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Ukrainian Cafe

View the live project here.

The Ukrainian Cafe website is made for a cafe. This website shows today's specials, menu, contact information, and opening hours. Potential customers can register and book a table online using a form on the "Booking" page of the website. Registered users can view, edit and delete their bookings. Site user administrators have access to all bookings and all create, edit and delete functionalities. Administrators are also able to update today's specials list by adding new items, updating or deleting existing ones.

The website is designed to be responsive on a range of devices.

Am I responsive screenshot

Table of contents

  1. UX
  2. Agile Development
  3. Features
  4. Future Features
  5. Technology used
  6. Testing
  7. Bugs
  8. Deployment
  9. Credits
  10. Acknowledgements

User Experience (UX)

User Experience Design (UXD)


Ukrainian Cafe is a website for a fictional cafe. The main goal of the website is to allow users to book a table online, to see menu and today's specials, also to get contact information and opening hours.


When I came up with the idea to create a website for a ukrainian cafe, I decided to make a simple intuitive landing page. I wanted to make it look modern, so I used modern ukrainian food photos. The colors are warm, buttons and logo are yellow to give a feeling of coziness.

I used a standard Bootstrap theme with all the components and styling. Montserrat and Roboto are the main fonts used.

Site User

  • Someone who is originally ukrainian wants to visit a place with ukrainian food.
  • Someone looking for a new experience, wanting to try new dishes.
  • Someone who prefers to make online booking rather than making a phone call.

Goals for the website

  • To allow customers to get acquainted with the menu.
  • To allow customers to see relevant information on today's specials.
  • To allow customers to make online bookings, to view, update, and delete them if necessary.
  • To allow cafe administrators to view all bookings, update and delete them if necessary.
  • To allow cafe administrators to update today's specials list.



index.html wireframe


login.html wireframe


add_booking.html wireframe


view_booking.html wireframe

Agile Development

Agile Overview

This project was started in a GitHub Projects Page to plan, track and manage the tasks to implement User Stories. The goal was to set out my expected workload, list the epics and then break them down into user stories or bite sized tasks to work towards and ultimately finish the site in good time.

To see Kanban please click here.

At the initial stage of the project I decided on ten core requirements the app should have and five others which are good to have but not important.

Using these requirements I added user stories, acceptance criteria and the tasks to track development process.

Once I completed a task I would check the box. When all of the tasks were completed and acceptance criteria were met, I would move the user story from In Progress to Done.

User Stories

Completed User Stories

Click on a user story to see the details.

  1. USER STORY: Deploy a project
  2. USER STORY: Admin panel
  3. USER STORY: Create menu
  4. USER STORY: User registration and login
  5. USER STORY: Booking a table
  6. USER STORY: Edit booking
  7. USER STORY: Cancel booking
  8. USER STORY: Check bookings
  9. USER STORY: Update today's specials
  10. USER STORY: Edit or delete today's specials

Future features user stories

  1. USER STORY: Create menu items
  2. USER STORY: Update or delete menu items
  3. USER STORY: Order meals
  4. USER STORY: Photos of each dish
  5. USER STORY: Confirm booking

Database Schema

Booking Model
id Field
user FK
first_name CharField
last_name CharField
phone CharField
email EmailField
booking_date DateField
time TimeField
guests IntegerField
Today's Specials Model
id Model
title CharField
slug SlugField
description TextField
image CloudinaryField
today CharField


User based Features Implemented

  • Users can register on a website
  • Users can log into their account
  • Users can log out of their account
  • Users can book a table through the booking form (Create)
  • Users can view their bookings (Read)
  • Users can edit their bookings (Update)
  • Users can delete their bookings (Delete)

User Restrictions

  • Users cannot access the booking form until they sign up or login
  • Users cannot see other users bookings
  • Users cannot access today's specials page with the list of dishes and make changes there.

