = user.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = '/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}'.format(**parameters)
- parameters['remote_data_object'] = '{remote_home_collection}/{filename}'.format(**parameters)
- user.assert_icommand('iput {filepath} {remote_data_object}'.format(**parameters))
- # Add metadata to the new data object.
- user.assert_icommand('imeta add -d {remote_data_object} n1 v1 u1'.format(**parameters))
- user.assert_icommand('imeta ls -d {remote_data_object}'.format(**parameters), 'STDOUT', ['attribute: n1', 'value: v1', 'units: u1'])
- # Show that the remote data object can be found via "imeta -z qu".
- user.assert_icommand('imeta -z {remote_zone} qu -d n1 = v1'.format(**parameters), 'STDOUT', [parameters['filename']])
- finally:
- user.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', parameters['remote_data_object']])
- @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 2, 9) or test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 2, 9), 'Only available in 4.2.9 and later')
- def test_federation_support_for_replica_open_close_and_get_file_descriptor_info(self):
- user = self.user_sessions[0]
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- # Create a new data object via istream.
- # istream proves that the following API plugins work in a federated environment.
- # - rx_get_file_descriptor_info
- # - rx_replica_open
- # - rx_replica_close
- parameters['filename'] = 'istream_test_file.txt'
- parameters['user_name'] = user.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = '/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}'.format(**parameters)
- parameters['remote_data_object'] = '{remote_home_collection}/{filename}'.format(**parameters)
- contents = 'Hello, iRODS!'
- try:
- user.assert_icommand('istream write {remote_data_object}'.format(**parameters), input=contents)
- # Show that the data object exists and contains the expected content.
- user.assert_icommand('istream read {remote_data_object}'.format(**parameters), 'STDOUT', [contents])
- finally:
- user.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', parameters['remote_data_object']])
- def test_itouch__issue_6849(self):
- user = self.user_sessions[0]
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['filename'] = 'itouch_test_file.txt'
- parameters['user_name'] = user.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = '/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}'.format(**parameters)
- parameters['remote_data_object'] = '{remote_home_collection}/{filename}'.format(**parameters)
- try:
- user.assert_icommand('itouch {remote_data_object}'.format(**parameters))
- user.assert_icommand('ils {remote_data_object}'.format(**parameters), 'STDOUT', [parameters['remote_data_object']])
- finally:
- user.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', parameters['remote_data_object']])
- def test_catalog_provider_hosts_other_than_the_first_are_considered__issue_6827(self):
- import json
- user = self.user_sessions[0]
- remote_zone = self.config['remote_zone']
- local_zone = self.config['local_zone']
- remote_home_collection = os.path.join('/{}'.format(remote_zone), 'home', '#'.join([user.username, local_zone]))
- # Control case: Make sure we can list the contents in the remote zone...
- user.assert_icommand(['ils', '-l', remote_home_collection], 'STDOUT')
- # Get the current server configuration so we can make changes
- server_config_filename = paths.server_config_path()
- with open(server_config_filename) as f:
- svr_cfg = json.load(f)
- # Add a dummy entry to the beginning of the catalog_provider_hosts which will not resolve.
- remote_provider_host = svr_cfg['federation'][0]['catalog_provider_hosts'][0]
- svr_cfg['federation'][0]['catalog_provider_hosts'][0] = 'keeplookinbuddy'
- new_server_config = json.dumps(svr_cfg, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
- with lib.file_backed_up(server_config_filename):
- # Repave the existing server_config.json. It will be restored when we leave this 'with' block.
- with open(server_config_filename, 'w') as f:
- f.write(new_server_config)
+ '''.format(localnum_before, localstring, host, zone, remotenum, remotestring, inputnum_before, inputstring)
+ rule_file = "test_rule_file.r"
+ with open(rule_file, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(rule_string)
+ # TODO: Add support for remote with #4164
+ if zone_info == 'local':
+ initial_log_size = lib.get_file_size_by_path(paths.server_log_path())
+ # Execute rule and ensure that output is empty (success)
+ self.user_sessions[0].assert_icommand(['irule', '-F', rule_file], 'STDOUT_MULTILINE', [expected_before_remote, expected_from_remote, expected_after_remote])
+ # TODO: Add support for remote with #4164
+ if zone_info == 'local':
+ lib.delayAssert(
+ lambda: lib.log_message_occurrences_equals_count(
+ msg=expected_from_remote_log,
+ start_index=initial_log_size))
+ os.remove(rule_file)
+ @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 2, 3) or test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 2, 3), 'Fixed in 4.2.3')
+ def test_remote_writeLine_localzone_3722(self):
+ self.run_remote_writeLine_test(self.config.copy(), 'local')
+ @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 2, 3) or test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 2, 3), 'Fixed in 4.2.3')
+ def test_remote_writeLine_remotezone_3722(self):
+ self.run_remote_writeLine_test(self.config.copy(), 'remote')
+ def test_imeta_qu_with_zone_name_option__issue_4426(self):
+ user = self.user_sessions[0]
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ # Create a file and put it into the remote zone.
+ parameters['filename'] = 'foo'
+ parameters['filepath'] = os.path.join(user.local_session_dir, parameters['filename'])
+ try:
+ lib.make_file(parameters['filepath'], 1, 'arbitrary')
+ parameters['user_name'] = user.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = '/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}'.format(**parameters)
+ parameters['remote_data_object'] = '{remote_home_collection}/{filename}'.format(**parameters)
+ user.assert_icommand('iput {filepath} {remote_data_object}'.format(**parameters))
+ # Add metadata to the new data object.
+ user.assert_icommand('imeta add -d {remote_data_object} n1 v1 u1'.format(**parameters))
+ user.assert_icommand('imeta ls -d {remote_data_object}'.format(**parameters), 'STDOUT', ['attribute: n1', 'value: v1', 'units: u1'])
+ # Show that the remote data object can be found via "imeta -z qu".
+ user.assert_icommand('imeta -z {remote_zone} qu -d n1 = v1'.format(**parameters), 'STDOUT', [parameters['filename']])
+ finally:
+ user.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', parameters['remote_data_object']])
+ @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 2, 9) or test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 2, 9), 'Only available in 4.2.9 and later')
+ def test_federation_support_for_replica_open_close_and_get_file_descriptor_info(self):
+ user = self.user_sessions[0]
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ # Create a new data object via istream.
+ # istream proves that the following API plugins work in a federated environment.
+ # - rx_get_file_descriptor_info
+ # - rx_replica_open
+ # - rx_replica_close
+ parameters['filename'] = 'istream_test_file.txt'
+ parameters['user_name'] = user.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = '/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}'.format(**parameters)
+ parameters['remote_data_object'] = '{remote_home_collection}/{filename}'.format(**parameters)
+ contents = 'Hello, iRODS!'
+ try:
+ user.assert_icommand('istream write {remote_data_object}'.format(**parameters), input=contents)
+ # Show that the data object exists and contains the expected content.
+ user.assert_icommand('istream read {remote_data_object}'.format(**parameters), 'STDOUT', [contents])
+ finally:
+ user.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', parameters['remote_data_object']])
+ def test_itouch__issue_6849(self):
+ user = self.user_sessions[0]
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['filename'] = 'itouch_test_file.txt'
+ parameters['user_name'] = user.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = '/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}'.format(**parameters)
+ parameters['remote_data_object'] = '{remote_home_collection}/{filename}'.format(**parameters)
+ try:
+ user.assert_icommand('itouch {remote_data_object}'.format(**parameters))
+ user.assert_icommand('ils {remote_data_object}'.format(**parameters), 'STDOUT', [parameters['remote_data_object']])
+ finally:
+ user.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', parameters['remote_data_object']])
+ def test_catalog_provider_hosts_other_than_the_first_are_considered__issue_6827(self):
+ import json
+ user = self.user_sessions[0]
+ remote_zone = self.config['remote_zone']
+ local_zone = self.config['local_zone']
+ remote_home_collection = os.path.join('/{}'.format(remote_zone), 'home', '#'.join([user.username, local_zone]))
+ # Control case: Make sure we can list the contents in the remote zone...
+ user.assert_icommand(['ils', '-l', remote_home_collection], 'STDOUT')
+ # Get the current server configuration so we can make changes
+ server_config_filename = paths.server_config_path()
+ with open(server_config_filename) as f:
+ svr_cfg = json.load(f)
+ # Add a dummy entry to the beginning of the catalog_provider_hosts which will not resolve.
+ remote_provider_host = svr_cfg['federation'][0]['catalog_provider_hosts'][0]
+ svr_cfg['federation'][0]['catalog_provider_hosts'][0] = 'keeplookinbuddy'
+ new_server_config = json.dumps(svr_cfg, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+ with lib.file_backed_up(server_config_filename):
+ # Repave the existing server_config.json. It will be restored when we leave this 'with' block.
