Releases: kjur/jsrsasign
Releases · kjur/jsrsasign
remove openpgp dependent codes
- LGPL license for openpgpjs was removed.
- asn1hex 1.1.7 to 1.1.8
- ASN1HEX.dump also supports ASN1Object as argument
- asn1x509
- API document update
- pkcs5pkey 1.0.7
- merge @machinewu's pull request for API doc fix
- dsa 2.0.0
- some of my own codes are moved from dsa-modified-1.0.js
to dsa-2.0.0 and old openpgpjs codes are re-writed with
my own codes and all of openpgpjs codes are removed from
- some of my own codes are moved from dsa-modified-1.0.js
- crypto 1.1.10 to 1.1.11
- some static random number generator methods are
added to KJUR.crypto.Util class for new dsa-2.0:
getRandomHexOfNbytes, getRandomBigIntegerOfNbytes,
getRandomHexOfNbits, getRandomBigIntegerOfNbits,
getRandomBigIntegerZeroToMax, getRandomBigIntegerMinToMax
- some static random number generator methods are
- dsa-modified-1.0.js, ext/THIRDPARTY_LICENSE.pgp.txt
- test/qunit-do-*.html
- most of test codes are updated.
add X509v3 IAN/SAN, CSR extension support
- asn1x509 1.0.18 to 1.0.19
- GeneralName and GeneralNames class supports dn and ldapdn parameters
- SubjectAltName and IssuerAltName extension added
- Extension.appendByNameToArray method added
- asn1csr 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
- CertificationRequestInfo.appendExtensionByName method added
- CertificationRequestInfo extensionRequest encoding critical bugfix
- CSRUtil.newCSRPEM "ext" parameter for extensionRequest supported
- sample_node
- datasign and dataverify script added
- base64x
- API document update
- asn1
- API document update
more multi-valued RDN support
- x509 1.1.9 to 1.1.10
- X509 class
- multi-valued RDN support in hex2dn and hex2rdn method.
- optional string index argument added to hex2dn and hex2rdn method.
- hex2attrTypeAndValue static method added
- API document update
- X509 class
- asn1x509 1.0.17 to 1.0.18
- X500Name class
- LDAP(RFC 2253) name support
- setByLdapString method added
- onelineToLDAP static method added
- ldapToOneline static method added
- 'ldapstr& constructor parameter is supported
- more AttributeType name supported in atype2oidList
- OID static class
- oid2atype static method added
- API document update
- X500Name class
- asn1 1.0.11 to 1.0.12
- refactoring in DERObjectIdentifier
- API document update
Multi-valued RDN supported
- asn1x509 1.0.16 to 1.0.17
- multi-valued RDN supported in X500Name and RDN class.
- KJUR.asn1.x509.RDN.parseString() static method added
- API document update
- multi-valued RDN supported in X500Name and RDN class.
- x509 1.1.9 to 1.1.9 (same)
- X509.readCertPEMWithoutRSAInit fix by @lionello . Thanks.
- crypto 1.1.10 to 1.1.10
- API document fix
- sample_node scripts
- dataencrypt, datadecrypt and jwsview added
KJUR.crypto.Cipher added
- RSAKey
- CRITICAL BUGFIX: RSA-PSS and RSA-OAEP not working from jsrsasign 5.0.0
because rstr_sha1 function is missingand. Now it was fixed.
(oaep_pad, oeap_unpad) - API document added.
- CRITICAL BUGFIX: RSA-PSS and RSA-OAEP not working from jsrsasign 5.0.0
- crypto 1.1.9 to 1.1.10
- KJUR.crypto.Cipher class added to encrypt/decrypt data.
Currently only RSA, RSAOAEP supported. Other ciphers like
AES, 3DES will be supported near in the future. - KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest class
- HASHLENGTH, getCanonicalAlgName, getHashLength
- KJUR.crypto.Cipher class added to encrypt/decrypt data.
- asn1x509 1.0.15 to 1.0.16
- AuthorityInfoAccess class added by @lionello 's pull request. Thanks.
- base64x
- fix API document
- npm
- missing exports of some global string converter were fixed
converter between hex and ArrayBuffer added
- base64x 1.1.7 to 1.1.8
- function hextoArrayBuffer and ArrayBuffertohex added
- some API documents added
OCSP response support and more
- OCSP Response support
- asn1hex 1.1.6 to 1.1.7
- refactoring for static methods
- encapsulated BitString support
- more API documents
- asn1ocsp 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
- OCSPUtil.getOCSPResponseInfo added
- merge RegExp fix pull request from @huokko.
Thank you @huokko.
(asn1x509, crypto, jws, keyutil, pkcs5pkey)
Encapsulated ASN.1 supported in DEROctetString and DERBitString.
- asn1 1.0.10 to 1.0.11
- encapsulated ASN.1 structure supported
in DEROctetString and DERBitString. - API document update
- encapsulated ASN.1 structure supported
- tool_asn1encoder.html added
Start to add OCSP protocol support
- asn1ocsp 1.0.0
- now start to add OCSP protocol support
- OCSP request ASN.1 classes are added
- fix API document in x509 and asn1
- test/qunit-do-{asn1,asn1ocsp}.html added or updated
old jsrsasign.js is used in npm package. now fixed
- old jsrsasign.js is used in npm package. now fixed.