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Start a Hugo Project with Docker in 2 Easy Steps

  1. Run kool create hugo my-project
  2. Run kool run setup

Yes, using kool + Docker to create and work on new PHP projects is that easy!


If you haven't done so already, you first need to install Docker and the kool CLI.

Also, make sure you're running the latest version of kool. Run the following command to compare your local version of kool with the latest release, and, if a newer version is available, automatically download and install it.

$ kool self-update

Please note that it helps to have a basic understanding of how Docker and Docker Compose work to use Kool with Docker.

1. Run kool create hugo my-project

Use the kool create PRESET FOLDER command to create your new Hugo project:

IMPORTANT: if you're on Windows WSL or Linux, you should run sudo kool create hugo my-project as the superuser (via sudo) to avoid permissions issues when creating the project directory and files.

$ kool create hugo my-project

Under the hood, this command will run kool docker klakegg/hugo:ext-alpine new site my-project using the klakegg/hugo Docker image.

Now, move into your new Hugo project:

$ cd my-project

The kool preset command auto-generated the following configuration files and added them to your project, which you can modify and extend.


Now's a good time to review the docker-compose.yml file and verify the services suit the needs of your project.

2. Run kool run quickstart

Say hello to kool.yml, say goodbye to custom shell scripts!

As mentioned above, the kool preset command added a kool.yml file to your project. Think of kool.yml as a super easy-to-use task helper. Instead of writing custom shell scripts, add your own scripts to kool.yml (under the scripts key), and run them with kool run SCRIPT (e.g. kool run hugo). You can add your own single line commands (see hugo below), or add a list of commands that will be executed in sequence (see setup below).

To help get you started, kool.yml comes prebuilt with an initial set of scripts (based on the choices you made earlier using the preset wizard), including a script called setup, which helps you spin up a project for the first time. However, since Hugo requires a few extra steps to create a Hello World site, we've added a special quickstart script to make it super easy.

	hugo: kool docker -p 1313:1313 klakegg/hugo:ext-alpine
	dev: kool run hugo server -D

	# remove or modify to suit the needs of your project
		- kool start
		- git init
		- git submodule add themes/ananke
		- echo theme = \"ananke\" >> config.toml
		- kool run hugo new posts/
		- kool run dev

		- kool start
		- kool run dev

Go ahead and run kool run quickstart to start your Docker environment and initialize your Hugo site:

$ kool run quickstart

As you can see in kool.yml, the quickstart script will do the following in sequence: run the kool start command to spin up your Docker environment; call git init to create a Git repository; download the Ananke theme; use an echo command to add the theme to your Hugo config file; add your first post; and then call kool run dev to build your Hugo site.

Once kool run quickstart finishes, you should be able to access your new site at http://localhost and see the "My New Hugo Site" page. Hooray!

Verify your Docker container is running using the kool status command.

$ kool status
| SERVICE | RUNNING | PORTS                        | STATE        |
| app     | Running |>80/tcp, 1313/tcp | Up 2 minutes |
| static  | Running | 80/tcp                       | Up 2 minutes |

Run kool logs app to see the logs from the running app container.

Use kool logs to see the logs from all running containers. Add the -f option after kool logs to follow the logs (i.e. kool logs -f app).

$ kool logs app
Attaching to my-project_app_1
app_1     |   Non-page files   |  0
app_1     |   Static files     |  0
app_1     |   Processed images |  0
app_1     |   Aliases          |  0
app_1     |   Sitemaps         |  1
app_1     |   Cleaned          |  0
app_1     |
app_1     | Built in 1 ms
app_1     | Watching for changes in /app/{archetypes,content,data,layouts,static}
app_1     | Watching for config changes in /app/config.toml
app_1     | Environment: "DEV"
app_1     | Serving pages from memory
app_1     | Running in Fast Render Mode. For full rebuilds on change: hugo server --disableFastRender
app_1     | Web Server is available at http://localhost:80/ (bind address
app_1     | Press Ctrl+C to stop
app_1     |
app_1     | Change of config file detected, rebuilding site.
app_1     | 2021-05-01 20:34:06.306 +0000
app_1     | Rebuilt in 136 ms
app_1     | adding created directory to watchlist /app/content/posts
app_1     |
app_1     | Change detected, rebuilding site.
app_1     | 2021-05-01 20:34:07.305 +0000
app_1     | Source changed "/app/content/posts/": CREATE
app_1     | Total in 26 ms

Run Commands in Docker Containers

Use kool exec to execute a command inside a running service container:

# kool exec [OPTIONS] SERVICE COMMAND [--] [ARG...]

$ kool exec app ls

Try kool run hugo version to execute the kool exec app hugo version command in your running app container and verify your installation.

Open Sessions in Docker Containers

Similar to SSH, if you want to open a Bash session in your app container, run kool exec app sh, where app is the name of the service container in docker-compose.yml.

$ kool exec app sh
/app #

Access Private Repos and Packages in Docker Containers

If you need your app container to use your local SSH keys to pull private repositories and/or install private packages (which have been added as dependencies in your package.json file), you can simply add $HOME/.ssh:/home/kool/.ssh:delegated under the volumes key of the app service in your docker-compose.yml file. This maps a .ssh folder in the container to the .ssh folder on your host machine.

  - .:/app:delegated
+ - $HOME/.ssh:/home/kool/.ssh:delegated

Staying kool

When it's time to stop working on the project:

$ kool stop

And when you're ready to start work again:

$ kool start

Additional Presets

We have more presets to help you start projects with kool in a standardized way across different frameworks.

Missing a preset? Make a request, or contribute by opening a Pull Request. Go to and browse the code to learn more about how presets work.