+ with open(server_config_filename, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(new_server_config)
- # If the hostname is not found in the catalog_provider_hosts list, the remote server will sign its local
- # zone key with its local negotiation key and the signed zone key sent by the local server will not match
- # that signed zone key. This should cause the ils to result in a SERVER_NEGOTIATION_ERROR.
- user.assert_icommand(['ils', '-l', remote_home_collection], 'STDERR', 'SERVER_NEGOTIATION_ERROR')
+ # If the hostname is not found in the catalog_provider_hosts list, the remote server will sign its local
+ # zone key with its local negotiation key and the signed zone key sent by the local server will not match
+ # that signed zone key. This should cause the ils to result in a SERVER_NEGOTIATION_ERROR.
+ user.assert_icommand(['ils', '-l', remote_home_collection], 'STDERR', 'SERVER_NEGOTIATION_ERROR')
- # Now add the valid hostname to the end of the list so that the zone key will be correctly signed.
- svr_cfg['federation'][0]['catalog_provider_hosts'].append(remote_provider_host)
+ # Now add the valid hostname to the end of the list so that the zone key will be correctly signed.
+ svr_cfg['federation'][0]['catalog_provider_hosts'].append(remote_provider_host)
- # Dump to a string to repave the existing server_config.json.
- new_server_config = json.dumps(svr_cfg, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
- with lib.file_backed_up(server_config_filename):
- # Repave the existing server_config.json. It will be restored when we leave this 'with' block.
- with open(server_config_filename, 'w') as f:
- f.write(new_server_config)
- # Ensure that we can still list the contents in the remote zone because the server negotiation logic looked
- # at all the entries in the catalog_provider_hosts (not just the first one).
- user.assert_icommand(['ils', '-l', remote_home_collection], 'STDOUT')
+ # Dump to a string to repave the existing server_config.json.
+ new_server_config = json.dumps(svr_cfg, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+ with lib.file_backed_up(server_config_filename):
+ # Repave the existing server_config.json. It will be restored when we leave this 'with' block.
+ with open(server_config_filename, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(new_server_config)
+ # Ensure that we can still list the contents in the remote zone because the server negotiation logic looked
+ # at all the entries in the catalog_provider_hosts (not just the first one).
+ user.assert_icommand(['ils', '-l', remote_home_collection], 'STDOUT')
- def test_remove_data_object_in_collection_with_read_permissions__issue_6428(self):
- def get_collection_mtime(session, collection_path):
- return session.run_icommand(['iquest', '%s',
- "select COLL_MODIFY_TIME where COLL_NAME = '{}'".format(collection_path)])[0].strip()
+ def test_remove_data_object_in_collection_with_read_permissions__issue_6428(self):
+ def get_collection_mtime(session, collection_path):
+ return session.run_icommand(['iquest', '%s',
+ "select COLL_MODIFY_TIME where COLL_NAME = '{}'".format(collection_path)])[0].strip()
- user = self.user_sessions[0]
- filename = 'issue_6428_object'
- collection_name = 'issue_6428_collection'
- collection_path = os.path.join('/' + test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE, 'home', 'public', collection_name)
- logical_path = os.path.join(collection_path, filename)
- with session.make_session_for_existing_user(test.settings.PREEXISTING_ADMIN_PASSWORD,
- test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE) as owner:
- try:
- owner.assert_icommand(['imkdir', collection_path])
- owner.assert_icommand(['itouch', logical_path])
- owner.assert_icommand(['ichmod', 'read', user.qualified_username, collection_path])
- owner.assert_icommand(['ichmod', 'own', user.qualified_username, logical_path])
- self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists(user, logical_path, 0))
+ user = self.user_sessions[0]
+ filename = 'issue_6428_object'
+ collection_name = 'issue_6428_collection'
+ collection_path = os.path.join('/' + test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE, 'home', 'public', collection_name)
+ logical_path = os.path.join(collection_path, filename)
+ with session.make_session_for_existing_user(test.settings.PREEXISTING_ADMIN_PASSWORD,
+ test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE) as owner:
+ try:
+ owner.assert_icommand(['imkdir', collection_path])
+ owner.assert_icommand(['itouch', logical_path])
+ owner.assert_icommand(['ichmod', 'read', user.qualified_username, collection_path])
+ owner.assert_icommand(['ichmod', 'own', user.qualified_username, logical_path])
+ self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists(user, logical_path, 0))
- original_mtime = get_collection_mtime(owner, collection_path)
+ original_mtime = get_collection_mtime(owner, collection_path)
- # Sleep here so that the collection mtime is guaranteed to be different if updated correctly.
- time.sleep(1)
+ # Sleep here so that the collection mtime is guaranteed to be different if updated correctly.
+ time.sleep(1)
- user.assert_icommand(['irm', logical_path])
- self.assertFalse(lib.replica_exists(user, logical_path, 0))
+ user.assert_icommand(['irm', logical_path])
+ self.assertFalse(lib.replica_exists(user, logical_path, 0))
- new_mtime = get_collection_mtime(owner, collection_path)
+ new_mtime = get_collection_mtime(owner, collection_path)
- self.assertNotEqual(original_mtime, new_mtime, msg='collection mtime was not updated')
+ self.assertNotEqual(original_mtime, new_mtime, msg='collection mtime was not updated')
- finally:
- owner.assert_icommand(['ils', '-Al', collection_path], 'STDOUT') # Debugging
+ finally:
+ owner.assert_icommand(['ils', '-Al', collection_path], 'STDOUT') # Debugging
- user.assert_icommand(['irmtrash'])
- owner.assert_icommand(['irm', '-r', '-f', collection_path])
- owner.assert_icommand(['irmtrash', '-M'])
+ user.assert_icommand(['irmtrash'])
+ owner.assert_icommand(['irm', '-r', '-f', collection_path])
+ owner.assert_icommand(['irmtrash', '-M'])
class Test_Admin_Commands(unittest.TestCase):
- '''
- Operations requiring administrative privilege,
- run in the remote zone by a local rodsadmin.
- They should all fail (disallowed by remote zone).
- '''
+ '''
+ Operations requiring administrative privilege,
+ run in the remote zone by a local rodsadmin.
+ They should all fail (disallowed by remote zone).
