diff --git a/lib/cron.ts b/lib/cron.ts index d5c4cd0..1757e8a 100644 --- a/lib/cron.ts +++ b/lib/cron.ts @@ -265,18 +265,18 @@ const update = async (timestampNew: number, timestampLastUpdated: number,botaddr const invite_url= isPrivate? '' : `https://t.me/${chatobj?.active_usernames[0]}` if (settings.lang === "en"){ if (fedNotificationChannel) - queue.add(async () => {try{await bot.sendMessage(fedNotificationChannel, `An appeal has been funded in the dispute over the [question](${realityURL}) about [${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}](tg://user?id=${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.userID})'s conduct due to the [message](${msgLink}) ([backup](${data.moderationInfo.messageBackupup})). Juror's voted in the previous round that *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}*'s conduct ${data.currentRuling == 2? 'broke the rules': 'did not break the rules'}. The contribution funded ${data.RulingFunded == data.currentRuling ? 'the previous round winning option': 'a different option that the previous round'}. If you think the funded option is incorrect, you can win some of their deposit by funding the correct side of the [appeal](${disputeURL})`, {parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true})}catch{}}); + queue.add(async () => {try{await bot.sendMessage(fedNotificationChannel, `An appeal has been funded in the dispute over the [question](${realityURL}) about [${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}](tg://user?id=${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.userID})'s conduct due to the [message](${msgLink}) ([backup](${data.moderationInfo.messageBackup})). Juror's voted in the previous round that *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}*'s conduct ${data.currentRuling == 2? 'broke the rules': 'did not break the rules'}. The contribution funded ${data.RulingFunded == data.currentRuling ? 'the previous round winning option': 'a different option that the previous round'}. If you think the funded option is incorrect, you can win some of their deposit by funding the correct side of the [appeal](${disputeURL})`, {parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true})}catch{}}); else - queue.add(async () => {try{await bot.sendMessage(settings.channelID, `An appeal has been funded in the dispute over the [question](${realityURL}) about [${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}](tg://user?id=${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.userID})'s conduct due to the [message](${msgLink}) ([backup](${data.moderationInfo.messageBackupup})). Juror's voted in the previous round that *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}*'s conduct ${data.currentRuling == 2? 'broke the rules': 'did not break the rules'}. The contribution funded ${data.RulingFunded == data.currentRuling ? 'the previous round winning option': 'a different option that the previous round'}. If you think the funded option is incorrect, you can win some of their deposit by funding the correct side of the [appeal](${disputeURL})`, settings.thread_id_notifications? {message_thread_id: Number(settings.thread_id_notifications), parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true}: {parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true})}catch{}}); + queue.add(async () => {try{await bot.sendMessage(settings.channelID, `An appeal has been funded in the dispute over the [question](${realityURL}) about [${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}](tg://user?id=${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.userID})'s conduct due to the [message](${msgLink}) ([backup](${data.moderationInfo.messageBackup})). Juror's voted in the previous round that *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}*'s conduct ${data.currentRuling == 2? 'broke the rules': 'did not break the rules'}. The contribution funded ${data.RulingFunded == data.currentRuling ? 'the previous round winning option': 'a different option that the previous round'}. If you think the funded option is incorrect, you can win some of their deposit by funding the correct side of the [appeal](${disputeURL})`, settings.thread_id_notifications? {message_thread_id: Number(settings.thread_id_notifications), parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true}: {parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true})}catch{}}); if (settings.channelID !== process.env.SUSIE_SUPPORT_EN) - queue.add(async () => {try{await bot.sendMessage(process.env.SUSIE_SUPPORT_EN, `An appeal has been funded in the dispute over the [question](${realityURL}) about *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}*'s conduct due to the [message](${msgLink}) ([backup](${data.moderationInfo.messageBackupup})) in the group ${chatname}[${invite_url}]. Juror's voted in the previous round that *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}*'s conduct ${data.currentRuling == 2? 'broke the rules': 'did not break the rules'}. The contribution funded ${data.RulingFunded == data.currentRuling ? 'the previous round winning option': 'a different option that the previous round'}. If you think the funded option is incorrect, you can win some of their deposit by funding the correct side of the [appeal](${disputeURL})`, {message_thread_id: Number(process.env.JUSTICE_LEAGUE_EN), parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true})}catch{}}); + queue.add(async () => {try{await bot.sendMessage(process.env.SUSIE_SUPPORT_EN, `An appeal has been funded in the dispute over the [question](${realityURL}) about *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}*'s conduct due to the [message](${msgLink}) ([backup](${data.moderationInfo.messageBackup})) in the group ${chatname}[${invite_url}]. Juror's voted in the previous round that *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}*'s conduct ${data.currentRuling == 2? 'broke the rules': 'did not break the rules'}. The contribution funded ${data.RulingFunded == data.currentRuling ? 