Business owner based Features implemented

  • Business owner can make bookings through the booking form (Create)
  • Business owner can view all bookings (Read)
  • Business owner can edit all bookings (Update)
  • Business ownern can delete all bookings (Delete)
  • Business owner can add new items to Today's Specials using the form (Create)
  • Business owner can view the list of all Today's Specials items (Read)
  • Business owner can update any item from Today's Specials list (Update)
  • Business ownern can delete Today's Specials items (Delete)

Website Features


The application is responsive on all device sizes, thanks to the Boostrap theme. In mobile view there is a collapsible menu icon. All images, text labels, forms get appropriately resized. There is an exception, however: when bookings are displayed in the database table in the view_booking.html, on mobile phone screens in portrait mode there is not enough room for all columns to be shown. However, Bootstrap adds a slide bar so that user can slide the page content from left to right.

Today's Specials

  • The home page displays three Today's Specials items that can be updated by business owner.

Booking system

  • Once a user has registered they can make a booking using booking form.
  • Users can view, edit and delete their bookings.
  • Business owner can see all bookings and make changes to them.

Home Page


navbar screenshot

  • The navigation is located at the top of the page. It shows the cafe name in the left corner: UKRAINIAN CAFE that links to home page.
  • The navigation is in an appealing bright yellow color that contrasts with the background and clearly shows the name of the cafe.
  • The other navigation links are to the right: Today's Specials, Menu, Contact Us, Booking, Login which link to different sections and pages of the website.

The hero image section

  • The hero image section displays a photo of one of the drinks from cafe menu.
  • The image also contains welcoming words.
  • The big yellow button calls to action "Book a table".
  • After clicking the button, unregistered users are being redirected to sign in page where they can either sign up or login.

hero image screenshot

Today's Specials

today's specials screenshot

  • The Today's Specials section contains relevant information about specials for a certain day.
  • It displays three dishes, their titles, descriptions and pictures.
  • This section is being updated by business owner.


first menu screenshot second menu screenshot

  • Menu contains six sections: Appetizers, Soups, Main Dishes, Desserts, Drinks (Alcohol), Drinks (Non-Alcohol).

third menu screenshot

  • Each section is clickable and contains more detailed menu.

menu details screenshot

Contact Us

  • Contact Us section displays information about opening hours, address, phone number, and email.

contact screenshot


  • Just below Contact section customers can see another "Book a Table" button. That is very convenient. Users don't have to scroll back to the top.

footer screenshot

Login Page

sign in page screenshot

  • Login page is very simple and functional.
  • It gives opportunity to sign in or to go to sign up page if a user is not registered yet.
  • After filling out username and password, user is being redirected to Home page.
  • When logged in, users can see their bookings, make changes to them.

Booking Page

booking form screenshot

  • When logged in users click "Book a Table" button, they are being redirected to Booking page where they can see the Booking form.
  • Booking form contains fields: First name, Last name, Phone, Email, Booking date, Time, Guests.
  • After filling out the form and clicking "Book" button, booking is made.

My Bookings

  • Logged in users can view their bookings and make changes: edit or delete.
  • Business owner can see all bookings and make changes to them.

view bookings screenshot

Today's Specials page (access for business owner only)

today's specails table screenshot

  • Only Business owner has access to this page.
  • It contains a table with the items added by business owner.
  • Each item can be edited or deleted.
  • By typing "yes" in today's section, an item is being displayed for site users on home page.
  • By clicking "Add Specials" button business owner is being redirected to the add specials page with the corresponding form.

Add Today's Specials form (access for business owner only)

add today's specials form screenshot

  • Only Business owner has access to this page.
  • It contains form with the following fields: Title, Description, Image, Today.
  • By typing "yes" in today's section, an item is being displayed for site users on home page.
  • After clicking "Add" button, an item is added to the Today's Specials table.