+ '''
- def setUp(self):
- # make session with existing admin account
- self.admin_session = session.make_session_for_existing_admin()
+ def setUp(self):
+ # make session with existing admin account
+ self.admin_session = session.make_session_for_existing_admin()
- # load federation settings in dictionary (all lower case)
- self.config = {}
- for key, val in test.settings.FEDERATION.__dict__.items():
- if not key.startswith('__'):
- self.config[key.lower()] = val
- self.config['local_zone'] = self.admin_session.zone_name
+ # load federation settings in dictionary (all lower case)
+ self.config = {}
+ for key, val in test.settings.FEDERATION.__dict__.items():
+ if not key.startswith('__'):
+ self.config[key.lower()] = val
+ self.config['local_zone'] = self.admin_session.zone_name
- super(Test_Admin_Commands, self).setUp()
+ super(Test_Admin_Commands, self).setUp()
- def tearDown(self):
- self.admin_session.__exit__()
- super(Test_Admin_Commands, self).tearDown()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.admin_session.__exit__()
+ super(Test_Admin_Commands, self).tearDown()
- def test_ichmod(self):
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['user_name'] = self.admin_session.username
+ def test_ichmod(self):
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['user_name'] = self.admin_session.username
- # try to modify ACLs in the remote zone
- self.admin_session.assert_icommand(
- "ichmod -rM own {user_name}#{local_zone} /{remote_zone}/home".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'CAT_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION')
+ # try to modify ACLs in the remote zone
+ self.admin_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ichmod -rM own {user_name}#{local_zone} /{remote_zone}/home".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'CAT_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION')
- self.admin_session.assert_icommand(
- "ichmod -M own {user_name} /{remote_zone}/home".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'CAT_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION')
+ self.admin_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ichmod -M own {user_name} /{remote_zone}/home".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'CAT_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION')
- self.admin_session.assert_icommand(
- "ichmod -M read {user_name} /{remote_zone}".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'CAT_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION')
+ self.admin_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ichmod -M read {user_name} /{remote_zone}".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'CAT_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION')
- def test_iadmin(self):
- pass
+ def test_iadmin(self):
+ pass
class Test_Microservices(SessionsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(Test_Microservices, self).setUp()
- # make local test directory
- self.local_test_dir_path = os.path.abspath('federation_test_stuff.tmp')
- os.mkdir(self.local_test_dir_path)
- # load federation settings in dictionary (all lower case)
- self.config = {}
- for key, val in test.settings.FEDERATION.__dict__.items():
- if not key.startswith('__'):
- self.config[key.lower()] = val
- self.config['local_zone'] = self.user_sessions[0].zone_name
- def tearDown(self):
- # remove test directory
- shutil.rmtree(self.local_test_dir_path)
- super(Test_Microservices, self).tearDown()
- @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 1, 0), 'Fixed in 4.1.0')
- def test_msirmcoll(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test dir
- dir_name = 'msiRmColl_test_dir'
- dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
- local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
- dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
- parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- # put dir in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput -r {dir_path} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
- # new collection should be there
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
- # files should be there
- rods_files = set(test_session.get_entries_in_collection("{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters)))
- self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == rods_files)
- # prepare irule sequence
- # the rule is simple enough not to need a rule file
- irule_str = '''irule "msiRmColl(*coll, 'forceFlag=', *status); writeLine('stdout', *status)" "*coll={remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}" "ruleExecOut"'''.format(
- **parameters)
- # invoke msiRmColl() and checks that it returns 0
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- irule_str, 'STDOUT', '^0$', use_regex=True)
- # collection should be gone
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'does not exist')
- # cleanup
- shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
- def test_delay_msiobjstat(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test file
- filename = 'delay_msiobjstat_test_file'
- filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
- filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
- lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['filepath'] = filepath
- parameters['filename'] = filename
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- # put file in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput -f {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
- # file should be there
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
- # prepare rule file
- rule_file_path = os.path.join(
- self.local_test_dir_path, 'delay_msiobjstat.r')
- with open(rule_file_path, 'wt') as rule_file:
- rule_str = '''
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(Test_Microservices, self).setUp()
+ # make local test directory
+ self.local_test_dir_path = os.path.abspath('federation_test_stuff.tmp')
+ os.mkdir(self.local_test_dir_path)
+ # load federation settings in dictionary (all lower case)
+ self.config = {}
+ for key, val in test.settings.FEDERATION.__dict__.items():
+ if not key.startswith('__'):
+ self.config[key.lower()] = val
+ self.config['local_zone'] = self.user_sessions[0].zone_name
+ def tearDown(self):
+ # remove test directory
+ shutil.rmtree(self.local_test_dir_path)
+ super(Test_Microservices, self).tearDown()
+ @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 1, 0), 'Fixed in 4.1.0')
+ def test_msirmcoll(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test dir
+ dir_name = 'msiRmColl_test_dir'
+ dir_path = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, dir_name)
+ local_files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(
+ dir_path, self.config['test_file_count'], self.config['test_file_size'])
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['dir_path'] = dir_path
+ parameters['dir_name'] = dir_name
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # put dir in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput -r {dir_path} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters), "STDOUT_SINGLELINE", ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
+ # new collection should be there
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', dir_name)
+ # files should be there
+ rods_files = set(test_session.get_entries_in_collection("{remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters)))
+ self.assertTrue(set(local_files) == rods_files)
+ # prepare irule sequence
+ # the rule is simple enough not to need a rule file
+ irule_str = '''irule "msiRmColl(*coll, 'forceFlag=', *status); writeLine('stdout', *status)" "*coll={remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}" "ruleExecOut"'''.format(
+ **parameters)
+ # invoke msiRmColl() and checks that it returns 0
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ irule_str, 'STDOUT', '^0$', use_regex=True)
+ # collection should be gone
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{dir_name}".format(**parameters), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'does not exist')
+ # cleanup
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+ def test_delay_msiobjstat(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test file
+ filename = 'delay_msiobjstat_test_file'
+ filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
+ filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
+ lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['filepath'] = filepath
+ parameters['filename'] = filename
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ # put file in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput -f {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
+ # file should be there
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
+ # prepare rule file
+ rule_file_path = os.path.join(
+ self.local_test_dir_path, 'delay_msiobjstat.r')
+ with open(rule_file_path, 'wt') as rule_file:
+ rule_str = '''
delay_msiobjstat {{
- delay("30s") {{
+ delay("30s") {{
# Perform a stat on the object
# Save the stat operation's error code as metadata associated with the object
- *attr."delay_msiobjstat_return_value" = str(errorcode(msiObjStat(*obj,*out)));
- msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj(*attr, *obj, "-d")
- }}
+ *attr."delay_msiobjstat_return_value" = str(errorcode(msiObjStat(*obj,*out)));
+ msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj(*attr, *obj, "-d")
+ }}
INPUT *obj="{remote_home_collection}/{filename}"
OUTPUT ruleExecOut
- print(rule_str, file=rule_file, end='')
- # invoke rule
- test_session.assert_icommand('irule -F ' + rule_file_path)
- # give it time to complete
- time.sleep(60)
- # look for AVU set by delay rule
- attr = "delay_msiobjstat_return_value"
- value = "0"
- test_session.assert_icommand('imeta ls -d {remote_home_collection}/{filename}'.format(
- **parameters), 'STDOUT_MULTILINE', ['attribute: ' + attr + '$', 'value: ' + value + '$'], use_regex=True)
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
- os.remove(filepath)
- @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 1, 5), 'Fixed in 4.1.5')
- def test_msiRemoveKeyValuePairsFromObj(self):
- # pick session(s) for the test
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- # make test file
- filename = 'msiRemoveKeyValuePairsFromObj_test_file'
- filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
- filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
- lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
- # test specific parameters
- parameters = self.config.copy()
- parameters['filepath'] = filepath
- parameters['filename'] = filename
- parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
- parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
- **parameters)
- parameters['attribute'] = "test_attr"
- parameters['value'] = "test_value"
- # put file in remote collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "iput -f {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
- # file should be there
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
- # prepare first rule file to add kvp metadata
- rule_file_path = os.path.join(
- self.local_test_dir_path, 'msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj.r')
- with open(rule_file_path, 'w') as rule_file:
- rule_str = '''
+ print(rule_str, file=rule_file, end='')
+ # invoke rule
+ test_session.assert_icommand('irule -F ' + rule_file_path)