'the previous round winning option': 'a different option that the previous round'}. If you think the funded option is incorrect, you can win some of their deposit by funding the correct side of the [appeal](${disputeURL})`, {message_thread_id: Number(process.env.JUSTICE_LEAGUE_EN), parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true})}catch{}}); } else { if (fedNotificationChannel) - queue.add(async () => {try{await bot.sendMessage(fedNotificationChannel, `Se ha financiado una apelación en la disputa sobre la [pregunta](${realityURL}) acerca de la conducta de [${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}](tg://user?id=${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.userID})'s debido al [mensaje](${msgLink}) ([backup](${data.moderationInfo.messageBackupup})). El jurado votó en la ronda anterior que la conducta de *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}* ${data.currentRuling == 2? 'infringió las normas': 'no infringió las normas'}. La contribución financió ${data.RulingFunded == data.currentRuling ? 'la opción ganadora de la ronda anterior': 'una opción diferente a la de la ronda anterior'}. Si crees que la opción financiada es incorrecta, puedes ganar parte de su depósito financiando la parte correcta del [apelación](${disputeURL})`, {parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true})}catch{}}); + queue.add(async () => {try{await bot.sendMessage(fedNotificationChannel, `Se ha financiado una apelación en la disputa sobre la [pregunta](${realityURL}) acerca de la conducta de [${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}](tg://user?id=${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.userID})'s debido al [mensaje](${msgLink}) ([backup](${data.moderationInfo.messageBackup})). El jurado votó en la ronda anterior que la conducta de *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}* ${data.currentRuling == 2? 'infringió las normas': 'no infringió las normas'}. La contribución financió ${data.RulingFunded == data.currentRuling ? 'la opción ganadora de la ronda anterior': 'una opción diferente a la de la ronda anterior'}. Si crees que la opción financiada es incorrecta, puedes ganar parte de su depósito financiando la parte correcta del [apelación](${disputeURL})`, {parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true})}catch{}}); else - queue.add(async () => {try{await bot.sendMessage(settings.channelID, `Se ha financiado una apelación en la disputa sobre la [pregunta](${realityURL}) acerca de la conducta de [${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}](tg://user?id=${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.userID})'s debido al [mensaje](${msgLink}) ([backup](${data.moderationInfo.messageBackupup})). El jurado votó en la ronda anterior que la conducta de *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}* ${data.currentRuling == 2? 'infringió las normas': 'no infringió las normas'}. La contribución financió ${data.RulingFunded == data.currentRuling ? 'la opción ganadora de la ronda anterior': 'una opción diferente a la de la ronda anterior'}. Si crees que la opción financiada es incorrecta, puedes ganar parte de su depósito financiando la parte correcta del [apelación](${disputeURL})`, settings.thread_id_notifications? {message_thread_id: Number(settings.thread_id_notifications), parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true}: {parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true})}catch{}}); + queue.add(async () => {try{await bot.sendMessage(settings.channelID, `Se ha financiado una apelación en la disputa sobre la [pregunta](${realityURL}) acerca de la conducta de [${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}](tg://user?id=${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.userID})'s debido al [mensaje](${msgLink}) ([backup](${data.moderationInfo.messageBackup})). El jurado votó en la ronda anterior que la conducta de *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}* ${data.currentRuling == 2? 'infringió las normas': 'no infringió las normas'}. La contribución financió ${data.RulingFunded == data.currentRuling ? 'la opción ganadora de la ronda anterior': 'una opción diferente a la de la ronda anterior'}. Si crees que la opción financiada es incorrecta, puedes ganar parte de su depósito financiando la parte correcta del [apelación](${disputeURL})`, settings.thread_id_notifications? {message_thread_id: Number(settings.thread_id_notifications), parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true}: {parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true})}catch{}}); if (settings.channelID !== process.env.SUSIE_SUPPORT_ES) - queue.add(async () => {try{await bot.sendMessage(process.env.SUSIE_SUPPORT_ES, `Se ha financiado una apelación en la disputa sobre la [pregunta](${realityURL}) acerca de la conducta de *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}* debido al [mensaje](${msgLink}) ([backup](${data.moderationInfo.messageBackupup})) en el grupo ${chatname}[${invite_url}]. El jurado votó en la ronda anterior que la conducta de *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}* ${data.currentRuling == 2? 'infringió las normas': 'no infringió las normas'}. La contribución financió ${data.RulingFunded == data.currentRuling ? 'la opción ganadora de la ronda anterior': 'una opción diferente a la de la ronda anterior'}. Si crees que la opción financiada es incorrecta, puedes ganar parte de su depósito financiando la parte correcta del [apelación](${disputeURL})`, {message_thread_id: Number(process.env.JUSTICE_LEAGUE_ES), parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true})}catch{}}); + queue.add(async () => {try{await bot.sendMessage(process.env.SUSIE_SUPPORT_ES, `Se ha financiado una apelación en la disputa sobre la [pregunta](${realityURL}) acerca de la conducta de *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}* debido al [mensaje](${msgLink}) ([backup](${data.moderationInfo.messageBackup})) en el grupo ${chatname}[${invite_url}]. El jurado votó en la ronda anterior que la conducta de *${data.moderationInfo.UserHistory.user.username}* ${data.currentRuling == 2? 'infringió las normas': 'no infringió las normas'}. La contribución financió ${data.RulingFunded == data.currentRuling ? 'la opción ganadora de la ronda anterior': 'una opción diferente a la de la ronda anterior'}. Si crees que la opción financiada es incorrecta, puedes ganar parte de su depósito financiando la parte correcta del [apelación](${disputeURL})`, {message_thread_id: Number(process.env.JUSTICE_LEAGUE_ES), parse_mode: 'Markdown',disable_web_page_preview: true})}catch{}}); } } catch(e){ console.log(e)