Future features

  • Business owner can confirm or decline bookings to manage number of guests.
  • More detailed menu. Each dish with description, price and image.
  • Business owner can add, edit, or delete menu items.
  • Customers can oder main dishes in advance, right after their booking was confirmed to reduce waiting time. For example, business lunch.
  • Improve responsiveness of tables on medium and small screens.
  • Users can sign up with social media.

Technology used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Python
  • JavaScript used for timeout function for messages and popup items in menu.
  • Django was used to set up the structure, functionalities, data model and database of the website.
  • Font Awesome was used for social network links in footer
  • Bootstrap5 was used to assist with the responsiveness and styling of the website.
  • Jinja Templating with Django used to render logic within html documents and make the website more dynamic.
  • GitHub is used to store the projects code after being pushed from Git.
  • Heroku used to host and deploy this project.
  • ElephantSQL was used as the database for this project during development and in production.
  • Cloudinary was used to host images.
  • Git was used for version control by utilizing the Gitpod terminal to commit to Git and Push to GitHub.
  • Miro was used to create wireframes.


  • Validation CSS, HTML, Python and Google Lighthouse results

  • User Stories Testing and Features Testing can be found here


  1. When I upload an image in "Add Specials" form, the image won't show up.

Solution: I had to retrieve request.FILES in the view:

form = SpecialsForm(request.POST, request.FILES)

and add the following enctype to the form in html file:

<form method="POST" name="form" enctype="multipart/form-data"></form>
  1. Booking form not rendering in html.

I found solution on

It says: "inside in the main app add INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'crispy_forms', 'crispy_bootstrap4', ... ] and CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK = 'bootstrap4'."

I applied that tip. The booking form is now displayed on add_booking.html.



  1. The project was created in Github first and then transferred to the Gitpod development environment by the use of the green Gitpod button.

  2. In the Gitpod environment a skeleton django project was created (project, app and relating files).

To deploy the project through Heroku I followed these steps:

  • Sign up / Log in to Heroku
  • From the main Heroku Dashboard page select 'New' and then 'Create New App'.
  • Give a name to the new project. The name must be unique.
  • Create a database. Log in to ElephantSQL.
  • Click "Create New Instance"
  • Set up your plan. Give it a name (it can be the name of hte project)
  • Select Region. Select a data center near you.
  • Click "Review". Click "Create instance"
  • Return to the ElephantSQL dashboard and click on the database instance name for this project.
  • In the URL section, click the copy icon to copy the database URL.
  • In your project workspace, create a file called
  • Check if file is included in the .gitignore file too.
  • Within this file import the os library and set the environment variable for the DATABASE_URL pasting in the address copied from ElephantSQL.
  • The line should appear as os.environ["DATABASE_URL"]= "Paste the link in here".
  • Generate a secret key on the Django Secret Key Generator.
  • Add a secret key to the app using os.environ["SECRET_KEY"] = "your secret key goes here".
  • Add the secret key just created to the Heroku Config Vars as SECRET_KEY for the KEY value and the secret key value you created as the VALUE.
  • In the file within the django app, import Path from pathlib, import os and import dj_database_url.
  • Insert the line if os.path.isfile(""): import env.
  • Remove the insecure secret key that django has in the settings file by default and replace it with SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY').
  • In the file, comment out the present code for databases and add code to use the currently set up django database URL as set in the file and also in the Heroku config vars.
  • The code should appear as: DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL"))} ensure the correct indentation for python is used.
  • In the terminal migrate the models over to the new database connection.
  • Navigate in a browser to Cloudinary, log in, or create an account and log in.
  • From the dashboard - copy the CLOUDINARY_URL to the clipboard.
  • In the file - add os.environ["CLOUDINARY_URL"] = "paste in the Url copied to the clipboard here".
  • In Heroku, add the CLOUDINARY_URL and value copied to the clipboard to the config vars.
  • Also add the KEY - DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC with the Value - 1 to the config vars. This key value pair must be removed prior to final deployment.
  • Add the cloudinary libraries to the list of installed apps, the order they are inserted is important, 'cloudinary_storage' goes above 'django.contrib.staitcfiles' and 'cloudinary' goes below it.
  • In the file - add the STATIC files settings - the url, storage path, directory path, root path, media url and default file storage path.
  • Link the file to the templates directory in Heroku TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates').
  • Change the templates directory to TEMPLATES_DIR - 'DIRS': [TEMPLATES_DIR].
  • Add Heroku to the ALLOWED_HOSTS list the format will be the app name given in Heroku when creating the app followed by
  • In your code editor, create three new top level folders, media, static, templates.
  • Create a new file on the top level directory - Procfile.
  • Within the Procfile add the code - web: guincorn PROJECT_NAME.wsgi.
  • In the terminal, add the changed files, commit and push to GitHub.
  • In Heroku, navigate to the deployment tab and deploy the branch manually - watch the build logs for any errors.
  • Heroku will now build the app for you. Once it has completed the build process you will see a 'Your App Was Successfully Deployed' message and a link to the app to visit the live site.