+ # give it time to complete
+ time.sleep(60)
+ # look for AVU set by delay rule
+ attr = "delay_msiobjstat_return_value"
+ value = "0"
+ test_session.assert_icommand('imeta ls -d {remote_home_collection}/{filename}'.format(
+ **parameters), 'STDOUT_MULTILINE', ['attribute: ' + attr + '$', 'value: ' + value + '$'], use_regex=True)
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 1, 5), 'Fixed in 4.1.5')
+ def test_msiRemoveKeyValuePairsFromObj(self):
+ # pick session(s) for the test
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # make test file
+ filename = 'msiRemoveKeyValuePairsFromObj_test_file'
+ filesize = self.config['test_file_size']
+ filepath = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir_path, filename)
+ lib.make_file(filepath, filesize)
+ # test specific parameters
+ parameters = self.config.copy()
+ parameters['filepath'] = filepath
+ parameters['filename'] = filename
+ parameters['user_name'] = test_session.username
+ parameters['remote_home_collection'] = "/{remote_zone}/home/{user_name}#{local_zone}".format(
+ **parameters)
+ parameters['attribute'] = "test_attr"
+ parameters['value'] = "test_value"
+ # put file in remote collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "iput -f {filepath} {remote_home_collection}/".format(**parameters))
+ # file should be there
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "ils -L {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', filename)
+ # prepare first rule file to add kvp metadata
+ rule_file_path = os.path.join(
+ self.local_test_dir_path, 'msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj.r')
+ with open(rule_file_path, 'w') as rule_file:
+ rule_str = '''
msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj {{
- *attr."{attribute}" = "{value}";
- msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj(*attr, *obj, "-d")
+ *attr."{attribute}" = "{value}";
+ msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj(*attr, *obj, "-d")
INPUT *obj="{remote_home_collection}/{filename}"
OUTPUT ruleExecOut
- rule_file.write(rule_str)
- # invoke rule
- test_session.assert_icommand('irule -F ' + rule_file_path)
- # look for AVU set by msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- 'imeta ls -d {remote_home_collection}/{filename}'.format(**parameters),
- ['attribute: {attribute}$'.format(**parameters),
- 'value: {value}$'.format(**parameters)],
- use_regex=True)
- # prepare second rule file to remove kvp metadata
- rule_file_path = os.path.join(
- self.local_test_dir_path, 'msiRemoveKeyValuePairsFromObj.r')
- with open(rule_file_path, 'w') as rule_file:
- rule_str = '''
+ rule_file.write(rule_str)
+ # invoke rule
+ test_session.assert_icommand('irule -F ' + rule_file_path)
+ # look for AVU set by msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ 'imeta ls -d {remote_home_collection}/{filename}'.format(**parameters),
+ ['attribute: {attribute}$'.format(**parameters),
+ 'value: {value}$'.format(**parameters)],
+ use_regex=True)
+ # prepare second rule file to remove kvp metadata
+ rule_file_path = os.path.join(
+ self.local_test_dir_path, 'msiRemoveKeyValuePairsFromObj.r')
+ with open(rule_file_path, 'w') as rule_file:
+ rule_str = '''
msiRemoveKeyValuePairsFromObj {{
- *attr."{attribute}" = "{value}";
- msiRemoveKeyValuePairsFromObj(*attr, *obj, "-d")
+ *attr."{attribute}" = "{value}";
+ msiRemoveKeyValuePairsFromObj(*attr, *obj, "-d")
INPUT *obj="{remote_home_collection}/{filename}"
OUTPUT ruleExecOut
- rule_file.write(rule_str)
+ rule_file.write(rule_str)
- # invoke rule
- test_session.assert_icommand('irule -F ' + rule_file_path)
+ # invoke rule
+ test_session.assert_icommand('irule -F ' + rule_file_path)
- # confirm that AVU is gone
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- 'imeta ls -d {remote_home_collection}/{filename}'.format(**parameters),
- ['AVUs defined for dataObj {remote_home_collection}/{filename}:$'.format(**parameters),
- 'None$'],
- use_regex=True)
+ # confirm that AVU is gone
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ 'imeta ls -d {remote_home_collection}/{filename}'.format(**parameters),
+ ['AVUs defined for dataObj {remote_home_collection}/{filename}:$'.format(**parameters),
+ 'None$'],
+ use_regex=True)
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(
- "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
- os.remove(filepath)
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(
+ "irm -f {remote_home_collection}/{filename}".format(**parameters))
+ os.remove(filepath)
class Test_Recursive_Icp(SessionsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(Test_Recursive_Icp, self).setUp()
- # load federation settings in dictionary (all lower case)
- self.config = {}
- for key, val in test.settings.FEDERATION.__dict__.items():
- if not key.startswith('__'):
- self.config[key.lower()] = val
- self.config['local_zone'] = self.user_sessions[0].zone_name
- # Use 10 files; expected value is -1 due to 0-based indexing
- self.file_count1 = 10
- self.file_count2 = self.file_count1 * 2
- self.local_dir1 = 'test_recursive_icp1'
- self.local_dir2 = 'test_recursive_icp2'
- lib.create_directory_of_small_files(self.local_dir1, self.file_count1)
- lib.create_directory_of_small_files(self.local_dir2, self.file_count2)
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- source_coll_name = 'source_coll'
- self.local_source_coll = os.path.join(test_session.home_collection, source_coll_name)
- test_session.assert_icommand(['imkdir', self.local_source_coll])
- test_session.assert_icommand(['irsync', '-r', self.local_dir1, self.local_dir2, 'i:{}'.format(self.local_source_coll)], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
- def tearDown(self):
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- test_session.assert_icommand(['irm', '-rf', self.local_source_coll])
- shutil.rmtree(self.local_dir1)
- shutil.rmtree(self.local_dir2)
- super(Test_Recursive_Icp, self).tearDown()
- # recursive icp of local source collection
- def cp_recursive_local_source_test(self, source_coll, flat_coll=True, remote_zone=True, in_target=False):
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- try:
- # prepare names for home collection and target collection
- if remote_zone:
- home_coll = test_session.remote_home_collection(test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE)
- else:
- home_coll = test_session.home_collection
- target_coll = os.path.join(home_coll, 'cp_recursive_local_source_test')
- # create target collection and copy source into it
- test_session.assert_icommand(['imkdir', target_coll])
- if in_target:
- test_session.assert_icommand(['icd', target_coll])
- test_session.assert_icommand(['icp', '-r', source_coll, '.'])
- else:
- test_session.assert_icommand(['icp', '-r', source_coll, target_coll])
- # ensure all files are in the collection
- test_session.assert_icommand(['ils', '-lr', target_coll], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', '& {}'.format(str(self.file_count1 - 1)))
- if flat_coll:
- test_session.assert_icommand_fail(['ils', '-lr', target_coll], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', '& {}'.format(str(self.file_count2 - 1)))
- else:
- test_session.assert_icommand(['ils', '-lr', target_coll], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', '& {}'.format(str(self.file_count2 - 1)))
- finally:
- # cleanup
- test_session.assert_icommand(['irm', '-rf', target_coll])
- def test_icp_single_dir_localzone_in_home(self):
- source_coll = os.path.join(self.local_source_coll, self.local_dir1)
- self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(source_coll, flat_coll=True, remote_zone=False, in_target=False)
- def test_icp_single_dir_localzone_in_target(self):
- source_coll = os.path.join(self.local_source_coll, self.local_dir1)
- self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(source_coll, flat_coll=True, remote_zone=False, in_target=True)
- def test_icp_single_dir_remotezone_in_home(self):
- source_coll = os.path.join(self.local_source_coll, self.local_dir1)
- self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(source_coll, flat_coll=True, remote_zone=True, in_target=False)
- def test_icp_single_dir_remotezone_in_target(self):
- source_coll = os.path.join(self.local_source_coll, self.local_dir1)
- self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(source_coll, flat_coll=True, remote_zone=True, in_target=True)
- def test_icp_tree_localzone_in_home(self):
- self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(self.local_source_coll, flat_coll=False, remote_zone=False, in_target=False)
- def test_icp_tree_localzone_in_target(self):
- self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(self.local_source_coll, flat_coll=False, remote_zone=False, in_target=True)
- def test_icp_tree_remotezone_in_home(self):
- self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(self.local_source_coll, flat_coll=False, remote_zone=True, in_target=False)
- def test_icp_tree_remotezone_in_target(self):
- self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(self.local_source_coll, flat_coll=False, remote_zone=True, in_target=True)
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(Test_Recursive_Icp, self).setUp()
+ # load federation settings in dictionary (all lower case)
+ self.config = {}
+ for key, val in test.settings.FEDERATION.__dict__.items():
+ if not key.startswith('__'):
+ self.config[key.lower()] = val
+ self.config['local_zone'] = self.user_sessions[0].zone_name
+ # Use 10 files; expected value is -1 due to 0-based indexing
+ self.file_count1 = 10
+ self.file_count2 = self.file_count1 * 2
+ self.local_dir1 = 'test_recursive_icp1'
+ self.local_dir2 = 'test_recursive_icp2'
+ lib.create_directory_of_small_files(self.local_dir1, self.file_count1)
+ lib.create_directory_of_small_files(self.local_dir2, self.file_count2)
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ source_coll_name = 'source_coll'
+ self.local_source_coll = os.path.join(test_session.home_collection, source_coll_name)
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['imkdir', self.local_source_coll])
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['irsync', '-r', self.local_dir1, self.local_dir2, 'i:{}'.format(self.local_source_coll)], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', ustrings.recurse_ok_string())
+ def tearDown(self):
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['irm', '-rf', self.local_source_coll])
+ shutil.rmtree(self.local_dir1)
+ shutil.rmtree(self.local_dir2)
+ super(Test_Recursive_Icp, self).tearDown()
+ # recursive icp of local source collection
+ def cp_recursive_local_source_test(self, source_coll, flat_coll=True, remote_zone=True, in_target=False):
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ try:
+ # prepare names for home collection and target collection
+ if remote_zone:
+ home_coll = test_session.remote_home_collection(test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE)
+ else:
+ home_coll = test_session.home_collection
+ target_coll = os.path.join(home_coll, 'cp_recursive_local_source_test')
+ # create target collection and copy source into it
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['imkdir', target_coll])
+ if in_target:
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['icd', target_coll])
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['icp', '-r', source_coll, '.'])
