From 15cb027922bf8e873fd2a6953db868b1abad8e9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kory Draughn Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 09:47:24 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] [irods/irods_rule_engine_plugin_python 182] Add genquery2 tests for genquery python module. --- .../irods/test/ | 92 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+) diff --git a/scripts/irods/test/ b/scripts/irods/test/ index a9a645d493..f2e6178aa9 100644 --- a/scripts/irods/test/ +++ b/scripts/irods/test/ @@ -832,3 +832,95 @@ def tearDown(self): super(Test_Genquery_Iterator, self).tearDown() + # TODO Replace issue_NNNN with real issue number. + @unittest.skipUnless(plugin_name == 'irods_rule_engine_plugin-python', 'Requires PREP.') + def test_genquery_constructor_raises_exception_on_invalid_parser_argument__issue_NNNN(self): + with temporary_core_file() as core: + attr_name = 'issue_NNNN_genquery2_error' + + # The following rule triggers and attaches the exception message generated + # by the invalid parser argument to the Query constructor. + core.add_rule(dedent(f''' + def pep_api_touch_pre(rule_args, callback, rei): + try: + import genquery + gq = genquery.Query(callback, 'COLL_NAME', parser=None) + except ValueError as e: + callback.msiModAVUMetadata('-C', '{self.admin.session_collection}', 'add', '{attr_name}', str(e), '') + ''')) + + # Trigger the PEP. + # This will cause the rule to add an AVU to the session collection. + self.admin.assert_icommand(['itouch', 'issue_NNNN'], 'STDERR') + + # Show the AVU containing the error exists on the session collection. + expected_output = [ + f'attribute: {attr_name}\n', + 'value: Invalid value for [parser]. Expected Parser.GENQUERY1 or Parser.GENQUERY2.\n' + ] + self.admin.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'ls', '-C', self.admin.session_collection], 'STDOUT', expected_output) + + # TODO Replace issue_NNNN with real issue number. + @unittest.skipUnless(plugin_name == 'irods_rule_engine_plugin-python', 'Requires PREP.') + def test_genquery_iterator_supports_genquery2__issue_NNNN(self): + rule_file = f'{self.admin.local_session_dir}/issue_NNNN.r' + + with open(rule_file, 'w') as rf: + rf.write(dedent(f''' + def main(rule_args, callback, rei): + from genquery import Query, Parser + for r in Query(callback, 'COLL_NAME', "COLL_NAME = '{self.admin.session_collection}'", parser=Parser.GENQUERY2): + callback.writeLine('stdout', f'row: {{r}}') + INPUT null + OUTPUT ruleExecOut + ''')) + + # Execute the rule. + rep_instance = IrodsConfig().default_rule_engine_plugin + '-instance' + expected_output = [f"row: ['{self.admin.session_collection}']"] + self.admin.assert_icommand(['irule', '-r', rep_instance, '-F', rule_file], 'STDOUT', expected_output) + + # TODO Replace issue_NNNN with real issue number. + @unittest.skipUnless(plugin_name == 'irods_rule_engine_plugin-python', 'Requires PREP.') + def test_genquery_iterator_supports_genquery2_offset_and_limit__issue_NNNN(self): + # Create some data objects. + data_name_prefix = 'issue_NNNN' + for i in range(10): + self.admin.assert_icommand(['itouch', f'{data_name_prefix}.{i}']) + + # Test offset functionality. + rule_file = f'{self.admin.local_session_dir}/issue_NNNN.r' + with open(rule_file, 'w') as rf: + rf.write(dedent(f''' + def main(rule_args, callback, rei): + from genquery import Query, Parser + rows = [] + for r in Query(callback, 'DATA_NAME', "COLL_NAME = '{self.admin.session_collection}' and DATA_NAME like '{data_name_prefix}.%'", offset=3, parser=Parser.GENQUERY2): + rows.append(r) + callback.writeLine('stdout', f'count: {{len(rows)}}') + INPUT null + OUTPUT ruleExecOut + ''')) + + # Execute the rule. + rep_instance = IrodsConfig().default_rule_engine_plugin + '-instance' + expected_output = ['count: 7'] + self.admin.assert_icommand(['irule', '-r', rep_instance, '-F', rule_file], 'STDOUT', expected_output) + + # Test limit functionality. + with open(rule_file, 'w') as rf: + rf.write(dedent(f''' + def main(rule_args, callback, rei): + from genquery import Query, Parser + rows = [] + for r in Query(callback, 'DATA_NAME', "COLL_NAME = '{self.admin.session_collection}' and DATA_NAME like '{data_name_prefix}.%'", limit=2, parser=Parser.GENQUERY2): + rows.append(r) + callback.writeLine('stdout', f'count: {{len(rows)}}') + INPUT null + OUTPUT ruleExecOut + ''')) + + # Execute the rule. + rep_instance = IrodsConfig().default_rule_engine_plugin + '-instance' + expected_output = ['count: 2'] + self.admin.assert_icommand(['irule', '-r', rep_instance, '-F', rule_file], 'STDOUT', expected_output)