Forking the repository

By forking the GitHub Repository you can make a copy of the original repository to view or change without it effecting the original repository. You can do this by:

  • Sign up / Log in to GitHub.
  • Locate the repository here.
  • At the top of the repository, on the right side of the page, select "Fork" from the buttons available.
  • A copy of the repository should now be created in your own repository.

Create a clone of this repository

Creating a clone enables you to make a copy of the repository at that point in time - this lets you run a copy of the project locally.

This can be done by:

  • Navigate to
  • Click on the arrow on the green code button at the top of the list of files.
  • Select the clone by https option and copy the URL it provides to the clipboard.
  • Navigate to your code editor of choice and within the terminal change the directory to the location you want to clone the repository to.
  • Type 'git clone' and paste the https link you copied from github.
  • Press enter and git will clone the repository to your local machine.



Photos: all images are taken from

  • Header image: Spotykach. Liqueur made of berries or fruits - photo: - /

  • Traditional Ukrainian borscht - photo: Yevhen Kudriavtsev /

  • Fried dumplings with onion and bacon top view - photo: nioloxs - Depositphotos /

  • Borscht with prunes and porcini mushrooms - photo: - /

  • Ukrainian varenyky with potatoes and onion - photo: Yevhen Kudriavtsev /

  • Lard with spices and herbs on a old wooden table - photo: igorr1 - Depositphotos /

  • Borscht is a beetroot soup that has over 70 recipes. Usually served with garlic fritters called pampushky. It is included on the list of the Ukrainian intangible heritage - photo: Oksana Sybydlo Food Photographer / їzhakultura - Ukrainian Institute /

  • Delicious Chicken Kyiv and mashed potato served on plate on wooden table - photo: AntonMatyukha - Depositphotos /

  • Traditional kvass beer mug with rye bread on wooden table - photo: etorres69 - Depositphotos /

Django Documentation
  • Read through the django documentation multiple times when trying to implement models and other content.
Bootstrap Documentation
  • Used for reference throughout css styles.
  • Bootstrap5 Template: Bootstrap Theme used throughout the project to style pages and make site responsive.
Code Institute
  • Course content for portfolio project 4 helped greatly in being able to complete this project.
  • I found the walkthroughs informative and well paced.
  • Initial structure based heavily on the CI walkthrough until I got more comfortable with the framework and started to make it my own.
Alan Bushell and Renata Lantos

Both Alan Bushell's and Renata Lantos's projects helped me to understand how to implement booking system model and form in my project.

Code for hiding links in navbar was taken from Stackoverflow


Brian O'Hare

My mentor who provided me with constructive feedback and guidance throughout the project.

The tutors at Code institute

To all the tutors in CI, thank you for your help. Special shout outs to Kevin, Sean, Oisin, Alan, and Jason.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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