+ else:
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['icp', '-r', source_coll, target_coll])
+ # ensure all files are in the collection
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['ils', '-lr', target_coll], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', '& {}'.format(str(self.file_count1 - 1)))
+ if flat_coll:
+ test_session.assert_icommand_fail(['ils', '-lr', target_coll], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', '& {}'.format(str(self.file_count2 - 1)))
+ else:
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['ils', '-lr', target_coll], 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', '& {}'.format(str(self.file_count2 - 1)))
+ finally:
+ # cleanup
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['irm', '-rf', target_coll])
+ def test_icp_single_dir_localzone_in_home(self):
+ source_coll = os.path.join(self.local_source_coll, self.local_dir1)
+ self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(source_coll, flat_coll=True, remote_zone=False, in_target=False)
+ def test_icp_single_dir_localzone_in_target(self):
+ source_coll = os.path.join(self.local_source_coll, self.local_dir1)
+ self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(source_coll, flat_coll=True, remote_zone=False, in_target=True)
+ def test_icp_single_dir_remotezone_in_home(self):
+ source_coll = os.path.join(self.local_source_coll, self.local_dir1)
+ self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(source_coll, flat_coll=True, remote_zone=True, in_target=False)
+ def test_icp_single_dir_remotezone_in_target(self):
+ source_coll = os.path.join(self.local_source_coll, self.local_dir1)
+ self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(source_coll, flat_coll=True, remote_zone=True, in_target=True)
+ def test_icp_tree_localzone_in_home(self):
+ self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(self.local_source_coll, flat_coll=False, remote_zone=False, in_target=False)
+ def test_icp_tree_localzone_in_target(self):
+ self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(self.local_source_coll, flat_coll=False, remote_zone=False, in_target=True)
+ def test_icp_tree_remotezone_in_home(self):
+ self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(self.local_source_coll, flat_coll=False, remote_zone=True, in_target=False)
+ def test_icp_tree_remotezone_in_target(self):
+ self.cp_recursive_local_source_test(self.local_source_coll, flat_coll=False, remote_zone=True, in_target=True)
class test_dynamic_peps_in_federation(SessionsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- plugin_name = IrodsConfig().default_rule_engine_plugin
- class_name = 'Test_Native_Rule_Engine_Plugin'
- def setUp(self):
- super(test_dynamic_peps_in_federation, self).setUp()
- # load federation settings in dictionary (all lower case)
- self.config = {}
- for key, val in test.settings.FEDERATION.__dict__.items():
- if not key.startswith('__'):
- self.config[key.lower()] = val
- self.config['local_zone'] = self.user_sessions[0].zone_name
- if test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 0, 0):
- test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_VAULT = '/home/irods/irods-legacy/iRODS/Vault'
- self.admin = session.make_session_for_existing_admin()
- def tearDown(self):
- self.admin.__exit__()
- super(test_dynamic_peps_in_federation, self).tearDown()
- @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 2, 9), 'Fixed in 4.2.9')
- def test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017(self):
- test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
- remote_home_collection = test_session.remote_home_collection(test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE)
- filename = 'test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017'
- local_file = os.path.join(self.admin.local_session_dir, filename)
- logical_path = os.path.join(remote_home_collection, filename)
- local_logical_path = os.path.join(test_session.home_collection, filename)
- file_size = 40 * 1024 * 1024 # 40MB
- attr = 'test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017'
- try:
- if not os.path.exists(local_file):
- lib.make_file(local_file, file_size)
- # PEPs will fire locally on connected server, so metadata will be applied to local data object
- parameters = {}
- parameters['logical_path'] = local_logical_path
- put_peps = '''
+ plugin_name = IrodsConfig().default_rule_engine_plugin
+ class_name = 'Test_Native_Rule_Engine_Plugin'
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(test_dynamic_peps_in_federation, self).setUp()
+ # load federation settings in dictionary (all lower case)
+ self.config = {}
+ for key, val in test.settings.FEDERATION.__dict__.items():
+ if not key.startswith('__'):
+ self.config[key.lower()] = val
+ self.config['local_zone'] = self.user_sessions[0].zone_name
+ if test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_IRODS_VERSION < (4, 0, 0):
+ test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_VAULT = '/home/irods/irods-legacy/iRODS/Vault'
+ self.admin = session.make_session_for_existing_admin()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.admin.__exit__()
+ super(test_dynamic_peps_in_federation, self).tearDown()
+ @unittest.skipIf(IrodsConfig().version_tuple < (4, 2, 9), 'Fixed in 4.2.9')
+ def test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017(self):
+ test_session = self.user_sessions[0]
+ remote_home_collection = test_session.remote_home_collection(test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE)
+ filename = 'test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017'
+ local_file = os.path.join(self.admin.local_session_dir, filename)
+ logical_path = os.path.join(remote_home_collection, filename)
+ local_logical_path = os.path.join(test_session.home_collection, filename)
+ file_size = 40 * 1024 * 1024 # 40MB
+ attr = 'test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017'
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(local_file):
+ lib.make_file(local_file, file_size)
+ # PEPs will fire locally on connected server, so metadata will be applied to local data object
+ parameters = {}
+ parameters['logical_path'] = local_logical_path
+ put_peps = '''
- msiAddKeyVal(*key_val_pair,"test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017","data-obj-put-pre");
- msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj(*key_val_pair,"{logical_path}","-d");
+ msiAddKeyVal(*key_val_pair,"test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017","data-obj-put-pre");
+ msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj(*key_val_pair,"{logical_path}","-d");
pep_api_data_obj_put_post (*INSTANCE_NAME, *COMM, *DATAOBJINP, *BUFFER, *PORTAL_OPR_OUT)
- msiAddKeyVal(*key_val_pair,"test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017","data-obj-put-post");
- msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj(*key_val_pair,"{logical_path}","-d");
+ msiAddKeyVal(*key_val_pair,"test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017","data-obj-put-post");
+ msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj(*key_val_pair,"{logical_path}","-d");
pep_api_data_obj_put_except (*INSTANCE_NAME, *COMM, *DATAOBJINP, *BUFFER, *PORTAL_OPR_OUT)
- msiAddKeyVal(*key_val_pair,"test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017","data-obj-put-except");
- msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj(*key_val_pair,"{logical_path}","-d");
+ msiAddKeyVal(*key_val_pair,"test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017","data-obj-put-except");
+ msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj(*key_val_pair,"{logical_path}","-d");
pep_api_data_obj_put_finally (*INSTANCE_NAME, *COMM, *DATAOBJINP, *BUFFER, *PORTAL_OPR_OUT)
- msiAddKeyVal(*key_val_pair,"test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017","data-obj-put-finally");
- msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj(*key_val_pair,"{logical_path}","-d");
+ msiAddKeyVal(*key_val_pair,"test_peps_for_parallel_mode_transfers__issue_5017","data-obj-put-finally");
+ msiAssociateKeyValuePairsToObj(*key_val_pair,"{logical_path}","-d");
- print(put_peps)
+ print(put_peps)
- # put a new data object so that the PEPs have an object to which metadata can be associated
- test_session.assert_icommand(['iput', local_file, local_logical_path])
+ # put a new data object so that the PEPs have an object to which metadata can be associated
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['iput', local_file, local_logical_path])
- with temporary_core_file() as core:
- core.add_rule(put_peps)
+ with temporary_core_file() as core:
+ core.add_rule(put_peps)
- # peps to check for the first, successful put
- peps = ['data-obj-put-pre', 'data-obj-put-post', 'data-obj-put-finally']
+ # peps to check for the first, successful put
+ peps = ['data-obj-put-pre', 'data-obj-put-post', 'data-obj-put-finally']
- # put a new data object and ensure success
- test_session.assert_icommand(['iput', local_file, logical_path])
+ # put a new data object and ensure success
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['iput', local_file, logical_path])
- for pep in peps:
- lib.delayAssert(
- lambda: lib.metadata_attr_with_value_exists(test_session, attr, pep),
- interval=1,
- maxrep=10
- )
+ for pep in peps:
+ lib.delayAssert(
+ lambda: lib.metadata_attr_with_value_exists(test_session, attr, pep),
+ interval=1,
+ maxrep=10
+ )
- self.assertFalse(lib.metadata_attr_with_value_exists(test_session, attr, 'pep-obj-put-except'))
+ self.assertFalse(lib.metadata_attr_with_value_exists(test_session, attr, 'pep-obj-put-except'))
- # clean up metadata for next test
- for pep in peps:
- test_session.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'rm', '-d', local_logical_path, attr, pep])
+ # clean up metadata for next test
+ for pep in peps:
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'rm', '-d', local_logical_path, attr, pep])
- test_session.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'ls', '-d', local_logical_path], 'STDOUT', 'None')
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'ls', '-d', local_logical_path], 'STDOUT', 'None')
- # peps to check for the second, unsuccessful put
- peps = ['data-obj-put-pre', 'data-obj-put-except', 'data-obj-put-finally']
+ # peps to check for the second, unsuccessful put
+ peps = ['data-obj-put-pre', 'data-obj-put-except', 'data-obj-put-finally']
- # put to same logical path without force flag, resulting in error and (hopefully) triggering except PEP
- test_session.assert_icommand(['iput', local_file, logical_path], 'STDERR', 'OVERWRITE_WITHOUT_FORCE_FLAG')
+ # put to same logical path without force flag, resulting in error and (hopefully) triggering except PEP
+ test_session.assert_icommand(['iput', local_file, logical_path], 'STDERR', 'OVERWRITE_WITHOUT_FORCE_FLAG')
- for pep in peps:
- lib.delayAssert(
- lambda: lib.metadata_attr_with_value_exists(test_session, attr, pep),
- interval=1,
- maxrep=10
- )
+ for pep in peps:
+ lib.delayAssert(
+ lambda: lib.metadata_attr_with_value_exists(test_session, attr, pep),
+ interval=1,
+ maxrep=10
+ )
- self.assertFalse(lib.metadata_attr_with_value_exists(test_session, attr, 'pep-obj-put-post'))
+ self.assertFalse(lib.metadata_attr_with_value_exists(test_session, attr, 'pep-obj-put-post'))
- finally:
- test_session.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', local_logical_path])
- test_session.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', logical_path])
- self.admin.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'rum'])
+ finally:
+ test_session.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', local_logical_path])
+ test_session.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', logical_path])
+ self.admin.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'rum'])
class Test_Delay_Rule_Removal(SessionsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- # This test suite expects tempZone to contain the following users:
- #
- # - rods#tempZone
- # - zonehopper#tempZone (created by the irods_testing_environment)
- # - zonehopper#otherZone (created by the irods_testing_environment)
- #
- # otherZone must contain the following users:
- #
- # - rods#otherZone
- #
- # The test suite must be launched from a server in otherZone. That means tempZone
- # is identified as the remote federated zone.
