diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3d3e6bf..35948df 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -22,5 +22,32 @@ directory.
Anzol is built alongside automated tests to ensure quality.
## Currently Available Hooks
-- useFetch: fetch data without showing stale responses and write easy to understand code that communicates intention
-- useDefer: delay the update of a value until that value has stopped changing for a chosen amount of time
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+- useFetch: Fetches data without showing stale responses and allows writing easy-to-understand code that
+- communicates intention.
+- useDefer: Delays the update of a value until that value has stopped changing for a chosen amount of time.
+## Installation
+Anzol is available on the NPM registry. To install it, just run:
+npm install anzol
+## Planned features
+These features are not yet implement but we plan to do so in the foreseeable future. Feel free to make your own
+- useFirstRender: Returns true on the first render and false otherwise.
+- useClickOutside: Takes a reference to an HTML element and a callback function, and calls that function when the
+- user clicks anywhere outside the given element.
+- useLocalStorage: Provides access to local storage, with the additional option to update all usages of this hook
+- when local storage changes.
+- useEvent: Encapsulates the code needed to correctly listen to events in React, including event listener
+- cleanup.
+- useInView: Takes a reference to an HTML element and returns whether that element's bounding client rectangle is
+- currently in view. You can choose if this hook tests for an element being completely or only partially in view.
+- usePreferredScheme: Listens for changes in the user's preferred scheme and returns it.
+- useDarkMode: Similar to usePreferredScheme but allows setting the user scheme manually and automatically
+- updates it when the preferred scheme changes. Uses local storage to save the chosen scheme across reloads.
+- useLazyLoad: Takes a batch size and a max element count, and provides a function to add elements. Allows you to
+- pass in a callback function to transform elements. The hook keeps track of the elements and returns a transformed list
+- of all elements, as well as a flag indicating whether the end of content was reached. This flag will be set to true
+- when the given max element count is reached or an added batch is shorter than the batch size.
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