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Duct module.reitit

A Duct module that sets reitit as the application router with ring as a handler. It provides two keys: duct.reitit/router an instance of reitit.ring/router and duct.reitit/handler which is an instance of reitit.ring/ring-handler


To install, add the following to your project :dependencies:

[duct/module.reitit "0.3.1"]



To add this module to your configuration, add the :duct.module/reitit key.

Full configuration demo:

{:duct.module/reitit {}
 :duct.module/logging {:set-root-config? true}
 {:duct.core/project-ns 'foo
  :duct.core/handler-ns 'handler ; default value
  :duct.core/middleware-ns 'middleware ; default value

  :foo/database            [{:author "tami5"}]
  :foo/index-path          "resources/index.html"
  :foo.handler/exceptions  {}

  :duct.logger/timbre      {:set-root-config? true :level :trace}

  :duct.reitit/routes     [["/" :index]
                           ["/author" :get-author]
                           ["/ping" {:get {:handler :ping}}]
                           ["/plus" {:post :plus/with-body
                                     :get 'plus/with-query}]
                           ["/divide" {:get :divide}]]

  ;; Registry to find handlers and local and global middleware
  :duct.reitit/registry  {:index {:path  (ig/ref :foo/index-path)} ;; init foo.handler/index with {:path}
                          :ping  {:message "pong"} ;; init foo.handler/ping with {:message}
                          :plus/with-body {} ;; init
                          :get-author {} ;; init foo.handler/get-author
                          :divide {}} ;; init foo.handler/divide

  :duct.reitit/logging  {:logger (ig/ref :duct/logger)  ;; Logger to be used in reitit module.
                         :exceptions? true
                         :coercions? true ;; true only if coercion is enabled.
                         :pretty? true}

  ;; Whether to use muuntaja for formatting. default true, can be a modified instance of muuntaja.
  :duct.reitit/muuntaja   true

  ;; Keywords to be injected in requests for convenience.
  :duct.reitit/environment  {:db #ig/ref :foo/database}

  ;; Global middleware to be injected. expected registry key only
  :duct.reitit/middleware   []

  ;; Exception handling configuration. Auto-detected for
  :foo.handler/exceptions and :foo.handler.exceptions/main
  :duct.reitit/exception  #ig/ref :foo.handler/exceptions

  ;; Coercion configuration
  :duct.reitit/coercion   {:coercer 'spec ; Coercer to be used
                           :formater nil} ; Function that takes spec validation error map and format it

  ;; Cross-origin configuration, the following defaults in for dev profile
  :duct.reitit/cross-origin {:origin [#".*"] ;; What origin to allow.
                             :methods [:get :post :delete :options]}}}

Configuration Keys


See the reitit syntax for more information. Keywords within the routes are replaced later with matching registry key or a valid symbol. like with plus/with-query function symbol.


A map of handler and middleware keys and their integrant initialization arguments.

Reitit module will take care of injecting it in duct configuration, without requiring the user to define them outside the registry.

<project-ns>.<handler-ns>[.<result key namespace>]/<result key name>


Logger configuration

  • :exceptions?: whether the exception should be logged.
  • :coercions?: whether the coercion errors should be logged.
  • :requests?: whether requests to the server should be logged. Default true in development environment.
  • :logger: the logger would be used for logging.
  • :pretty?: default true in development environment. Make logs easier to read.


Muuntaja for formatting request and responses.

if provided value is boolean true then the default muuntaja instance will be used, otherwise an instance can be set. default true


Keys to be injected to be available in reitit handlers for convenience. Default empty map.


Middleware to be injected in reitit {:data {:middleware []} along with other default configurable ones like :duct.reitit/coercion and :duct.reitit/exception.


coercion configuration, default nil.

  • :coercer: either 'malli 'spec 'schema or a value for custom coercor. default nil
  • :formater custom function to format the return body. default nil


Handlers for exceptions thrown while handling routing. It is basic wrapper around ring-reitit-exception-middleware. It expects a map of exception classes or reitit.ring.middleware.exception keys like wrap or default, and a function that takes [exception request].

It will be auto-detected if the user have the exceptions handler defined in either :project-ns.handler/exceptions or :project-ns.handler.exceptions/main integrant keys.


Cross-origin resource sharing configuration, In development, the origin will always be a wildcard as the example above. valid keys: :headers, :origin, :methods


duct.module/reitit needs the following keys to resolve registry entries or inline symbols:

  • :duct.core/project-ns
  • :duct.core/handler-ns
  • :duct.core/middleware-ns

Defaults handler-ns = handler, middleware-ns = middleware

<project-ns>.<handler-ns>[.<result key namespace>]/<result key name>


Project namespace is foo, the handler namespace is handler and registry key is :index

  • Integrant key :foo.handler/index. If it's an integrant key integrant would be used to initialize it
  • Function symbol foo.handler/index. if it's an existing symbol then the it's value would be used

If the result key was :webiste/index instead, then the Integrant key would be or symbol

  • Integrant key :foo.handler/index
  • Function symbol foo.handler/index

middleware works in similar fashion.


Copyright © 2022 tami5

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.