- #
- # Just before the tests are run, the base class will create three additional users
- # in otherZone. The following users will appear:
- #
- # - admin#otherZone
- # - zonehopper#otherZone
- # - zonehopper#tempZone (created by setUp())
- plugin_name = IrodsConfig().default_rule_engine_plugin
- def setUp(self):
- super(Test_Delay_Rule_Removal, self).setUp()
- # session.make_sessions_mixin() creates admins and users that connect to the host
- # identified by lib.get_hostname().
- #
- # For this particular set of tests, that means these users connect to the host where
- # "otherZone" runs.
- self.local_admin = self.admin_sessions[0] # admin#otherZone
- self.local_user = self.user_sessions[0] # zonehopper#otherZone
- # Create session for zonehopper#tempZone. The session will be connected to tempZone.
- password = test.settings.FEDERATION.RODSUSER_NAME_PASSWORD_LIST[0][1]
- host = test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_HOST
- zone = test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE
- self.remote_user = session.make_session_for_existing_user(self.local_user.username, password, host, zone)
- # Create zonehopper#tempZone in otherZone. This must be handled by the test suite rather
- # than the session.make_sessions_mixin() because that function only knows about the local zone.
- self.remote_user_home_collection = self.remote_user.remote_home_collection(self.local_user.zone_name)
- self.local_admin.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'mkuser', self.remote_user.qualified_username, 'rodsuser'])
- # Validity check: If the remote user's home collection does not exist in the zone these tests
- # are run from, then the testing environment is in a bad state.
- self.local_admin.assert_icommand(['ils', self.remote_user_home_collection], 'STDOUT', [self.remote_user.qualified_username])
- # Make sure there are no left over delay rules.
- self.local_admin.run_icommand(['iqdel', '-a'])
- def tearDown(self):
- self.remote_user.__exit__()
- self.local_admin.run_icommand(['iadmin', 'rmuser', self.remote_user.qualified_username])
- super(Test_Delay_Rule_Removal, self).tearDown()
- @unittest.skipIf(plugin_name == 'irods_rule_engine_plugin-python', 'Skip if testing the PREP')
- def test_local_zone_user_is_not_allowed_to_delete_delay_rules_created_by_remote_user_with_the_same_username__issue_6482(self):
- try:
- with temporary_core_file() as core_re:
- # Users in a federated environment are not allowed to create delay rules in the
- # remote zone directly. Remote users can only create delay rules indirectly
- # (e.g. through a PEP in the federated zone).
- core_re.add_rule(dedent('''
- pep_api_touch_pre(*a, *b, *c)
- {
- delay("irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance3600s") {
- writeLine("serverLog", "#6482");
- }
- }
- '''))
- # Trigger the PEP so that a delay rule is created.
- self.remote_user.assert_icommand(['itouch', self.remote_user_home_collection])
- # For debug purposes (allows developers to see the delay rule in the test output).
- self.local_admin.assert_icommand(['iqstat', '-a'], 'STDOUT')
- # Capture the ID of the new delay rule.
- rule_id = lib.get_first_delay_rule_id(self.local_admin)
- # Show that the local zone user cannot delete a remote zone user's rule by ID even when
- # they share identical unqualified usernames.
- expected_error_msg = ['rcRuleExecDel failed with error -350000 USER_ACCESS_DENIED']
- self.local_user.assert_icommand(['iqdel', rule_id], 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', expected_error_msg)
- # Show that the local user cannot delete a remote zone user's rule by username either.
- self.local_user.assert_icommand(['iqdel', '-u', self.remote_user.username], 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', expected_error_msg)
- finally:
- self.local_admin.run_icommand(['iqdel', '-a'])
+ # This test suite expects tempZone to contain the following users:
+ #
+ # - rods#tempZone
+ # - zonehopper#tempZone (created by the irods_testing_environment)
+ # - zonehopper#otherZone (created by the irods_testing_environment)
+ #
+ # otherZone must contain the following users:
+ #
+ # - rods#otherZone
+ #
+ # The test suite must be launched from a server in otherZone. That means tempZone
+ # is identified as the remote federated zone.
+ #
+ # Just before the tests are run, the base class will create three additional users
+ # in otherZone. The following users will appear:
+ #
+ # - admin#otherZone
+ # - zonehopper#otherZone
+ # - zonehopper#tempZone (created by setUp())
+ plugin_name = IrodsConfig().default_rule_engine_plugin
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(Test_Delay_Rule_Removal, self).setUp()
+ # session.make_sessions_mixin() creates admins and users that connect to the host
+ # identified by lib.get_hostname().
+ #
+ # For this particular set of tests, that means these users connect to the host where
+ # "otherZone" runs.
+ self.local_admin = self.admin_sessions[0] # admin#otherZone
+ self.local_user = self.user_sessions[0] # zonehopper#otherZone
+ # Create session for zonehopper#tempZone. The session will be connected to tempZone.
+ password = test.settings.FEDERATION.RODSUSER_NAME_PASSWORD_LIST[0][1]
+ host = test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_HOST
+ zone = test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_ZONE
+ self.remote_user = session.make_session_for_existing_user(self.local_user.username, password, host, zone)
+ # Create zonehopper#tempZone in otherZone. This must be handled by the test suite rather
+ # than the session.make_sessions_mixin() because that function only knows about the local zone.
+ self.remote_user_home_collection = self.remote_user.remote_home_collection(self.local_user.zone_name)
+ self.local_admin.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'mkuser', self.remote_user.qualified_username, 'rodsuser'])
+ # Validity check: If the remote user's home collection does not exist in the zone these tests
+ # are run from, then the testing environment is in a bad state.
+ self.local_admin.assert_icommand(['ils', self.remote_user_home_collection], 'STDOUT', [self.remote_user.qualified_username])
+ # Make sure there are no left over delay rules.
+ self.local_admin.run_icommand(['iqdel', '-a'])
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.remote_user.__exit__()
+ self.local_admin.run_icommand(['iadmin', 'rmuser', self.remote_user.qualified_username])
+ super(Test_Delay_Rule_Removal, self).tearDown()
+ @unittest.skipIf(plugin_name == 'irods_rule_engine_plugin-python', 'Skip if testing the PREP')
+ def test_local_zone_user_is_not_allowed_to_delete_delay_rules_created_by_remote_user_with_the_same_username__issue_6482(self):
+ try:
+ with temporary_core_file() as core_re:
+ # Users in a federated environment are not allowed to create delay rules in the
+ # remote zone directly. Remote users can only create delay rules indirectly
+ # (e.g. through a PEP in the federated zone).
+ core_re.add_rule(dedent('''
+ pep_api_touch_pre(*a, *b, *c)
+ {
+ delay("irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance3600s") {
+ writeLine("serverLog", "#6482");
+ }
+ }
+ '''))
+ # Trigger the PEP so that a delay rule is created.
+ self.remote_user.assert_icommand(['itouch', self.remote_user_home_collection])
+ # For debug purposes (allows developers to see the delay rule in the test output).
+ self.local_admin.assert_icommand(['iqstat', '-a'], 'STDOUT')
+ # Capture the ID of the new delay rule.
+ rule_id = lib.get_first_delay_rule_id(self.local_admin)
+ # Show that the local zone user cannot delete a remote zone user's rule by ID even when
+ # they share identical unqualified usernames.
+ expected_error_msg = ['rcRuleExecDel failed with error -350000 USER_ACCESS_DENIED']
+ self.local_user.assert_icommand(['iqdel', rule_id], 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', expected_error_msg)
+ # Show that the local user cannot delete a remote zone user's rule by username either.
+ self.local_user.assert_icommand(['iqdel', '-u', self.remote_user.username], 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', expected_error_msg)
+ finally:
+ self.local_admin.run_icommand(['iqdel', '-a'])
class test_compound_resource_operations(SessionsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(test_compound_resource_operations, self).setUp()
- # load federation settings in dictionary (all lower case)
- self.config = {}
- for key, val in test.settings.FEDERATION.__dict__.items():
- if not key.startswith('__'):
- self.config[key.lower()] = val
- self.config['local_zone'] = self.user_sessions[0].zone_name
- self.admin = self.admin_sessions[0]
- self.user = self.user_sessions[0]
- # Create a session as the administrator for the remote zone so we can create resources in the remote zone.
- self.remote_admin = session.make_session_for_existing_user(
- # Create a regular user local to the remote zone in the remote zone and create a session for it.
- self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'mkuser', 'smeagol', 'rodsuser'])
- self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'moduser', 'smeagol', 'password', 'spass'])
- self.remote_user = session.IrodsSession(
- lib.make_environment_dict(
- 'smeagol',
- use_ssl=test.settings.USE_SSL
- ),
- 'spass',
- manage_irods_data=True)
- # Create a compound resource hierarchy in the remote zone.
- self.compound_resource = 'compResc'
- self.cache_resource = 'cacheResc'
- self.archive_resource = 'archiveResc'
- self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'mkresc', self.compound_resource, 'compound'], 'STDOUT')
- lib.create_ufs_resource(self.remote_admin, self.cache_resource, hostname=test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_HOST)
- lib.create_ufs_resource(self.remote_admin, self.archive_resource, hostname=test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_HOST)
- self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(
- ['iadmin', 'addchildtoresc', self.compound_resource, self.cache_resource, 'cache'])
- self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(
- ['iadmin', 'addchildtoresc', self.compound_resource, self.archive_resource, 'archive'])
- def tearDown(self):
- # Exit the remote user session so it can be cleaned it up.
- self.remote_user.__exit__()
- self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'rmuser', 'smeagol'])
- # Clean up the compound resource hierarchy and exit the remote admin session.
- lib.remove_child_resource(self.remote_admin, self.compound_resource, self.cache_resource)
- lib.remove_child_resource(self.remote_admin, self.compound_resource, self.archive_resource)
- lib.remove_resource(self.remote_admin, self.cache_resource)
- lib.remove_resource(self.remote_admin, self.archive_resource)
- lib.remove_resource(self.remote_admin, self.compound_resource)
- self.remote_admin.__exit__()
- super(test_compound_resource_operations, self).tearDown()
- def assert_permissions_on_data_object_for_user(self, username, zone_name, logical_path, permission_value):
- data_access_type = self.remote_admin.run_icommand(['iquest', '%s',
- 'select DATA_ACCESS_TYPE where '
- 'COLL_NAME = \'{}\' and '
- 'DATA_NAME = \'{}\' and '
- 'USER_NAME = \'{}\' and '
- 'USER_ZONE = \'{}\''.format(
- os.path.dirname(logical_path), os.path.basename(logical_path), username, zone_name)
- ])[0].strip()
- self.assertEqual(str(data_access_type), str(permission_value))
- def test_iget_data_object_as_user_with_read_only_access_and_replica_only_in_archive__issue_6697(self):
- cache_hierarchy = self.compound_resource + ';' + self.cache_resource
- archive_hierarchy = self.compound_resource + ';' + self.archive_resource
- owner_user = self.remote_user
- readonly_user = self.user
- filename = 'foo'
- contents = 'jimbo'
- logical_path = os.path.join(owner_user.session_collection, filename)
- try:
- # Create a data object which should appear under the compound resource.
- owner_user.assert_icommand(['istream', '-R', self.compound_resource, 'write', logical_path], input=contents)
- self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.cache_resource))
- self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.archive_resource))
- # Grant read access to another user, ensuring that the other user can see the data object.
- owner_user.assert_icommand(
- ['ichmod', '-r', 'read', readonly_user.qualified_username, os.path.dirname(logical_path)])
- # Ensure that the read-only user has read-only permission on the data object.
- self.assert_permissions_on_data_object_for_user(
- readonly_user.username, readonly_user.zone_name, logical_path, 1050)
- # Trim the replica on the cache resource so that only the replica in the archive remains. Replica 0 resides
- # on the cache resource at this point.
- owner_user.assert_icommand(['itrim', '-N1', '-n0', logical_path], 'STDOUT')
- self.assertFalse(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.cache_resource))
- self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.archive_resource))
- # As the user with read-only access, attempt to get the data object. Replica 1 resides on the archive
- # resource, so the replica on the cache resource which results from the stage-to-cache should be number 2.
- readonly_user.assert_icommand(['iget', logical_path, '-'], 'STDOUT', contents)
- self.assertEqual(str(1), lib.get_replica_status(owner_user, os.path.basename(logical_path), 1))
- self.assertEqual(str(1), lib.get_replica_status(owner_user, os.path.basename(logical_path), 2))
- # Ensure that the user has the same permissions on the data object as before getting it.
- self.assert_permissions_on_data_object_for_user(
- readonly_user.username, readonly_user.zone_name, logical_path, 1050)
- finally:
- self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(['ils', '-Al', logical_path], 'STDOUT') # Debugging
- # Make sure that the data object can be removed by marking both replicas stale before removing.
- self.remote_admin.run_icommand(['ichmod', '-M', 'own', self.remote_admin.username, logical_path])
- self.remote_admin.run_icommand(
- ['iadmin', 'modrepl', 'logical_path', logical_path, 'resource_hierarchy', cache_hierarchy, 'DATA_REPL_STATUS', '0'])
- self.remote_admin.run_icommand(
- ['iadmin', 'modrepl', 'logical_path', logical_path, 'resource_hierarchy', archive_hierarchy, 'DATA_REPL_STATUS', '0'])
- self.remote_admin.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', logical_path])
- def test_iget_data_object_as_user_with_null_access_and_replica_only_in_archive__issue_6697(self):
- cache_hierarchy = self.compound_resource + ';' + self.cache_resource
- archive_hierarchy = self.compound_resource + ';' + self.archive_resource
- owner_user = self.remote_user
- no_access_user = self.user
- filename = 'foo'
- contents = 'jimbo'
- not_found_string = 'CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND: Nothing was found matching your query'
- logical_path = os.path.join(owner_user.session_collection, filename)
- try:
- # Create a data object which should appear under the compound resource.
- owner_user.assert_icommand(['istream', '-R', self.compound_resource, 'write', logical_path], input=contents)
- self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.cache_resource))
- self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.archive_resource))
- # Ensure that the no-access user has no access permissions on the data object.
- self.assert_permissions_on_data_object_for_user(
- no_access_user.username, no_access_user.zone_name, logical_path, not_found_string)
- # Trim the replica on the cache resource so that only the replica in the archive remains. Replica 0 resides
- # on the cache resource at this point.
- owner_user.assert_icommand(['itrim', '-N1', '-n0', logical_path], 'STDOUT')
- self.assertFalse(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.cache_resource))
- self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.archive_resource))
- # As the user with no access, attempt to get the data object. This should fail, and stage-to-cache should
- # not occur. Confirm that no replica exists on the cache resource.
- no_access_user.assert_icommand(
- ['iget', logical_path, '-'], 'STDERR', '{} does not exist'.format(logical_path))
- self.assertFalse(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.cache_resource))
- self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.archive_resource))
- # Ensure that the no-access user still has no access permissions on the data object.
- self.assert_permissions_on_data_object_for_user(
- no_access_user.username, no_access_user.zone_name, logical_path, not_found_string)
- finally:
- self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(['ils', '-Al', logical_path], 'STDOUT') # Debugging
- # Make sure that the data object can be removed by marking both replicas stale before removing.
- self.remote_admin.run_icommand(['ichmod', '-M', 'own', self.remote_admin.username, logical_path])
- self.remote_admin.run_icommand(
- ['iadmin', 'modrepl', 'logical_path', logical_path, 'resource_hierarchy', cache_hierarchy, 'DATA_REPL_STATUS', '0'])
- self.remote_admin.run_icommand(
- ['iadmin', 'modrepl', 'logical_path', logical_path, 'resource_hierarchy', archive_hierarchy, 'DATA_REPL_STATUS', '0'])
- self.remote_admin.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', logical_path])
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(test_compound_resource_operations, self).setUp()
+ # load federation settings in dictionary (all lower case)
+ self.config = {}
+ for key, val in test.settings.FEDERATION.__dict__.items():
+ if not key.startswith('__'):
+ self.config[key.lower()] = val
+ self.config['local_zone'] = self.user_sessions[0].zone_name
+ self.admin = self.admin_sessions[0]
+ self.user = self.user_sessions[0]
+ # Create a session as the administrator for the remote zone so we can create resources in the remote zone.
+ self.remote_admin = session.make_session_for_existing_user(
+ # Create a regular user local to the remote zone in the remote zone and create a session for it.
+ self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'mkuser', 'smeagol', 'rodsuser'])
+ self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'moduser', 'smeagol', 'password', 'spass'])
+ self.remote_user = session.IrodsSession(
+ lib.make_environment_dict(
+ 'smeagol',
+ use_ssl=test.settings.USE_SSL
+ ),
+ 'spass',
+ manage_irods_data=True)
+ # Create a compound resource hierarchy in the remote zone.
+ self.compound_resource = 'compResc'
+ self.cache_resource = 'cacheResc'
+ self.archive_resource = 'archiveResc'
+ self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'mkresc', self.compound_resource, 'compound'], 'STDOUT')
+ lib.create_ufs_resource(self.remote_admin, self.cache_resource, hostname=test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_HOST)
+ lib.create_ufs_resource(self.remote_admin, self.archive_resource, hostname=test.settings.FEDERATION.REMOTE_HOST)
+ self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(
+ ['iadmin', 'addchildtoresc', self.compound_resource, self.cache_resource, 'cache'])
+ self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(
+ ['iadmin', 'addchildtoresc', self.compound_resource, self.archive_resource, 'archive'])
+ def tearDown(self):
+ # Exit the remote user session so it can be cleaned it up.
+ self.remote_user.__exit__()
+ self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'rmuser', 'smeagol'])
+ # Clean up the compound resource hierarchy and exit the remote admin session.
+ lib.remove_child_resource(self.remote_admin, self.compound_resource, self.cache_resource)
+ lib.remove_child_resource(self.remote_admin, self.compound_resource, self.archive_resource)
+ lib.remove_resource(self.remote_admin, self.cache_resource)
+ lib.remove_resource(self.remote_admin, self.archive_resource)
+ lib.remove_resource(self.remote_admin, self.compound_resource)
+ self.remote_admin.__exit__()
+ super(test_compound_resource_operations, self).tearDown()
+ def assert_permissions_on_data_object_for_user(self, username, zone_name, logical_path, permission_value):
+ data_access_type = self.remote_admin.run_icommand(['iquest', '%s',
+ 'select DATA_ACCESS_TYPE where '
+ 'COLL_NAME = \'{}\' and '
+ 'DATA_NAME = \'{}\' and '
+ 'USER_NAME = \'{}\' and '
+ 'USER_ZONE = \'{}\''.format(
+ os.path.dirname(logical_path), os.path.basename(logical_path), username, zone_name)
+ ])[0].strip()
+ self.assertEqual(str(data_access_type), str(permission_value))
+ def test_iget_data_object_as_user_with_read_only_access_and_replica_only_in_archive__issue_6697(self):
+ cache_hierarchy = self.compound_resource + ';' + self.cache_resource
+ archive_hierarchy = self.compound_resource + ';' + self.archive_resource
+ owner_user = self.remote_user
+ readonly_user = self.user
+ filename = 'foo'
+ contents = 'jimbo'
+ logical_path = os.path.join(owner_user.session_collection, filename)
+ try:
+ # Create a data object which should appear under the compound resource.
+ owner_user.assert_icommand(['istream', '-R', self.compound_resource, 'write', logical_path], input=contents)
+ self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.cache_resource))
+ self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.archive_resource))
+ # Grant read access to another user, ensuring that the other user can see the data object.
+ owner_user.assert_icommand(
+ ['ichmod', '-r', 'read', readonly_user.qualified_username, os.path.dirname(logical_path)])
+ # Ensure that the read-only user has read-only permission on the data object.
+ self.assert_permissions_on_data_object_for_user(
+ readonly_user.username, readonly_user.zone_name, logical_path, 1050)
+ # Trim the replica on the cache resource so that only the replica in the archive remains. Replica 0 resides
+ # on the cache resource at this point.
+ owner_user.assert_icommand(['itrim', '-N1', '-n0', logical_path], 'STDOUT')
+ self.assertFalse(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.cache_resource))
+ self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.archive_resource))
+ # As the user with read-only access, attempt to get the data object. Replica 1 resides on the archive
+ # resource, so the replica on the cache resource which results from the stage-to-cache should be number 2.
+ readonly_user.assert_icommand(['iget', logical_path, '-'], 'STDOUT', contents)
+ self.assertEqual(str(1), lib.get_replica_status(owner_user, os.path.basename(logical_path), 1))
+ self.assertEqual(str(1), lib.get_replica_status(owner_user, os.path.basename(logical_path), 2))
+ # Ensure that the user has the same permissions on the data object as before getting it.
+ self.assert_permissions_on_data_object_for_user(
+ readonly_user.username, readonly_user.zone_name, logical_path, 1050)
+ finally:
+ self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(['ils', '-Al', logical_path], 'STDOUT') # Debugging
+ # Make sure that the data object can be removed by marking both replicas stale before removing.
+ self.remote_admin.run_icommand(['ichmod', '-M', 'own', self.remote_admin.username, logical_path])
+ self.remote_admin.run_icommand(
+ ['iadmin', 'modrepl', 'logical_path', logical_path, 'resource_hierarchy', cache_hierarchy, 'DATA_REPL_STATUS', '0'])
+ self.remote_admin.run_icommand(
+ ['iadmin', 'modrepl', 'logical_path', logical_path, 'resource_hierarchy', archive_hierarchy, 'DATA_REPL_STATUS', '0'])
+ self.remote_admin.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', logical_path])
+ def test_iget_data_object_as_user_with_null_access_and_replica_only_in_archive__issue_6697(self):
+ cache_hierarchy = self.compound_resource + ';' + self.cache_resource
+ archive_hierarchy = self.compound_resource + ';' + self.archive_resource
+ owner_user = self.remote_user
+ no_access_user = self.user
+ filename = 'foo'
+ contents = 'jimbo'
+ not_found_string = 'CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND: Nothing was found matching your query'
+ logical_path = os.path.join(owner_user.session_collection, filename)
+ try:
+ # Create a data object which should appear under the compound resource.
+ owner_user.assert_icommand(['istream', '-R', self.compound_resource, 'write', logical_path], input=contents)
+ self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.cache_resource))
+ self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.archive_resource))
+ # Ensure that the no-access user has no access permissions on the data object.
+ self.assert_permissions_on_data_object_for_user(
+ no_access_user.username, no_access_user.zone_name, logical_path, not_found_string)
+ # Trim the replica on the cache resource so that only the replica in the archive remains. Replica 0 resides
+ # on the cache resource at this point.
+ owner_user.assert_icommand(['itrim', '-N1', '-n0', logical_path], 'STDOUT')
+ self.assertFalse(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.cache_resource))
+ self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.archive_resource))
+ # As the user with no access, attempt to get the data object. This should fail, and stage-to-cache should
+ # not occur. Confirm that no replica exists on the cache resource.
+ no_access_user.assert_icommand(
+ ['iget', logical_path, '-'], 'STDERR', '{} does not exist'.format(logical_path))
+ self.assertFalse(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.cache_resource))
+ self.assertTrue(lib.replica_exists_on_resource(owner_user, logical_path, self.archive_resource))
+ # Ensure that the no-access user still has no access permissions on the data object.
+ self.assert_permissions_on_data_object_for_user(
+ no_access_user.username, no_access_user.zone_name, logical_path, not_found_string)
+ finally:
+ self.remote_admin.assert_icommand(['ils', '-Al', logical_path], 'STDOUT') # Debugging
+ # Make sure that the data object can be removed by marking both replicas stale before removing.
+ self.remote_admin.run_icommand(['ichmod', '-M', 'own', self.remote_admin.username, logical_path])
+ self.remote_admin.run_icommand(
+ ['iadmin', 'modrepl', 'logical_path', logical_path, 'resource_hierarchy', cache_hierarchy, 'DATA_REPL_STATUS', '0'])
+ self.remote_admin.run_icommand(
+ ['iadmin', 'modrepl', 'logical_path', logical_path, 'resource_hierarchy', archive_hierarchy, 'DATA_REPL_STATUS', '0'])
+ self.remote_admin.run_icommand(['irm', '-f', logical_path])